Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison clearly doesn’t do much reading, otherwise why would he blithely tell viewers on the ABC’s Insiders on Sunday that:
But the idea that if you lower taxes which… it’s not just the US, as you know, the UK is doing it, even Germany now is considering it. They’re considering it. They’re already doing it in France.
One of those assertions is wrong — badly wrong — and he only has to buy a copy (or go online) of the latest edition of The Economist to see why. The piece, entitled “Tax reform, fishing for funds” in the print edition, discusses the growing cry in Britain to improve the National Health Service, social welfare, prisons, police (boosting numbers of guards and police), and transport. It seems to come down on ways of broadening the tax base via changes to taxes on consumption, which is what Scott Morrison and Malcolm Turnbull have ruled out.
The Treasurer would find that, far from looking to cut taxes, Britain is now seeing the start of a debate about how to fill an £80 billion shortfall in income required “to put the public finances (of the UK) on an even keel” over the long term. The paper says that is equal to 4% of GDP and the estimate hasn’t come from some left- or right-wing think tank, but the UK government’s own Office For Budget responsibility.
“Politicians are slowly coming round to the idea of higher taxes,” The Economist reported. “If Britons want good public services, they will need to pay more. Real tax reform is coming sooner or later.”
What possible reason would there be for Morriscum to read anything? It might disturb his maniacal beliefs and he’d have to resort to speaking in tongues to soothe his fevered brow.
In media interviews it usually sounds as if he is indulging in glossolalia and I wonder why his interlocutors put up with it.
He’s got his own facts, why would he need real ones?
Pentecostal nutbags don’t need to grapple with reality… The fairy fixer is just up there in the sky.
once again scott moronscum illustrates his economic illiteracy, the last of the low tax promoters still ignoring the experts and history, presses on with rewarding his rich mates for raping and pillaging Australia`s tax base, this is a man with no economic qualifications or degrees and a failure at every business attempt in his miserable life, whose claim to fame is being a member of hillsong, another great tax evading business and claiming christian values while espousing the opposite towards the unlucky and downtrodden of society , a man who espouses his Christianity but shows none of its beliefs to others less well off, if there is a hell its theses so called christian conservatives who will be lined up at old nicks gates.