The message from voters is clear. According to one poll, some 80% of voters say the Coalition must allow Turnbull to serve his full term. The huge swing delivered by the punters in New England must surely include an element of confidence in the present leadership. That same confidence may well be repeated in the Bennelong by election.
Certainly that was the vibe I picked up through parts of my backyard, a place my parents dragged me to at five months old in 1970. It didn’t really matter who I spoke to – my Middle Eastern chemist in Ryde or the lady behind the op shop counter in West Ryde or the Malaysian dude who sells confectionary at the Taiwanese night market in Eastwood – most people displayed little interest in the campaign, which can only help the incumbent. Contrast this to when John Howard lost the seat and Maxine McKew became a one term wonder. Back then, many voters were on a mission to toss out the PM in the most humiliating fashion.
Thankfully for the Libs, John Alexander is no John Howard. Even when he was allegedly too busy commenting on the tennis to speak to the media, his campaign mustn’t have suffered too much. He managed a cool 4.5% swing in 2010, easily defeating McKew. He followed this up with 4.6% in 2013 and then around 2% in 2016. Alexander’s alleged laziness has turned what was a marginal ALP seat into a safe Liberal seat, just like it was when a much younger me used to cry when mum dragged me away empty handed from the toy shop in Eastwood.
Back then, Eastwood was very anglo. Nowadays, Eastwood looks and feels like a combination of Taipei, Shanghai and Seoul. And a sprinkling of Delhi if you include mum and I.
Politicians often fall into the trap of judging an electorate by its appearance. Or in Cory Bernardi’s case, by how a small majority of its residents voted in the same sex marriage postal survey. The Australian Conservatives candidate, a young lad named Joram Richa, had a table at the shady end of Eastwood mall when I was there last, away from the stinking Saturday lunchtime heat. Joram’s grandparents arrived here from Lebanon.
His table included a huge “IT’S OK TO VOTE NO” poster, which must have confused some of the punters who imagined that survey was still open. Big boofy volunteers were approaching shoppers. One of them spoke good Mandarin, though most of the Asian-looking punters he approached likely spoke better English. At one stage, a very tall volunteer started chanting about conservative values and why communist lesbians were trying to turn our kids into communist lesbians. Poor Joram looked most embarrassed.
Perhaps he should be even more embarrassed by his alleged friends in the tabloid press. Miranda Devine salivated over the fact that Jarom is Catholic and that his brother Chechade (which I think is spelled “Chehade”) was “the face of the faith-based Verum Media, which played a prominent role galvanising No-voters in the same-sex marriage debate”. Though when you check out Verum’s social media pages you’ll find lectures on the necessity of the medieval Crusades. No doubt this will sway the votes of Aussie punters of Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Singaporean etc heritage.
I ventured out of the shade and into the sun to where the hardcore Liberal volunteers were located. I started chatting to two Young Libs, one originated from Hong Kong and the other from Taiwan. In the distance I saw a procession of red t-shirts. Two anglo folk were leading a growing number of East Asian looking folk from around a corner. The procession consisted of two lines, each like with around 30 awkward-looking undergrads who seemed unsure as to where they were.
One of the young people, a chap studying at UTS, handed me a Labor flier in English and Chinese. He told me he was an overseas student from China, as were the rest of the procession. His efforts at communicating with me in English were valiant, and I wished he’d had more time to teach me some Mandarin. But his mission wasn’t small talk with an overweight Indo-Pakistani. His task was to approach Chinese-looking shoppers and speak to them in Mandarin and hand them a brochure in simplified Chinese script about an election they could easily tell he knew little about.
Because apparently this is how you win the “Asian” vote.
If John Alexander’s most serious challenges are from overly conservative anti-SSM fruitcakes and a Labor Party that bus in overseas students to speak to Australians who arrived from southeast, east and north Asia decades ago, my guess is that the swing to the Liberals in Bennelong could easily rival New England.
I’m sorry? Barnaby Joyce went to the last election with a cunning opponent, but the full resources of every lie the coalition could tell. This time there was no credible opponent in a nominally safe nationals seat that had been with the charismatic and conservative Tony Windsor. How the hell could there NOT be a big swing to Blunderby? What happens in Bennelong who knows. I cannot abide Keneally personally, but Alexander is clearly a dull witted ex sportsman who makes a good tennis player and little else. He doesn’t deserve to retain office, then neither did Joyce.
What is your issue with Keneally, admittedly Catholic but more progressive than most of them…..I reckon she has a lot offer Federal Labor.
What’s the problem with Keneally?!?
Where to begin?
Sussex St?
i would Not Let John Alexander Teach My Kids Tennis, That is whats Wrong with Australian Tennis Today is People are letting Old Farts Teach Them Tennis, Tennis Today Needs Today Training not 1970s Training
“According to one poll, some 80% of voters say the Coalition must allow Turnbull to serve his full term”. Which poll? Who conducted it? How many people were contacted? Even I can say based on a sample of 2 that 100% of the voters support Kristina Keneally.
I am not even sure about that the author’s claims about the overseas students electioneering for the ALP. Not good enough Crikey. I did not pay good money for this biased article.
Mate, in the past two years, this has been the least of their malpractices
Agree, Luckyduck…the Essential poll yesterday in the Guardian found there was NO difference in voting intention if the PM was changed. So…who do you believe?
Also…I too am fed up with this crap written by fellow travellers. First it was Rundle on the Greens, and now Yusuf on the LNP…they both may be interested to know that the 2PP in the aforementioned poll was 55% to 45% in Labor’s favour. The voters in Banarbyland may be stupid, but thankfully they are NOT representative of the country.
No matter what happens in Bennelong, Labor is still on course to win the next election…preferably sooner rather than later, and before the LNP wrecking of our country is complete!!
Hear hear
Ol’ tomato head had no real opposition and imagine the taxpayer largesse he hands out in his own electorate, Alexander doesn’t look half as cunning
And with SamD and the Undeclared Cosmopolitans blaring on every TV, radio and Liberal Party station in the elcctorate of Bennelong there’s no chance that the Labor Party will get any traction. When the ducks don’t line up, not even the NSW Labor Party can satisfactorily run a bath, let alone cleanse themselves in it. Kristina, you don’t have a hope.
Irfan Yusuf writes personal impressions, not news as such. He was once a Young Liberal, now neither young nor Liberal. He has stepped on the toes of his Liberal former colleagues many times. In this piece he obviously favours Alexander over Keneally, a view few Crikey readers would support. I would probably vote for Keneally over Alexander but would hesitate solely because the by-election is being caused by the ridiculously harsh interpretation of an outdated Constitutional provision that was never intended to exclude any Commonwealth citizen.
I thought the poll was on letting Prime Ministers finish their term .
I thought the poll was on letting Prime Ministers finish their term.
Because the ALP should always and in all ways, take advice from a member of the LNP Right and former LNP preselect for Reid (the disclosure of which must have been snipped by the ubiquitous “hackers”, because surely you wouldn’t neglect to include it), you antediluvian hack.
This ‘article’ would be more credible if the following facts were included in it:
* Irfan Yusuf describes himself as a ‘Former Islamist’
* He was for a number of years a member of the Liberal Party of Australia
* He was endorsed as Liberal candidate for the safe Labor seat of Reid in the 2001 Federal Election
* He believes that Muslim women wearing traditional dress should be discouraged to do so to combat “discouraging rebelliousness and minimise cultural diversity http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2005/s1448343.htm
He’s a partisan writer and his piece should be treated as nothing more than more Liberal Party political propaganda.
It should carry a party endorsement.
As a person from Townsville I was discouraged by this article thinking that the intervention by the security services into the bi-election in Sydney had such swift results for the ‘smearer and chief’ Trumble that they were able to be analysed anecdotally by your writer and a victory conclusive for his party. Fortunately I was able to obtain the chap’s bonafides by the comments of your reader’s below. Thankyou for letting me know what I suspected albeit from this distance, that Bennelong was not going to be quite as straight forward as New England was for a victor without an opponent. I hope the writer can catch up on the comments too, they have been appreciated by me anyway.