
The state of Australia today is that you haven’t had time to process the last right-wing outrage before the next one comes along. Thus, Blair Cottrell was on Sky News, interviewed by the pathetically weak Adam Giles, while I’m still thinking about Andrew Bolt’s “tribes” article.
There’s a few things to say about the “tribes” piece, as much about it as symptom, rather than simply advocacy. Bolt, a Dutch-born immigrant, argued that Australian society was being “invaded” by alien tribes who did not assimilate, and this was creating a divided society fed by leftish elites pushing multiculturalism, threatening us with disaster.
Had Bolt argued this anytime up to, say, the late 1980s, the argument could have been described as merely “nativist”, arguing for the preservation of a dominant monocultural society, and, if nothing else, a coherent point of view. But now, there’s nothing to “invade”; in the last two decades, the numbers have shifted sufficiently to make us — especially in Melbourne and Sydney — a genuinely multicultural, multiethnic society.
As I’ve noted before, we weren’t really a multicultural society all the time we were talking about it, through the ’70s and ’80s — in terms of numbers, social power, etc, non-Anglos remained somewhat marginal. It was John Howard’s governments that cemented the policies by which Australia became a post-Anglo society, not the pointy-headed academics of Bolt’s fantasies.
The second thing to note is that, pre-1948, we were a genuinely multicultural society, in a manner entirely different to the post-1948 process, in which a de facto assimilation occurred by means of mass culture. Some, quite a few, older migrants might have never learnt English; their kids all watched Channel Nine and listened to 3XY/2KY. By contrast, pre-1948, it was understood that the — small — non-Anglo-cultures would have their own worlds, with which the Anglo-world interacted — Chinatown, Germantown (Richmond, in Melbourne), Jews, then Italians in Carlton, with their own newspapers.
That’s what makes Bolt’s remark about the Jews gathering in North Caulfield — which is surely anti-Semitic — so telling. He’s not about multiculturalism, the tribes, etc. He remains a proponent of the continental European reactionary tradition, an expression of white-skin hysteria. Antisemitism is always the hard stuff in this mix, because the Jews are seen as an alien presence at the heart of a non-Semitic Christian culture.
But whether Bolt is doing this as part of News Corp’s clear drive to maintain flagging sales through outrage (in which case he is unbelievably cynical) or whether he is doing this out of passion (in which case he is genuinely obsessive and stupid) is irrelevant to the greater issue.
That is, that we do need a joined-up serious conversation about how immigration, social development, urban planning and housing happen, because at the moment we are doing it not well, and the knee-jerk response to Bolt is to simply defend the current process, which is a shoddy neoliberal one of flooding the labour market to suppress wages, sell branded education, and pay little attention to how this changes cities and communities.
Neoliberalism is the internationalism of fools, and if progressives simply become its loyal subalterns on these matters, then they will be identified by large sections of the population as servants of the elite. It’s not wrong or racist to feel a little disturbed that the whole north of the Melbourne CBD has become a giant, mostly Asian, student village, with a short-term population many of whom could be anywhere. This is a product of a lack of mixed-use, central public housing, and the casual commercial nihilism in which state Labor governments have engaged for some time now.
The same goes for urban centres like Box Hill in Melbourne’s east, core sections of which have become rather separated. But this is once again the product of networks of capital being permitted to wholly reconstruct urban spaces for specific markets.
People have a right to live where they want, but different ways of allocating space would mean that communities of affinity can form, which are also “inter-threaded” with other communities. To believe that we should pay no attention to this, as part of urban policy, from the left/progressive side, is to put too much faith in the capacity of humans to live via abstract and universal values, which is the core idiocy of progressivism. We are going to become a genuinely global nation, especially in our urban centres, that is a rather taller order than simply being a European multicultural/Indigenous one, and it is not something that can be done in a fit of absent-mindedness.
Meanwhile, we wait to see if the leaders of Australian Jewish peak bodies will break off from their ultra-Zionism long enough to actually speak up for their own community, and name right-wing anti-Semitism for what it is, before the next outrage, and evidence that the Australian right has decomposed into a thoroughly pernicious entity.
What do you think of progressives’ capacity to deal with the raging right? Write to boss@crikey.com.au.
You’ve said it so well. Thank you.
Maybe some of these arses obscenities and passive violence will cross the line to the point where this discussion has to take place in the criminal courts. Our politicians club and their hip attached donors certainly aren’t up to having it.
“It’s not wrong or racist to feel a little disturbed that the whole north of the Melbourne CBD has become a giant, mostly Asian, student village,”
Actually does feel a bit racist Guy.
If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t have felt the need to identify the race of the students who concern you so much. Your point such as it is relates to the temporary nature of the population, not where they come from, and despite knowing it might come across a bit racist you STILL actually felt you had to point out the students are Asian.
“People have a right to live where they want, but ”
Seriously. “I’m not racist but these Asian students disturb me”. “People can live where they want but I don’t like these Asians congregating where they do and I want progressive governments to put a stop to it.” That’s what your article says.
I grew up with Little Italy in Carlton, the Jewish congregations in Caulfield and Elwood, Vietnamese in Springvale, a CBD with clear Greek and Chinatown sections, and many many others. Nothing new, many of these communities have been there for decades and decades and have not prevented integration into society. The idea this is suddenly a problem, whether pushed by Bolt or Rundle, is ludicrous.
Yep, got to love that whole “I’m not a racist but……” load of BS. If you sound like a racist, then its probably because you are……even if you don’t admit it.
Fact is I have lived in Australia for over 40 years, & I am still ten times more likely to see a Caucasian face than an Asian face, & 100 times more likely than an African or Middle Eastern Face. So this idea that Australia is somehow getting “swamped” by other cultures is pure & utter nonsense.
Given what our forebears did to the Aboriginal people, & given our proximity to Western Europe vs Asia, it’d be fair to say that White Europeans are the invaders .
well, as I said about the Melbourne cbd thing, one problem is that it feels as if the centre of a city has been given over to a very specific use, for a transient population who have been sold an Australian education as a brand. the centre of a city should reflect the various uses of the city, and that’s a question of who owns what, who gets to live where etc.
The same goes for urban centres such as Box Hill. Communities will develop, but the size, scale and rapidity of transformation matters. It specially matters if were creating genuinely Eurasian cities out of what were angloceltic dominant monocultures, in living memory.
Multiculturalism was always a process of cultural management, right from the start. To imagine that we can just pay no attention now to how cities are recomposed is, well, courageous. If you don’t like fairly mild and abstract versions of this argument, man, yr going to hate the next 10 years here.
“Multiculturalism was always a process of cultural management, right from the start.”
Actually in Australia, multiculturalism was a policy introduced to help white European migrants unable to speak English to access government services via Grant-in-Aid schemes that enabled “ethnic” organisations to deliver access to government services.
It was a case of white people helping other white people.
Today multiculturalism represents a social reality, the status quo of Australian society. The best way to defend multiculturalism, in my view, is to keep reminding conservatives that this is the status quo. If they don’t like the status quo and wish to start a monocultural revolution, they have no right to call themselves conservatives.
I seriously couldn’t give a rat’s anus if lots of east Asian looking people live in Box Hill. They aren’t all from China. Many are from South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. Just as Harris Park may look Indian but in fact includes Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Fiji-Indians and Sri Lankans. A bit like the Poles, Yugoslavs, Albanians, Italians, Greeks etc that dominated the “woggy” scene of the 1960’s and ’70’s many of whom lived in Marrickville, Newtown and Redfern.
Give it a generation or two, and they’ll all move out. Then they’ll be wanting to have mosques, mandirs, gurudawaras etc in places like the Hills district, Blacktown, Turramurra and Hellensburgh.
Hang on, they already exist!
Good point that they can’t call themselves ‘conservatives’ when they’re virulently opposed to the current social status quo. The dog-whistles of protecting ‘Australian culture’ and ‘Australian values’ have always been committed by those who are themselves the biggest threats to traditional Australian values and practices – Howard and Abbott being classic examples in the areas of refugee policy, workplace law and the economy.
“Multiculturalism was always a process of cultural management, right from the start.”
Actually in Australia, multiculturalism was a policy introduced to help white European migrants unable to speak English to access government services via Grant-in-Aid schemes that enabled “ethnic” organisations to deliver access to government services.
It was a case of white people helping other white people.
Today multiculturalism represents a social reality, the status quo of Australian society. The best way to defend multiculturalism, in my view, is to keep reminding conservatives that this is the status quo. If they don’t like the status quo and wish to start a monocultural revolution, they have no right to call themselves conservatives.
I seriously couldn’t give a rat’s anus if lots of east Asian looking people live in Box Hill. They aren’t all from China. Many are from South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. Just as Harris Park may look Indian but in fact includes Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Fiji-Indians and Sri Lankans. A bit like the Poles, Yugoslavs, Albanians, Italians, Greeks etc that dominated the “woggy” scene of the 1960’s and ’70’s many of whom lived in Marrickville, Newtown and Redfern.
Give it a generation or two, and they’ll all move out. Then they’ll be wanting to have mosques, mandirs, gurudawaras etc in places like the Hills district, Blacktown, Turramurra and Hellensburgh.
Hang on, they already exist!
And you could have made the point about international students and student housing without singling out Asian students.
May I suggest loading up a performance of Avenue Q on YouTube and watching “Everybody’s a Little Bit Racist”?
“the centre of a city should reflect the various uses of the city, ”
The Melbourne CBD used to be dead outside business hours with the exception of the nightclub/strip club zone and a handful of restaurant strips. Please.
The much maligned apartment towers and students, and all the shops and restaurants and other things that have sprung up to service this new increased population, have made the whole thing so much more vibrant, speaking as someone who actually lived there through this period.
Blot is a hypocritical, talent-less hack who only has a job because Herald Scum is a rag that feeds on creating societal divisions…..as a diversion to their corporate mates ripping all of us off. Wish we’d turned his parents back, much like Abbort’s Parents.
Agreed. My forebears came by boat to Australia in 1855 and lived in their little German Lutheran enclaves for 60 years or more. No-one minded until WW1 came along and the political establishment needed a kick-a-Gerry campaign to inspire the masses to volunteer to be slaughtered fighting a pointless war in Europe. The Marxists in ‘Green Left Weekly’ are correct – these socially divisive ideas don’t come out of nowhere; xenophobia is the oldest (and unfortunately, still very effective) trick in the political playbook for the economic and political elite to divert the masses with a scapegoat while they’re ripping them off.
I’ve never understood this preoccupation with multiculturalism. If Bolt want to talk about tribes, and tribalism why not focus on the toffs of Double Bay to Potts Point full of bankers, lawyer and other professionals? I wouldn’t exactly argue these people epitomise the best Australian values.
Lamenting about Jews and Indians simply ignores the fact that many Australians live near their families regardless of race.
I believe Australia has one of the highest rates of interracial marriage of anywhere in the world. We certainly have one of the highest rates of intercultural marriage at around 30% based on a pretty tight definition by the ABS.
Even racists I’ve spoken to happily admit they’d have sexual relations with Asian women, due to the belief these women are particularly compliant, it also feeds their misogyny.
While conservatives argue for one culture they ignore the fact that we’ve achieved this. Regardless of race or culture most people go to work, raise their families, with arguably slight differences in values.
I mean honestly who can argue against the Australia’s success with its multicultural immigration policy. Integration does occur and we all adapt to minor changes to accommodate one another’s needs.
The simple fact is that conservatism and conservatives are no longer the keepers of a moral society. They’ve lost their way. This tribe simply promotes division and hatred, whether it’s race, gender, sexuality. I’m more concerned about creeping fascism and the risk of dictatorship that these conservatives pander to.
“The simple fact is that conservatism and conservatives are no longer the keepers of a moral society.”
In truth, they never really were. As we’re slowly learning, many in the conservative classes had some of the nastiest, most disgusting skeletons in the closet. As the ruling class, though, they were just very good at hiding it from the public, & conning that same public into thinking that they were the “keepers of a moral society”.
Share your concern about the cultivation of fear and hatred of “the other” by neocons. Most people just want a peaceful life. When the ability to live quietly and harmoniously is constantly eroded and made hard to do then the fires of nastiness are easy to stoke. The despicable Bolt, Dutton and the gangsters that support them should be called out particularly by any decent humans left in the LNP, captain’s of industry and all those lazy hangers on who are too spineless to rock the boat. We are all capable of being good but it’s very easy to be bad given the necessary prompts and empowerment by crap leaders.
bolt reminds me that there are 2 distinct types of dutchmen, the caring, very sweet and softly spoken, and the germanic arrogant boofheaded stormtrooper type, bet you cant guess which category bolt falls into.
You are a Bolt clone.
You are a Bolt clone.