On 18C and disappearing phrases

Patrick Bowman writes: The death of the 18C debate (and why this is all Andrew Bolt’s fault)” (Friday) The one I’ve noticed (the lack of) is “labour saving device” (ok, phrasal noun then).  Now that everyone’s terrified of losing their job to automation, the saving of one’s labour is no longer so appealing.

Alastair McConnachie writes: The death of the 18C debate (and why this is all Andrew Bolt’s fault)” (Friday) Guy Rundle’s assertion that the term “rhythm guitarist” has disappeared from modern useage grieved me deeply. He may be right, but we survive still, quietly and unobtrusively plying our humble trade in venues all over the country. One day we will rise again and claim the glory and adulation that is rightfully ours – but until then we will most likely continue to keep a low profile.

 On the closure of Hazelwood

John Richardson writes: On the closure of Hazelwood” Friday.

I apologise if I’ve managed to confuse John Kotsopoulos but I think he is drawing a long bow by suggesting that we are “both aiming for the same outcome.”

I do agree that our nation is in desperate need of a coherent national energy policy, but while John seems concerned with championing Labor’s position, I was actually talking to an entirely different aspect of the issue, which was all about reducing energy demand in response to the immediate crisis & some of the foolish ideas being touted as “solutions”, by killing-off the mistletoe that is the aluminium smelting sector, which might just buy the time necessary for the policy debate to brought to a rational conclusion.

I’m also delighted to learn that David Edmunds believes that he & I are in “furious agreement”.
