On the AWU raid

Ben Marshall writes: Re. “AWU raid is absurd, but calls for Cash’s resignation a step too far“(Thursday)

Bernard Keane suggests Cash shouldn’t be sacked because there’s an information gap – did or didn’t her flunky tell her he was setting up the media for the raid? Who cares? The Coalition build the gun — the ROC, load that gun — with the AFP, point the gun at a target — the AWU, then alert the media to ensure the mud-flinging is covered extensively…and Cash and the Coalition aren’t directly responsible for organising everything including the PR? Rrrright..

John Richardson writes: Re. “AWU raid is absurd, but calls for Cash’s resignation a step too far“(Thursday)

So, the Australian Federal Police can instantly deploy 32 officers to participate in a high-profile coordinated witch hunt on AWU offices in Sydney & Melbourne, in response to an anonymous “tip-off” to the Orwellian-sounding Registered Organisations Commission, and in the full glare of the media, but it can’t undertake high-level operations, including potential cocaine importation drug operations, because of “under-resourcing & over-stretching” of its workforce.

If this is not evidence of improper political manipulation of the AFP, then it must surely rank as a gross misallocation of limited resources by the AFP’s leadership. If Senator Cash isn’t accountable for this debacle, then AFP Commissioner, Andrew Colvin, must be. While I agree with Bernard Keane that “calls for Cash’s resignation are a step too far”  that is only because I believe that genuine accountability would be evidenced by either her or Colvin simply resigning.

Barry Welch writes: Re.”Well that didn’t take long: AWU raid turns into all-engulfing firestorm“(Thursday)

Malcolm Turnbull’s desperate defence of Michaela Cash pivots on attacking the ALP for being anti- AFP. This is from the playbook  of corrupt Bjelke Petersen minister Don Lane who attacked the Labor Opposition as being “anti-police”whenever they provided evidence of police corruption. Either the ROC or the AFP has been leaking and it is time to find out who.  Given the leaks about the Conroy raids, my money is on someone in the AFP.