Here at Crikey, we won’t have a bad word said about our former boss Jonathan Green. We can, however, outsource that work to him. This week, Green, an editor respected in near unanimity by Australian writers — including me, and the guy has shafted me, twice — apologised for approving a blot on the current cover of the journal he now edits, Meanjin.
When acclaimed reporter Amy McQuire remarked that the erasure in red of “Meanjin”, the Turrbal word for the territory now marked as Brisbane, felt “weird”, Green immediately agreed. Of course, The Australian has since stroked itself numb re the masochistic-onanism of “the left” but really missed an opportunity to decry “the left’s” branding incompetence. A progressive magazine that vandalises the Aboriginal land for which it is named? This makes as much business sense as a Murdoch daily leading with a story on the blameless poor.
This incident might seem like just more media sector gossip. But, it has produced more than a gripe from C Kenny.
First, we’ll never have to hear that old joke about Meanjin again. Perhaps now, “Frank Moorhouse” will be known as the English term for “erotica rejected by Penthouse”.
Second, the queens of the Australian liberal-left have been newly reflected, perhaps even to themselves, in an unflattering light. About time. And, no, it’s not the “internalised misogyny” that produces this criticism. It’s a sense of hope that five years of tortuous delusion by self-serving neoliberals who claim to be feminist is finally at its end.
Perhaps you have encountered the term “feminism” these past years in Australian popular media and felt unsure about the principles it conveys. Femsplainers will ascribe your confusion to society’s deep and lifelong hatred for all women. They are wrong. Let’s blame, say, the Blairite, John McTernan, instead.
It was in 2013 that Prime Minister Julia Gillard gave her “men in blue ties” speech. The launch of Women for Gillard didn’t do much for Gillard, nor, I suspect, did it advance the career of her imported adviser. It did, however, signify a shift for the event’s hostess, Ms Clementine Ford. In this moment, the Third Way was revived for Millennials by means of a bold-patterned dress.
Now, Ford is not a particularly awful writer and deserves no more reproach than, say, Van Badham, and certainly less than Chris Kenny. The cultural turn of the Left is not her fault and she can hardly be blamed for obliviousness to the plight of those without access to nice things. This is a disorder common among the media class.
It is a pity that Ford, whose memoir-essay on the “Me Too” hashtag inspired the Meanjin masthead wreck, is enduring a bad moment. But, it is a relief for those who despair for the easy idealism of our best-known progressive thinkers. It is a chance for those, like writer Karen Wyld, to coolly challenge the one-size-fits-most hegemony of a feminism produced in conditions of great material and cultural privilege.
McQuire has written often about the seeming inability of our popular “sheconstructors” to truly acknowledge the difference between a white life and a black one, and Nayuka Gorrie has written, with no little comic force, about the residual fear our virtuous white maidens have for monstrous black men. None of these critics give it to Ford personally, although it is, of course, the neoliberal feminist tendency to read the world in personal, individual terms. And, it is, of course, a plain old sexist tendency to read a woman writer’s critique of another woman writer as “just jealous”, so I’m sure those ladies copped it.
I am not pleased — truly — at all to know that Ford, who appears to have withdrawn from a public engagement in relation to her Meanjin memoir-essay, is copping it. But, gee, who with a feminist urge wouldn’t be pleased by the possibility that more than three to four feminists will be permitted to describe feminism for a mass audience?
Perhaps a mass audience is now tired of calls for representation by empowered women in sitcoms and a little unconvinced that “challenging sexism wherever you see it” is a prescription for genuine social change. Perhaps all those who encounter abuse at work are unconvinced that Tracy Spicer’s crowd-funded legal service is a good private sector substitute for legally guaranteed rights against abuse at work.
Perhaps Ford, and others, can move out of the Third Way and into the truly “inclusive” millennium of which they have seen themselves as champions.
Or, perhaps, all critics of the progressive neoliberal tendency will just be called jealous bitches. Either way, Meanjin has not provoked this much conversation in decades.
Perhaps you are ‘over-thinking’ it Helen. Is it not the case that we live in a world of unbridled opportunism if not self-promotion? Then there is the issue of what I regard as the inevitable culture class between the P.C/SJW brigade and the anti-P.C (leave it as it was) brigade; Yiannopoulos and Peterson may be included here but not (necessarily) as representatives; more as illustrations (of frustration with idiotic jingles).
As for “This makes as much business sense as a Murdoch daily leading with a story on the blameless poor.” ought to be the business of The Australian. In other words, speaking/writing for myself, I would not likely employ someone who could not write, with equal vigor, on either side of the question. However, for a reporter to adopt such an approach is likely to encourage the ire of the “faithful” – in contrast to a favourable comment identifying or rewarding impartiality. Such is contemporary polarisation; just ask Pauline.
Lastly, just what the hell is “the Left”? To some extent I think this matter has been discussed but Quadrant chucks the term about with the same abandon as Schwartz Media. Is the term to be applied as a “catch-all” for an opposing view to the Murdoch press or is it actually the case and no one has a clue? An answer in the affirmative to either question would be bad enough but perhaps most would not reply : both!
I am a white straight middle-class woman and I am a FEMINIST. I learned about my feminism at uni, how priviledged of me, and it has been the best education I’ve ever had in explaining the intangible lack of power I always felt as a young woman. It has taken me so many years to overcome inner mental hurdles, much stronger than any physical male presence, to be able to express myself properly, accept my body etc. These are not trivialities, they are widespread among women and not exclusive to my class/race. Like you, I cant be too bothered about rich women complaining about earning one million instead of two or getting wolf-whistled but a lot of what you poo-poo resonates with me. I feel sometimes that you think women like me, and you for that matter, should just be grateful for what we have and shut up about feminism. The Meanjin cover was a big mistake and they meaningfully apologised. And good on Karen Wyld for taking them to task. In the end feminists have the same goal, an end to sexual discrimination, and the equality of the sexes. Racial equality is just as important, and not a mutually exclusive goal – the more people are marginalised the more they are, and I don’t see that it’s goals are diminished by feminists who happen to be white.
I just want to cancel the middle-class reference. I work in relatively low paid white collar employment and don’t identify as having a class. “Class” in Australia is traditionally defined by what ones father or husband does for a crust.
In many respects and interesting account but it was the “I feel sometimes that you think women like me, and you for that matter, should just be grateful for what we have and shut up about feminism” that caught my eye.
My generation of female friends read the (so called) ‘second-wave’ books such as The Feminine Mystique and other articles from Betty Friedman or themes on ‘indoctrination and education’ from Doris Lessing, along with Gloria Steinem (I think you have the drift) and abandoned (to identify one behaviour) cosmetics at least for work and through the day but only about 30-40% outright; the others kept the stuff for Friday and Saturday nights. Such individuals were known as 10 bob-a-day feminists; you would have to know something about the labour / I.R. movement to appreciate the complement!
Now we have headlines, that I encountered quite by chance, such as “Women Don’t Owe Men a Debate About Feminism”. The point doesn’t relate the statement but the simple-minded implied assertion of “all men” anticipating “all women” to be so forthcoming; emphasing the alleged “we and them” – to express the objective in terms for those that have no taste for complexity.
On the one hand the assumption of ‘equality’ ought to be a given but having written that there is the spar and beauty-treatment industry that can have any female looking like a porn star in under two hours. I do wonder just who is dominating whom in such (commercial) exchanges.
As for “class” it seems to me that the refernce is the principal point of your contribution. Because you don’t happen to identify with “class” it doesn’t follow that the social construction does not exist. The contexts are indeed feminist or Marxist or political-neo-liberal or, in these enlightened times, a combo.
“The Meanjin cover was a big mistake and they meaningfully apologised.”
I wonder if you are using the word “meaningfully” as Obama used it as applied action for gun-control (which didn’t happen BTW)? Does the apology convey anything useful given that the editors and contributors are assumed to be touch-feely P.C. types? Perhaps it is all about self-promotion these days and bleating “apology” has the remarkable effect of, apparently, reversing the “hand, having writ moves on” to ‘moves backward and erasers the “offending” script’. For this reason I enjoy Quadrant although I don’t necessarily concur with the generally well thought-out arguments that the magazine publishes. AR’s comment may be a tad severe but I am inclined to a grain of sympathy for it.
Oh – by the way : has any female under 40 heard of Marion Wallace-Dunlop or Alice Paul or Simone de Beauvoir? I seem to be out of touch nowadays.
Hi Kyle. Yeah how do you like my no class declaration. How empowering!!! The first half of what you wrote I’m not sure about, but a response to some issues raised in the 2nd – I think a genuine apology is what it is and nothing more or less, and I’ve read the Second Sex (years ago so no pop-quizzes please) BUT I am not in the age group you specify. Is a 10 bob feminist like a 2 bob watch?! It does not sound like a compliment in any case!
Hi Andrea,
> Yeah how do you like my no class declaration.
If you’re happy then I’m happy.
> The first half of what you wrote I’m not sure about,
It isn’t that deep. Throwing all caution to the wind, in a sentence (and not something that Samuel Beckett would have approved) I can’t help thinking that the “original” ideals of feminism have been supplanted (hi-jacked if one prefers) into a fictional male-female dichotomy with all manner of identity politics as condiments.
Ok : I lied : or, I can’t achieve the goal, without risk of a misunderstanding, in a sentence. Given previous (short) discussions, it occurs to me that you might agree with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7onZE83hM8
but I wonder about this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6FVu-lLh0c
Closer to home, there is (to identify a writer for the Oz Spectator) Daisey Cousens : to wit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ameAMNaQ0rY or more succinctly this :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm_1kLRROac if one can see/get above the neo-yr12 self-absorption and just listen to the words.
Now, we have cross-gender indulgence. At least Greer is on record in regard the uncompromising rejection of the least suggestion that a male can “somehow” become female. The proposition is tantamount to claiming that person X can see/feel/hear
the sensations of person Y. At no stage is such the case. At all stages person X receives(/d) their OWN sense data (and no one else’s). Whatever there (apparent) capacity for empathy may be person X is confined to the experience of their OWN sensations. There is nothing metaphysical about the matter – although the account is wafting towards existentialism.
Relevance to the topic : that your assessment of feminism is not the feminism (thank god) the professional feminist(s) – who, in my view, are little more (if at all more) advanced than the insights of Ms Hanson.
“I think a genuine apology is what it is and nothing more or less”
Which suggests either a desire for a cheap-thrill or ineptness in the first place.
“I’ve read the Second Sex (years ago so no pop-quizzes please)
Your word more than suffices for me Andrea
> Is a 10 bob feminist like a 2 bob watch?!
Emphatically NO. A ten bob socialist/unionist/politician/employee/employer was/is(?) anyone fundamentally in agreement with the “system” but only wanted a fair wage to be paid; the ravages of capitalism (according to the purists) notwithstanding. In other words the fundamental characteristic of exploitation, under capitalism, could be mitigated by a fair wage. With regard to the “hard” Left, a 10 bob socialist was (too) inclined to compromise.
A 10 bob feminist would appear as shunning the fickleness of her “sisters” in regard to cosmetics, trendy shoes etc but, in the case of (perceived) important social events she became indistinguishable with here “earthly” sisters; hence the inclination to compromise her apparent principles.
> It does not sound like a compliment in any case!
A means to illustrate the inconsistency (only); no more than that.
No you got me wrong Kyle. Rav also tried to explain my feminism to me when we were debating toxic masculinity. I had a look at the first two youtubes and young, privileged women proudly espousing anti-feminist views irritate me no end. How do they think they got the freedom to be able to do what they wanted in life instead of being beholden to the whims of the men in their life? What got them the vote and the same legal rights as men? What gave them a destiny beyond childbearing or the nunnery? Look, feminism is at heart a movement towards the equality of men and women, indeed all people in a society. There are things I am uncomfortable with in the type of feminism Helen despises, which is women that have hugely benefitted from feminism using it as a sort of trendy girlpower thing. That is not feminism so much as marketing. But Helen’s main focus is “class”, whereas wherever I look I see the problem of gender, which brings me to your next paragraph on Greer’s opinions on transexuality. I always have time for a bit of Germaine, though I’m unable to link why you have raised this issue here (at least tonight, maybe I will reread in the morning!) Thanks for explaining 10bob, makeup was a storm in a teacup in earlier feminist discourse, far more debilitating regarding a woman’s preoccupation with looks is an obsessive focus on weight – I would confidently state a significant number of women have lost years of their lives to this drudgery instead of making headway with important stuff in the world. Although young women seem to be now more comfortable with voluptuousness (Kardashian style), I hear that children are being diagnosed with eating disorders at younger and younger ages, and more boys. To conclude for now, feminism as I understand it is not solely concerned with women, but also with boys and men in a gendered world. If it is true that women are restricted because of what is considered their domain, then men too are restricted to what is “manly”. Hence the problem of men not “being in touch with their feelings” and all the major problems this can lead to. This is where I am coming from when I write of feminism Kyle.
My innocent embargoed reply has been languishing since 09:19 EST yesterday. Crikey doesn’t look at posts over the weekend apparently. In any event the full-filled reply ought to appear tomorrow around lunch time (if history is any judge).
I’m obliged to grab this slot – other reply options are becoming “thin”
I do enjoy reading your accounts Andrea. With regard to your questions (possibly
rhetorical) I offer the most humble of replies. The questions themselves tend to
fit a pattern and thus can be considered as a group.
1 “How do they think they [anti-feminists] got the freedom … ”
2 “If it is true that women are restricted because of what is considered their domain”
I’m the first to declare that socialisation contributes a good deal to perceptions. However, there is a post by Jim Egan, a few months ago, who described his son’s first day (or week?) at either a school or a kindergarten. The boys – who had not been unduly socialised into one particular order or form behaved quite differently to the girls. Then there is the evidence from texts on Management. There are differences between male and female employees; less so as managers because the role is
much more prescribed.
The fallacy (of social research) resides with the implicit “all … this” or “all .. that” type statement. We can identify women throughout history (from the 11th century) who “bucked the trend”. The general theme of the videos (from quite different people – i.e. different in outlook and perceptions at least) is that the “New Idea” or “Cosmo” or whatever magazine view of feminism is a cult and a mindless cult at that. This cult can be extended to the assumptions that women have in respect of feminism in general. At this point the “All this .. ” stuff presents itself once again – and rectified, to some degree, by your comments.
It seems to me that those who made the videos are grateful to the 2nd Wave Feminists but they also imply that if the simple-minded “us-them (male)” dichotomy is applied (willy-nilly) then there would be no Alice Paul’s or Mary Shellys or, indeed, any 2nd Wave Feminists.
“I hear that children are being diagnosed with eating disorders at younger and younger ages, and more boys.”
At the risk of some, but not a lot, of over-simplification : it occurs to me that the fault resides with dreadful parenting. Examples might include permitting chocolate-coated cereal (for god’s sake) or any number of sugar-saturated drinks; the pursuit of “plastic” entertainment with no exercise of limb or eyes; excessive indulgence etc. – i.e. children being driven “everywhere”. The list goes on. Cousins makes this point but over-generalises its origin.
“Greer’s opinions on transexuality. I always have time for a bit of Germaine, though I’m unable to link why you have raised this issue here”
It seems to me that Greer can see the absurdity of indulging (so called) trans-sexuality. I’m not suggesting that it doesn’t exist (J. Edgar Hoover to the guy next door); merely that it is being indulged – even exploited by officers in Australia’s deference forces.
Apparently they “feel” like the other sex. The real question is “how could they possibly know what the other sex feels like”? They can never be “the other” – which is a fundamental existentialist point. Nevertheless this “feeling” entitles them to use different toilets or whatever! It is an observation akin to what you imply (as I understand it) : that feminism can (too easily) waft into identity politics.
“But Helen’s main focus is “class”, whereas wherever I look I see the problem of gender”
Which motivated me, some time ago, to point out that Marxism is also about equality of the sexes but the “feminist approach” is, in fact, a contradiction to Marxism because the subject becomes very much reduced – with the female and male capitalists continuing to exploit those (males and females) who have no option but to work or income.
“feminism as I understand it is not solely concerned with women, but also with boys and men in a gendered world.”
I doubt if C. Wright Mills did the world a favour by introducing his buzz-term “The Sociological Imagination” sixty years ago. This “imagination” conveys not only a rejection but a distaste for empiricism and encourages non-tangible (read non-measurable) remarks or labels as “toxic masculinity”. Yes, of course, there is ockar-ism (there is even a listing for the word on Wikipedia) and worse but such behaviour ought to be attributed to individuals and not to some “mega-expression” in the (vain) hope that the expression possesses its own existence.
I hope I have made a few points clearer.
I’m going to have to go 1 more round! Feminism does not dispute the differences between men and women, they are obvious. What it does challenge is how every society has traditionally organised itself by magnifying and fetishizing those differences, devaluing the feminine and exalting the masculine, and deeming anyone acting outside their allotted stereotype a weirdo or worse. There have been major inroads into this thanks to the feminist movement. Now girls can play footy, boys can cry, gays can live outside the closet (and even marry if that’s their thing). We are human before we are women and men, and we are more the same than we are different Kyle.
oops maybe a little carried away with the gay reference, the queer community have their own concerns and cause not specifically related to feminism although there is significant overlap in challenging gender stereotypes. Same with race in terms of we are human before we are anything else.
Yes : there is more content, in our posts, to agree upon than to disagree upon. However, keeping it to under a few hundred words : you offer the observation: “There have been major inroads into this thanks to the feminist movement”
Unfortunately, it seems to me for the feminist movement, that these “inroads” mean everything to everyone. You had occasion to qualify a remark regarding gays but I think your initial observation is nearer the case. As to two other sentences that you wrote permit me to recount what I observed in first year Sociology tutorial about 25 years ago.
The students had addressed an essay topic that implied implicitly, that Feminism confirms (rather than disputes – as you put it) the differences
between men and women. When a group of two or three girls offered the suggestion that (just maybe) – for all practical purposes – (as you put it)
“We are human before we are women and men, and we are more the same than we are different” the late 30s – early 40s something, dungaree-wearing [complete with holes and excesses of bleach], along with huge earings and wild fingernail polish, female flew into a rage. Had a machete had been handy she would have hacked their heads off.
You have contributed to my understanding in a number of respects Andrea and I do not present the following as a smart-Alec philosophical point but for mainstream feminism the phrases “the differences between men and women” and “we are more the same than we are different” are contradictory as the aforementioned lecturer annunciated – although, I accept, not for your perspective of feminism.
It seems to me that this instance in conjunction with the outright-misrepresentation of “just how the world ticks” to other women (in magazines etc) by the “hard-core” motivates the construction of the videos that I referenced.
Satiated by a nothingburger, as of a surfeit of lamprey.
Why lamprey and not an another ORDER (classification) of animal – or plant for that matter?
A nod to the sheer excess of the unnecessary, King Henry I (1068-1135), too often a feature of the right-on.
Can you help me find an obscure historical reference to indicate a sheer excess of obscurity? If you want me to fully understand your opinion of my opinion more plain speakin’ is required.
It was a reference to MzRaz’s ouvre, which is sometimes mordant but too often much less so.
If you want an historical reference for an excess of obscurity, the great debate about the number of angels which could dance on the head of a pin is as good as any.