Mark Freeman writes: Re. “Dutton takes a casual 43 minutes to destroy two men’s lives” (yesterday). I usually have a lot of time for the considered opinions of Greg Barns. However his piece on the deportation saga of two serial criminals was rather wanting. Nowhere in the article does he explain how or why deportation was being applied for.

I’ve travelled extensively and have always considered myself a guest when in a foreign land. I can’t imagine claiming rights to remain should I be convicted of a crime. I’m regularly surprised that so many people are able to stay in Australia after many convictions. Having family responsibilities seems a poor reason to excuse proven bad character.

Perhaps these two men really were subjected to injustice, but I doubt it. Barns gave me no reason to think otherwise. I’m no fan of Dutton but it’s probable he made a good decision in this case.

Les Heimann writes:Australians are not mushrooms, and the danger of injustice and incompetence buried through secrecy becomes more apparent every moment.

Grand Minister Dutton and his minions are pitiless tyrants as well as liars if UNHCR officials are to be believed, and I have more trust in these people than in Dutton.

They deny natural justice according to our Federal Court, even if they rid us of undesirables; let us not allow an innocent to hang because of process deficiencies.

One would think that the Homeland Security umbrella is now a fading thought bubble. Impossible to be entrusted to the likes of Dutton.


The trust barrel is empty now, Prime Minister; Australians hear that hollow ringing sound devoid of substance and full of untruth.

How long before you allow your Grand Minister to spend more time with his family?