Detention is a failure

Meredith Williams writes: Re. Audit slams govt’s ‘risky and inefficient’ handling of detention centres” (Friday). “Notwithstanding the undoubtedly challenging … ” blah, blah, blah. Get real! This whole stuff-up human tragedy is entirely of the government’s making. The Department of Immigration and Torture’s own assessment lists many of the logistical problems (and we could add numerous humanitarian, moral and legal factors) that make its concentration camps on Manus and Nauru such a total failure, shambles and disgrace. It was political choice, not necessity, that got this started. There were other, better, and more responsible, options available. So no use crying: We did our best under pressure in extremely difficult circumstances. That just doesn’t cut it.

Sacre bleu! Nous sommes desoles!

Nic Maclellan writes: Re. “Right-wing France will beat the crepe out of leftists come polling day” (Friday). In your story on this year’s French elections, the photo labelled “Francois Fillon” is not in fact Fillon! Your photo editor may wish to make a quick check on Google images, which shows that the Thatcher of the French Right has a lot more hair! (Editorial note: thanks Nic, this has now been corrected.)