
Today Education Minister Simon Birmingham will give a speech in effect telling the higher education sector that he’s the Terminator. He’s just going to keep on coming after universities in an effort to cut their funding. And nothing is going to stop him. In a speech that, as is the fashion of the time, was liberally distributed to journalists a day before he delivers it, Birmingham will tell universities they are “kidding themselves” if they think that pressure to cut their funding is going to relent.
The Senate, of course, has different views, and has already twice rebuffed an effort by the Abbott government to slash university funding and force students to pay much higher costs for their degrees. There’s speculation the government will try a non-legislative route to cut funding instead.
[Did the Productivity Commission really bag education funding?]
Monash vice-chancellor Margaret Gardner, on the other hand, complains that the government has no vision of what role universities play in the broader economy — except as a source for savings. Birmingham promptly confirmed this by declaring in his speech-to-be, saying “the need for budget savings should be self-evident. The Commonwealth government remains in deficit, has been for nine years.”
Alas, the need for savings isn’t quite so self-evident that the government isn’t wasting $60 billion-plus on company tax cuts that, by its own reckoning, will afford negligible economic benefits even over the long run, or tens of billions extra on naval vessels in order to employ fewer than 3000 workers in marginal South Australian electorates, or billions on a discredited piece of aviation junk called the F-35, or $1.8 billion and counting on making Australians less safe from terrorism by participating in foreign military ventures, or the couple of billion wasted on “Direct Action” projects that industry was going to undertake anyway. Not to mention smaller items like the $30 million gift to Foxtel or the $100 million handed to television networks in licence fee cuts.
One minister’s “self-evident” is another’s “deficit, what deficit?”, clearly.
Not that the Abbott-Turnbull government is alone in seeing universities as a piggy bank to be raided. According to the Bradley Review in 2008, the Howard government cut funding per student in real terms, such that when it left office there was significantly less funding per subsidised student than in 1996 — around 10% less. Funding did increase significantly under Labor following the Bradley Review, but toward the end of the Gillard years, funding was cut again to offset Labor’s commitment to school education under its version of the Gonski funding model (Gillard insisted it was just a cut in the growth of funding — the sort of line that Labor derided when the Abbott government used it about pensions). Ever since the 2014 budget, the current government has been trying hard to slash funding.
[Education Minister renews government attack on young Australians]
Governments don’t merely see higher education as a piggybank to be raided when other, politically sexier projects need funding. They also love to boast about how higher education is our biggest export sector after mining. That the higher seduction sector’s reliance on foreign students has led to a fall in academic standards, a resigned tolerance of rising levels of plagiarism and a decidedly unrigorous pandering to the reactionary nationalism of Chinese students and the demands of the Chinese government is of secondary importance to the flow of revenue from foreign students (many of whom enjoy the privilege of coming to Australia to study and being ripped off in retail jobs).
This isn’t some nostalgia for a pre-Dawkins lost era (like Joe Hockey, I was at Sydney University when fees were introduced by the Hawke government). Free university education was a form of middle-class welfare; universities and academics were far less accountable and the quality of education in them was highly variable. Students paying part of the costs of their education, greater accountability and more rigorous assessment of teaching quality are all advances on the Whitlam era. But the higher education sector has become a classic example of how neoliberals understand the price of everything and the value of nothing. Universities must have a substantial non-economic value, in imparting not merely subject-specific skills and expertise but critical thinking and intellectual rigour, which don’t merely provide nebulous benefits to the quality of the polity, but make us a more innovative, resilient and clever country. Those things can’t be shoehorned into a purely economic model in which universities only exist as degree factories and funding can be endlessly cut because there’ll always be more foreign students to attract if you drop standards low enough.
The B-side of all this is the disaster of vocational education, much, but not all, of the responsibility for which rests with Labor. Contestability of vocational education and training was always going to be a recipe for shonkery and outright fraud — the persistent lesson of corporatisation, privatisation and outsourcing over 30 years in Australia is that, whatever benefits may flow to the Treasury through asset sales or reduced spending, in the private sector gougers gonna gouge and rorters gonna rort, eventually requiring massive re-regulation. It’s fallen to Simon Birmingham to clean up the costly mess in that sector.
The demand for austerity while corporations get tax cuts, the vision of a sector as purely about economic value, the counter-productive lowering of standards, the failure to safeguard against private sector rentseeking — it’s like a mediaeval mystery play of neoliberalism’s failures in a sector that plays a critical role in the shape of the economy of the next decade.
I think you are mistaken. I am pretty sure the agenda is fees go up and the poor can’t afford to go, therefore we return to the wealthy go to university and keep the privilege where it belongs.
Indeed OGO, I’m sure that is the motive.
Without a skerrick of doubt.
No. While at one level they don’t really care (about the underclass) what they really want is for them all to try to go to university (at least a couple of years before dropping out) and rack up huge debts that then trap then into a life of wage-servitude making them very compliant epsilon-semi-morons (or modern equivalents, baristas and Deliveroo riders) in our BNW. You only have to glance across the (very big) pond to see how it works out.
….. and the share and influence of biassed philanthropy advances across academia and the professions; and in-government capabilities are surpassed and sidelined by ‘think-tanks’ swirling the data and brewing the facts. It seems that such evolution of public knowledge is a corollary of the evolution of Big Capital from land, through trading, processing, manufacturing into financing…. the first four phases were/are location-specific therefore tied to local cultures, societies, communities; but finance capitalism has wings and anonymity, it flies over borders and defies nationality, it flows according to other people’s estimations of value, and it seduces political decision makers to do favours/ penalties in the distribution / allocation of value … including the agencies in the reproduction of knowledge to enable / support / excuse the favours/penalties
A smart, well-educated Australia wouldn’t vote for this mob.
a smart well educated Australia wouldn’t vote for either mob –
Not wantin’ to be a 3rd wheel or nuttin but, duhh.
I feel like an idiot coming to an article hours after other commenters have made points that popped from my fevered brain after reading so all I can do is agree, doubleplusgood.
TAFE and Universities are not welfare. They are the means for a country as a whole to improve its value adding ability, and ability to innovate. I and others in the low-middle class neighbourhood I grew up in benefitted greatly from the access we had to TAFE and university in the 1980’s and have in turn benefitted the community through taxes paid and the innovations we have contributed to. A side effect was a more equitable society, as there was a way for those in the lower classes to move up the earnings ladder, if they had the talent, circumstance and desire to put the effort in.
We get more bang for our buck long term by investing in education than by giving corporations tax cuts…. Most of those gains go to overseas shareholders, overpaid CEO’s and boards….
Completely right Inscrutable, and that punches a hole in the “middle class welfare” line. Free university education is one of the very few means for people to escape a lower class upbringing, and they are determined to close that loophole to keep them lower class types in their place.
And as BK points out, he & Leventy were beneficiaries of Whitlam’s reforms.
Like so many, T1 & T2, in the last 30yrs (hi, Dorkins!) whose sole intent seems to have been to remove the ladder once they’d clambered up.
The bLIAR government latched on to the whizzer idea in its first flush of hubris and even called it “the Australian model”.
The rest is history, writ across the landscape of UK & Oz, seething fury at the necessity to allow immigration to fill the gaps thus created.
It should not be forgotten whence the phrase “bean counters” arose, they literally counted the number of beans required to keep a work force going – not healthy, just functioning – until fresh blood replaced the burned out husks.
An investment in the future you might say.
“Free university education was a form of middle-class welfare”
Well, sort of, but mostly the upper class took most advantage of it, except for the fact that nobody in Australia considers themselves upper class.
” imparting not merely subject-specific skills” they do that BK
“but critical thinking and intellectual rigour” but that went by the wayside with degrees in Human Resources and Business. You haven’t been to uni, or come across a uni graduate, in a long time.
“The B-side of all this is the disaster of vocational education, much, but not all, of the responsibility for which rests with Labor”
Well that is a state responsibility, and was that really Labor? It’s certainly a fundamental of the neoliberal order, more proof that the market doesn’t work and that the private sector does not deliver better quality, more efficiently, at a better price.
Otherwise I agree that universities should be funded for the social good, but in the form of reducing the burden of debt for students, not to spray more money at them. They are hardly a hotbed of efficiency or accountability, and share some of the blame of the rise of neoliberal and classical economic theory, nearly all of it debunked as a largely toxic load in the body politic.
What is the intellectual gravitas in Degree of Golf Course management or the degree in Surfing – offered by some Universities?
“Blue Water High”? Soft porn for schoolies.