Here’s how Malcolm Turnbull and his brains trust thought the last three weeks would go, roughly: two parliamentary weeks to solidify what the press gallery had decided was the government’s good start to the year, laud the government’s success in presiding over strong job creation and shift the focus to Bill Shorten, whose home state is plagued by factional thuggery and in-fighting.
Then he’d fly to the US with the elite of Australia’s business community to be photographed in statesmanlike poses with Donald Trump, talking about how company tax cuts are fantastic, putting pressure on Senate crossbenchers to wave through the government’s $64 billion corporate tax cuts and putting Labor’s anti-business attitude in the spotlight. The gallery’s senior journalists, who’ve travelled to the US to cover the trip, will write plenty of copy about the importance of Turnbull’s meeting with Trump, if only to justify the cost of flying them there in an ever-more straitened media industry.
Three people had different ideas about that plan: Barnaby Joyce, Tony Abbott and Donald Trump. Joyce, whose rampant ego is now prompting even his own MPs to declare his time is over, you know about.
Tony Abbott, clearly feeling eclipsed by Joyce in his usual role of Turnbull tormentor, lifted his game overnight, punching on with his former ministerial colleagues about immigration, revealing internal discussions when he was Prime Minister, attacking Scott Morrison as a kind of mindless automaton for Treasury and lecturing the government because he “knows more about winning elections than anyone in the parliament.” He threw in a jab about losing 27 Newspolls, just in case anyone had stopped counting.
It’s OK, Tony, we haven’t.
Abbott got an unusual level of return fire from the likes of Morrison, Dutton, Ciobo and Cormann (who with two days and counting is so far our best immigrant Prime Minister) because he is needling the government in a serious sore spot — weak wages growth, which many voters link to high immigration. This prompted Scott Morrison to utter perhaps the smartest thing he has said as Treasurer: “the real issue here is that when wages are flat and when people are feeling the pinch, people will line others up for being the reason for this.”
It’s not an issue the government can simply ignore Abbott on and hope will go away, no matter Abbott’s hypocrisy — the migrant who doesn’t like migration — and malicious motives. Wednesday’s WPI figures, showing private sector workers are still being mugged by employers, won’t help. There is fertile political ground to be tilled here.
Both Joyce and Abbott are toxic for Turnbull, and he knows it. Oddly, the Prime Minister seems to regard Donald Trump as some sort of positive, someone with whom voters would be pleased to see him associated, when nearly 80% of Australians regard Trump as either an important or critical threat to Australia. There is no particular point or benefit to this trip to Washington for Australia beyond Turnbull exercising this doe-eyed fascination with the Liar-In-Chief. But apart from being politically toxic, Trump is also volatile and entirely unreliable. And so it has proved for Turnbull: he has arrived in Washington to meet with a leader who has just reacted to yet another of dozens of school gun massacres by proposing teachers be armed.
Turnbull, as Australian Prime Minister and leader of the party John Howard led, has some moral authority on this issue, but that’s not one he can deploy without embarrassing his host, who is strongly supported by the National Rifle Association — to such an extent that the Russians may have funnelled money to the NRA to help Trump’s campaign.
There’s no evidence that appearing on the international stage has ever helped an Australian Prime Minister. Most voters couldn’t care less about foreign policy issues. But at the moment each image with Trump is likely to go down about as badly as the incessant infighting back home.
One down, only two to go.
Careful what you wish for, MJM. Do we know that Barnacle is ‘down’ or will he slink off to join the Abbott in the bench at the back of the church? Remember, Barnacle was relatively constrained as a minister, then leader …
… I did say ‘relatively’!
Is it solely Talcum’s own execrable political judgement that suggested this trip was a good idea?
Why, in the long term planning that must have been required – before the Barnyard shitstorm even hove into view – did no-one wonder, “Why?”,
If not, then what other nefarious purpose is served by this pilgrimage to the Sauce – getting riding orders from someone else?
As the Rodent was getting his when visiting the mudorc on the week of 911.
Turnbull can’t even enjoy the spectacle of being on the world’s stage.
Every Aussie eyeball is obsessively fixated on the LNP kabuki theater currently playing out in Canberra.
Oh god that mental image of the bonking beetroot in full kabuki get up is going to stick!
Malcontent is far too busy trying to dump all our superannuation money into trying to get Twittler re-elected, & somehow trying to convince Australians that multinational Corporations are hard done by, to actually bother running the nation.
‘There’s no evidence that appearing on the international stage has ever helped an Australian Prime Minister.’
True, appearances don’t help them in the short term but are, nevertheless, extremely useful in the medium-long term. Pilgrimages by Australian PMs to the USA to meet the incumbent president secure, for posterity, that beaming photo in the Oval Office guest chair, something to flash around to family & the grandkids, a reminder down the track of the glory days when they believed they were at the top of their game. International trips are essential for personal archives – photos with the world’s high profile politicians ready for inclusion in their autobiography book deal post public office.
“Cormann (who with two days and counting is so far our best immigrant Prime Minister)”
Surely you only mean since 2013?
… ahhh, sweet memories.
Our very own Reine Ranga, who in a minority government passed more, and better, legislation than mot PMs.
We’ll be blessed indeed to see her like again.
… “most PMs.”
I dearly miss Gillard, I watch the misogyny speech occasionally to cheer myself up, she wasn’t perfect but she was my PM, I havent felt like we’ve had one since 2013
Personally, I feel the last really worthwhile prime minister we had was Keating in ’96. That was a long time ago, sigh.
I Agee, a leader
We went to war in Iraq so that Howard could have his photo taken with the then most powerful man in the world – who couldn’t even remember what his name was. I understand that Howard has a really significant collection of his career high spots – like his boy scout hat and toggle.
Sorry to be pedantic but it is a woggle not a toggle.