It’s widely agreed that cultivating an active social media presence is an important part of any modern politician’s public profile. Family First WA candidate Henry Heng (a veteran of a collected five state and federal campaigns, and subject of what may be the greatest song in the history of political jingles) has certain tried his hand at this, with his homepage embedding a feed collecting all the tweets aimed at him. But Ms Tips has to ask how often he checks his Twitter feed, given that, last we checked, there is not a single positive tweet directed at Heng on his home page. Running second on Family First’s WA Senate ticket, Heng received 57 first preference votes in the last federal election, and apparently none of those people use Twitter. The feedback ranges from criticism of Bob Day’s business engagements, to Family First’s policies on marriage equality and climate change. Most terse of all, user ErinM provided a three-word, all-caps review of Heng’s perennial campaign theme: “LOL @ U”