Boy, the quality of Ramsay Centre propaganda has declined, hasn’t it, since ANU supremos Brian Schmidt and Gareth Evans revealed that the centre wanted a Stasi-like process of commissar-auditors in lectures, as part of the deal. The “moderate” Ramsayites have melted away, leaving only the Catholic Leninists like Greg Sheridan, Baldrick to Tony Abbott’s Blacka– no, that doesn’t work, they’re both Baldricks — to do what they can to try and wreck any possible deal between the Ramsay Centre and Sydney University, so that the centre can be shunted to the taxpayer-supported Australian Catholic University, under the watchful eye of its $1.25 million per year VC Greg Craven.
Trouble is, by now the Ramsay Centre’s reputation has been so trashed by the Ramsay’s Catholic Leninist faction that it may be too hot for the ACU to handle – leaving the Ramsay to be shunted off to an outfit like Notre Dame University in Fremantle and Sydney, a more explicitly Catholic outfit. Well, they can have it if they want. It appears to be all but dead in the public university.
Will that be it, for a while? One hopes so. What has been remarkable about the push for the Ramsay Centre has been the mix of genuine ignorance and utterly cynical nihilism of the right in supporting the Ramsay Centre.
The most important feature of the university as a university — not as the agglomeration of professional schools attached to its core — is that of infinitely reflective free inquiry: the capacity to question any given supposition or value, then to question the questioning and so on. Universities emerge within cultures — actually, the modern one emerges in Islam around the 800s, in the cities of Morocco — but they are not of, any culture. The idea of branding one as an agency of “Western civilisation” is a travesty of the institution entirely. Yes indeed, a university is precisely “relativist” in that, while truths may be discovered, nothing can be taken for granted within the process of inquiry, least of all the “superiority” — by what criteria? — of the host culture.
I suspect that many of the Ramsayites genuinely don’t understand this, or genuinely don’t care. The house view of Western Civ from the Ramsay crowd is an elementary error of reasoning, the teleological view, which sees the meaning of an entity as given by its consequences, or simply by that which succeeded it. For the IPA et al, the whole of ‘Western Civ’ is simply a prelude to Anglo-American classical liberalism. This necessitates a ludicrous, anti-intellectual assessment of the history of ‘the West’ (wherever that starts and ends), which simply ignores or misconstructs most of classical philosophy, art and actual governance, actual Roman Catholicism, Dante, Shakespeare et al, none of whom fit into this simplistic and self-serving narrative.
What is fascinating to try and work out is whether this “teleological” view of Western history is simply a cynical pose for political ends — which must be exhausting to maintain — or genuine stupidity, an expression of the true thickness of the chino-n-pearls crowd, that a university is simply a place whose purpose is to confirm the circular self-satisfied view of the natural right of the order of property, nation and whiteness. That would certainly explain the whininess of the Western Civ crowd: the merely-mouthed “municipal” version of Western Civ that starts with ‘everyone knows that the West has its faults, but….’ And then goes on to defend it in terms of the creation of dog licenses and better drains.
What’s really intriguing about the whiny version of Wester Civ – indulged in even by the Catholic right – is that it shares the moral and political-metaphysical assumptions of the radical left that it purports to oppose. Both share a view of the human – as perfectible, self-forming individuals, capable of generating their own life-meanings through knowing transparent action – that precludes real arguments about values or of what the West might be. The left, allegedly, uses the moral framework created by Western modernity to judge it, without acknowledging that it is so doing, and thus portrays the west as uniquely iniquitous. The whiny Ramsayites want us to say ‘look imperialism was bad, but had some good effects, and anyway, without John Locke and Immanuel Kant we wouldn’t be able to say why it was bad, and that all people should treat each other with equal consideration.’ Each side is actually the other’s loyal opposition.
What the Ramsayites don’t have the courage to defend is the genuinely other position, the counter-enlightenment one which says that it is legitimate and right to prefer one’s own people over others, both morally and socially, or that order may be better than liberty, collectivity essential to shared meaning, and prior to individuality, that war and violence may be necessary to a rich and courageous existence, that human nature may be relatively fixed in character, including and especially its gendered character. Paradoxically, if one were to make the argument made by defenders of the Western ethnos, from Herder to Eliot to Kojeve to Australia’s John Carroll — who has rather weakly thrown in his lot with the Ramsayites — that modernity creates a life of hollowed-out emptiness and is the wreck of Western civilization, then the Ramsayites would assail you as a cynic about the West, and seek to exclude you from their programme!
Fighting this deranged movement has been difficult because it is primarily a cynical political exercise. But the achingly bad circular reasoning it has been premised on was always more interesting, both in itself, and as an example of the right’s intellectual decline, and I’ve been itching to have a go at it.
Still there’s unfinished business, since Sydney Uni’s unseemly grant-lust may persuade them to try and abandon all standards and let the Ramsay in. Since the Catholic-Leninist faction with Ramsay is working hard to stop that, it would seem wise for the entire academic/student activist body on campus to take a month or so to do nothing else but that, and make the administration so terrified of uproar that they don’t dare touch it. Then the materialist left can and should make an alliance with genuine intellectual conservatives and go to war against the identity politics whackos who made the humanities such an easy target in the first place.
I like it – though there is the problem of finding genuine intellectual conservatives who haven’t yet been bought or burnt by the end of the Trumpocracy.
I’m not sure this steaming pile of cultural excrescence would attract a respectable ‘intellectual conservative’ should such a thing exist anymore. Malcolm Fraser, or even our current Mal before the bodysnatch, may have fallen under that rubric however the right have so vandalised the conservative tradition for populist political purposes that you could argue that these establishment icons were of the left. Very postmodern. Very confusing.
I normally like your stuff Guy. Honestly, I do BUT in this case I think you are just indulging yourself. First because I think we need to consider what we mean by university in this day and age. To those full time students who do not have to work at jobs to survive, to those working full time and gradually accumulating courses over time, university is a series of assignments and hoops to be negotiated. They do not have time for the exotic, reflective type of encounter you describe. Attending university today is not like it was ten, twenty or more years ago. To many students now it is get in, get your piece of paper and get out. I know. I’ve done it.
I normally like your stuff Guy. Honestly, I do BUT in this case I think you are just indulging yourself. First because I think we need to consider what we mean by university in this day and age. To those full time students who do not have to work at jobs to survive, to those working full time and gradually accumulating courses over time, university is a series of assignments and hoops to be negotiated. They do not have time for the exotic, reflective type of encounter you describe. Attending university today is not like it was ten, twenty or more years ago. To many students now it is get in, get your piece of paper and get out. I know. I’ve done it.
Undergraduate students may attend university, but they are not the University. It is the academics and the postgraduate students who are, being the ones who do the serious thinking and carry out the research, which is a vitally important contribution to any society. The importance of this is still paramount, even if there is now an increased emphasis on offering fee-paying undergraduate courses. Guy’s point is that this thinking shouldn’t be fettered by some predetermined agenda, and I agree entirely
People say a train is a box with wheels on it that’s pulled along bits of steel by a big engine, but actually it’s just automatic doors and uncomfortable seats that takes you places. I know. I got one the other day.
“A degree in Topping Up Your Own Insular, Private Bin, Facts – from the Ramsay Re-education Centre”?
You gotta have something to hang on the wall, for cred’s sake, if you wanna counter those elite climate change scientists and their ilk.
Maybe it will end up being issued by one of those “on-line universities and family coat of arms investigators”?
That is fascinating Guy, to the point that I will have to read it all again to try and understand the finer points of your argument. If I may make one comment first – I think that you are overthinking it a little bit.
Abbott and Co are simply balls-deep in a culture war that the Left ‘can’t even’ anymore. This makes the radical right obsessively endulging in cultural mastubation. Nothing wrong with that, but it really should be conducted in private.
This looks embarrassingly like Abbott and his clique trying to find a worthy cause to fight, their cultural dragon to slay on the nation’s stage and nobody even looking up from the TV to notice. I can’t imagine that the ANU would seriously touch the poison dripping thing? Although friends in academia inform me that universities are attracted to free money like Barnaby Joyce is to a door stop presser. Perhaps they might have taken Western Civ loot, but not openly and not from the likes of somebody representing the very worst of Western Civilization.
“universities are attracted to free money like Barnaby Joyce is to a door stop presser”