In February last year, we reflected on a rotten year for the Australian public service, the reputation of which had been badly damaged by a series of scandals and bungles, especially in Immigration — actively engaged in attempts to cover up the rape and assault of asylum seekers in its care — but also in other agencies, including Treasury. Would things improve under Malcolm Turnbull, who unlike his predecessor has a good understanding of the importance of a quality public service and whose first act was to bring back the excellent Martin Parkinson, whose services Tony Abbott so foolishly dispensed with?
A year on, the answer is clear: things have gotten worse.
While the Centrelink fake debt debacle has occupied media attention in recent weeks, it’s worth keeping in mind that it is only the latest major public service disaster of recent months.
It is clear, for example, that the Immigration Department has overseen the wastage of tens, and possibly hundreds, of millions of dollars through poor contracting processes at both the tendering and management stages of its implementation of offshore processing — money that has accrued primarily to the benefit of Transfield. The mismanagement of detention contracts by Immigration — which is now in its third decade of administering detention services — is the subject of two of the most scathing Australian National Audit Office reports of recent years, and covers a period from 2012 through to the end of 2016, under two governments and four ministers, with the most egregious failures occurring in the last two years.
The Industry Department was also the subject of a scathing audit that showed extraordinary ineptitude in its administration of the North West Shelf royalty revenue, possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in unjustified tax offsets by industry.
The census debacle — for which Australian Bureau of Statistics heads, promised by the Prime Minister to roll, remain firmly affixed — was only one of a number of recent, serious IT stuff-ups by the public service: the Australian Tax Office suffered a massive and damaging IT outage in December that lasted nearly a month and then another significant outage more recently, which it professed to not understand the cause of; the Department of Health — which has overseen a decade-long debacle over e-health records — was embarrassed last year when it released Medicare information that could be re-identified.
The government has in effect now sacked the Department of Finance from overseeing politicians’ entitlements, promising a new, independent body to vet them, in the wake of the resignation of Sussan Ley, who acted in accordance with Finance advice on her travel entitlements but still wound up out of a job. In effect, the Prime Minister has admitted that a government department was not sufficiently independent to offer ministers reliable advice about the use of travel entitlements. Given that the stewardship of Jane “kids overboard” Halton — who pre-emptively defended Bronwyn Bishop before being asked to investigate her travel rorts — has only recently ended at Finance, it’s perhaps not surprising.
[Dutton dressed as spam: how Immigration tries to hoodwink us on refugees]
Nor is Finance the only central agency that has prompted questions about its reliability. Treasury was recently embarrassed when it was found to have wasted $16,000 on a paper from a far-right academic that was recycled from a study Treasury itself had demolished in 2014. Understandably, Treasury, under Abbott appointee John Fraser, has effectively been sidelined from economic leadership under Malcolm Turnbull. Indeed, economic leadership is now to be found not in Canberra but in Martin Place in Sydney, at the Reserve Bank, given the absence of a serious economic agenda from the Turnbull government and the dearth of quality thinking under Fraser at Treasury.
What’s happening? Virtually none of these problems, apart from the Centrelink disaster, have been the result of ministerial ineptitude or poor political judgement. The cluster of IT-related problems reflects a couple of long-standing problems: long-run underinvestment in IT (Veterans’ Affairs, for example, has been waiting several years to undertake an IT overhaul that will cost hundreds of millions; ABS required a quarter of a billion dollars for a critical IT upgrade in order to undertake the 2016 census — and still stuffed it up). Worse is the continuing learned helplessness of the public service on IT matters. In both the census and ATO debacles, service providers were at fault, and while the ATO investigation continues, we know that ABS shares a significant part of the blame for IBM’s failure given its inability or unwillingness to properly interrogate IBM’s proposed back-up plans.
That theme continues into Immigration’s remarkable failures to manage offshore processing contracts, where Transfield was given virtual free rein in a number of areas relating to performance monitoring and billing. The conclusion is, as the APS has become ever more dependent on contractors, its capacity to effectively manage those contractors has diminished, leaving some of the world’s and Australia’s largest companies to their own devices in important and, often, extremely expensive, contracts.
[Let them eat Centrelink debt notices]
But another problem is specifically attributable to the Coalition: more than two-thirds of public servants are currently without up-to-date enterprise bargaining agreements — and have been without them for nearly three years — due to the unwillingness of public servants to accept the government’s wages cap (originally 1.5%, lifted by the Turnbull government to 2%). Dozens of “no” votes by agency staff have occurred across the public service in response to efforts by the government and departmental executives to impose what amounted to, for most of that time, real wage cuts on staff. In response, some APS managers admit, staff are simply no longer bothering to put in the kind of effort they normally would in the workplace, and certainly not bothering to make any extra effort to achieve government priorities. As of November, there has also been industrial action at 27 agencies, including most of the largest departments such as Defence, Human Services and Defence. The government’s lack of success in forcing public servants to accept real wage cuts wasn’t helped by far-right industrial relations hardliner John Lloyd, bizarrely imposed by Tony Abbott on the Australian Public Service Commission, blaming the CPSU for a lack of progress and justifying pay rises for senior officers.
Again, Lloyd’s approach wasn’t a one-off. The ABS’s denialism about its census disaster — and its aggression toward critics of its attack on Australians’ privacy — was self-defeating. And Centrelink’s rejection of the idea that there is anything problematic about its fake debt collection attempts — even dismissing, as the particularly clueless Centrelink spokesman Hank Jongen has repeatedly done, that they are even debt notices — has exacerbated the anger and sense of illegitimacy of the entire process.
There’s also a sense that Martin Parkinson hasn’t provided the sort of service-wide leadership that the APS needed at a critical time. Parkinson has continued the hard work he began at Treasury of lifting female participation at the very top of the APS, but the APS hasn’t really had a dynamic, reformist head since Terry Moran left (and the less said about the unfortunate interregnum of Michael Thawley, the better).
As the Abbott years — all two of them — illustrated, a demoralised, demonised public service will make things even worse for a poor-quality government. So far, Turnbull and Parkinson haven’t managed to turn around the cruise liner that is the federal bureaucracy.
Pretty sure the head of the ABS will remain attached. His appointment is by parliament so presume his sacking would also need to go through parliament. Turnbull is stupid but not so stupid to open that can of worms again.
Public Service agreements are actually not about the pay offer, but the withdrawal of sick leave and an attempt to change employment conditions. They have also been efficiency dividended to death for a decade, while a rapidly increasing population requires more people. The government are swindlers and liars.
What all of the woes Bernard lists here have in common is their rootedness in the system steering worldview of trickle-down economics (aka neoliberalism). That’s what needs to change. Otherwise ‘reform’ will only ever address the symptoms, and then only patchily and unstably. So, addressing symptoms in one area (say, updating, managing and maintaining ATO, ABS and Centrelink IT systems for example, costing hundreds of millions – at a very bare minimum, I’d imagine) will just see new symptoms develop elsewhere, i.e. wherever those millions and related management skills are taken from elsewhere in government.
If you want to escape this endless game of whack-a-mole, Bernard, you’ve got to turn your voice to the ideological cause of this game of failure, and help change the public’s mind on neoliberalism.
Agree with Will. We have to get away from the idea that the private sector can do everything better and cheaper than Government, from treating competition as holy writ and from seeing public servants as a cost rather than a valuable contributor to effective Government. We are a society not a market, although markets have their place. If we had a professional, impartial and experienced APS we would probably find the costs of government went down – fewer useless and wildly expensive reports from the parasitic consultancy firms, fewer expensive stuff-ups with outsourced contracts, fewer rip-offs with programs such as family day care and the VET sector.
The new symptoms to develop elsewhere will be in the consumer choice/competition approach to NDIS and community aged care, where as with the VET sector and family day care, anyone can set up and offer a service and claim taxpayer dollars for delivering it, rather than getting accredited, competent and ethical providers to deliver the service. Another example of where ‘choice’ is false as the ‘customer’ is not informed enough to choose between the shonky and the good.
All true Will and JMNO. The private sector is shite at providing public services, and frightfully expensive as well.
There is an unstated but huge cost in not having a professional and non-partisan public service. The old ways had many faults, but surely you could get rid of the cardigan wearing culture while still having independent and fearless advice from the public sector. At the moment we get neither quality advice or private sector ‘efficiencies’.
Bernard, as always you provide a rational, succinct analyses of recent/current events that have contributed to the poor performance of the Australian Public Service. However, the downhill path was irreversibly established years before Abbott and Credlin. The rise to power of the non mandated, highly politicised and largely unaccountable Ministerial Staffer , with political endorsement to bully and over ride even the most senior and portfolio expert Departmental officers, was the start of the downhill fly. Those whose ethics and commitment gave them the courage to hold out were removed over time and replaced with more compliant cardboard cut outs. Not far behind was the collateral damage of privatisation policies. Again, the advice of senior public servants who were ethical and highly qualified in their areas of expertise – scientists, engineers, architects, health professionals- was devalued and ignored. The private sector apparently knew it all. Except manifestly, it didn’t. The APS professionals gave up and left, taking all their expertise along with their Super. The days of an expert, independent APS are but a distant memory. And the country is a much poor one – in every respect . Keep up your good work, Australia needs you! Annieginoz
Well said
The decline of the Australian Public Service as a high functioning arm of our governance is one of the more neglected disasters of the neo-con ascendancy in Australia. For more than a decade Federal and state public services have been subjected to managing with less, contracting out, outsourcing techniques of management. Both major parties have followed that pattern but the Coalition has been the most intensive outsourcer of work and destroyer of of quality standards within the services for which it has had responsibility. Perhaps the lowest point in the sorry story of the APS decline was the appointment of John Lloyd to head the Australian Public Service Commission. Mr Lloyd has been a zealous industrial warrior for market and small government causes; those familiar with his career will know that almost without exception he has served in roles for Kennett, Kierath, Reith and Abbott demanding a likeness of mind and moved on or pushed off once the policy climate changed.
The APS, and the Australian nation, has fared best when the public service is administered in a way that respects and builds its capacity to serve the government of the day with integrity and and as much corporate memory, nous and know-how as can be mustered within whatever resource limits are set by the circumstances of the time. With due respect to Mr Lloyd, he has no form whatever to equip him for such a role.
The blame for the erosion of quality public services does not lie with John Lloyd or with any particular Minister although he and some members of the Ministry are more to blame than others; Senator Brandis’ belittlement of the Solicitor-General role is an instance; Joe Hockey’s termination of Parkinson is another: Deputy Prime Minister Joyce’s boondoggling transfer of a specialist agency to Armidale is yet another.
What is necessary is a renewal of commitment from all party leaders to the re-establishment of well resourced and well rewarded core public services as an essential element of good governance in Australia with leadership and establishment of it entrusted to people who have the vision and ethical values to bring about the gradual improvement that is necessary. Why does it seem unreal to still hope for that?