Anti-gay marriage campaigner David van Gend claims that he has been censored by a printing house that has refused to print his book Stealing from a Child: the Injustice of Marriage Equality. The book was to be published by niche right-wing publisher Connor Court, but Catholic Weekly reports that McPherson’s printers wouldn’t be printing the book because of its subject matter:

“This is the first time that a publisher has refused a book on ideological grounds.

“‘This was a shock, because you don’t expect a printing firm to act as a political censor for the gay lobby,’ said Dr David, Brisbane-based GP and president of the Australian Marriage Forum.

“‘The printing company, OpusGroup, has had my book with them for two weeks — why did they wait until the day before the launch to pull the plug?’ asked Dr David.

“If the plan was to suppress the book, it has been a failure, as ‘the heavy early demand for books’ meant that thousands have already been printed digitally at a different company.”

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