A deep-pocketed philanthropist has attempted to buy coverage of a specific issue in Crikey for the princely sum of $2500.

Philanthropist Harry Wallace, who founded AusBuy, has taken umbrage with Crikey’s coverage of Dick Smith in recent days. 

If you haven’t been following the issue: here’s a brief explainer. Dick Smith is campaigning for population control. Last month, he launched a $1 million ad campaign calling for migration to be scaled back. He also is running another ad campaign against the ABC, which  he says is not taking his first campaign seriously.

Well, neither do we. Emily Watkins nominated Smith for Arsehat of the Year and writer David Salter explained Smith’s hypocritical history. 

Writing to Crikey, Harry Wallace OAM, said it was disappointing we hadn’t looked at both sides of the population debate.

Wallace is particularly concerned about dwindling food production.

“From the time I first got involved in business in Indonesia the population has doubled to 250 million. In Papua New Guinea where I have had a long business involvement (family company employs 600 PNG nationals) the population is growing at estimated 2.5%pa – now over 8 million with dwindling local food production. Australia’s has more than trebled in my lifetime. At this rate in the lifetime of my grandchildren Australia would have 80 million!”

He also offered a specific sum to explore these issues.

“Let me state at the start that I have not discussed those articles with Dick…So I now offer you $2,500 for investigative piece(s) looking at population issues facing Australia and our near neighbours.”

No thank you, Harry. Crikey will not now, not ever, take cash for comment. But you are very welcome to purchase an ad at any time.