Scott Morrison Peter Dutton immigration
(Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)


Prime Minister Scott Morrison will refuse to sign up to the UN Global Compact for Migration, an agreement to ensure a global set of principles for safe migration, arguing that the compact would weaken border security, risk encouraging more people “illegally” seeking asylum by boat, and give ammunition to critics.

The Australian ($) reports that Morrison, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne will today release a joint statement rejecting the compact on the grounds that Australia has already achieved the stated goals of “safe, orderly and regular migration”. The Coalition, which today faces backlash from both business groups and state governments ($) over plans to drop the migration rate, now joins the US, Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic governments in rejecting the UN document.

As the Daily Telegraph ($) notes, the compact would seek limits on detention and, according to Morrison, not “adequately distinguish” between people seeking asylum by boat or land. Dutton further claimed that the government has removed kids in detention, comments made just hours after teachers across the country walked off the job over the 17 remaining child refugees still detained on Nauru and Manus Island alongside hundreds of adults.


A new study commissioned by Environmental Justice Australia has found that air pollution from NSW’s five coal-fired power stations has lead to an estimated 279 deaths a year, with thousands more expected in the years leading to their closure.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the report examined the effects of fine particle pollution by NSW’s plants, many of which have filters but operate without modern control technologies. This leads to the release of secondary particles that most other nations ban, with recorded impacts including 233 low birth-weight babies being born, and 369 people developing type 2 diabetes each year. By the time the last of the five plants is due to shut in 2042, these figures are expected to jump up to 3029 and 4412 respectively.

The news comes as Opposition Leader Bill Shorten prepares to unveil Labor’s energy policy tomorrow, which the SMH reports could include a resurrected National Energy Guarantee, plans to bypass parliament for renewable investment mechanisms, energy efficiency measures, a transition package for coal workers and communities, and a version of the ACCC’s “dispatchable” recommendation focused on storage.


A dead sperm whale has washed ashore in eastern Indonesia with thongs, bottles, bags, and 115 drinking cups in its stomach.

The Guardian reports that Wakatobi national park rangers found the 9.5 metre carcass on Monday in Southeast Sulawesi after being contacted by environmentalists. WWF researchers said the whale’s state of decay made it difficult to cite the lump of garbage, which included over 1000 assorted pieces of plastic, as the cause of death.



Temper your sense of justice.

Ian Narev, according to CBA chief Matt Comyn

The former Commonwealth Bank chief explains to his successor how to handle those icky feelings over selling largely pointless insurance policies.


“Here’s a great idea — why don’t some conservatives get together and start their own version of GetUp to combat the perceived power of the much-demonised progressive activist group? In fact it’s such a great idea, the right keeps having it… over and over and over.”

“There was one place you wouldn’t read about legal action launched on Monday against two former Tennis Australia directors. While the story was covered by all the major news websites (including Nine’s news website) and other outlets yesterday, Nine’s Wide World of Sports (WWOS) steered well clear of the yarn.”

“Politics is a game of scissors paper rock. Call it numbers screw-up money. Whenever anything bizarre appears, is it numbers, screw-up or money? Screw-up beats numbers (i.e. in-party or electoral support), money beats screw-up, numbers beats money. Round it goes. Whatever your first thought is, it’s the one that beats it that’s likely true.”


Visa squeeze on families and skilled workers under Morrison’s population pitch

Australian aid groups apologise for sexual abuse and harassment in vulnerable communities

MPs’ subpoena powers face test in High Court action ($)

Victorian state election 2018: Morrison Government backs Sunshine route for airport rail ($)

How China diverts, then spies on Australia’s internet traffic

Speaker Sue Hickey votes against Government over birth certificate gender reform, adjourns House

Donald Trump’s ban on giving asylum to illegal migrants temporarily blocked by judge

Papua New Guinea rejects US criticisms of Chinese ‘Belt and Road’

190 bottles of wine, 21 cases of beer and a pineapple: Gifts for MP’s interest

US asks for our help on North Korea nuclear weapons checks ($)


It’s robbing Peta to pay Peta, but still worthwhileCaitlin Fitzsimmons (Sydney Morning Herald): “Among women over the age of 15, more than one in six (17 per cent) have experienced violence from a current or former partner – equivalent to 1.6 million Australian women. So there is plenty of merit in the proposal to let survivors of domestic violence get early access to their superannuation in the Women’s Economic Security Statement, announced by the Minister for Women, Kelly O’Dwyer. There are also flaws.”

Beware of joining US in a cold war that he can’t win ($) — Sam Roggeveen (The Australian): “Then there is the question of America’s resolve. There is not much evidence that the US is readying itself for a contest on this scale. Both Pence and Obama have issued strong words when travelling in Asia, but has US policy in the region matched that language? And has any recent US president delivered a speech to his own people to prepare them for a struggle that could be tougher than the 40-plus year Cold War against Soviet communism?”

Scott Morrison’s population pitch may resonate with votersDavid Crowe (Sydney Morning Herald): “Nobody should dismiss the migration debate when Australians have good reason to worry about their crowded cities. The government is yet to take an official decision but Morrison has leapfrogged his ministers. The permanent migration cap is 190,000 a year and should be subject to annual consultation in the weeks ahead. Morrison has made it clear he wants it to be at least 160,000. So much for the consultation.”


The Latest Headlines



  • Day one of the two-day OECD meeting of mining regions and cities, with Chief Minister Michael Gunner to deliver a keynote.


  • India’s President Ram Nath Kovind will conduct a state visit to Australia to commemorate the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. Will reportedly include a banquet and unveiling of a statue of Gandhi in Parramatta.

  • CBA chair Catherine Livingstone will continue giving evidence to banking royal commission’s policy hearing, before Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer appears.

  • “Knitting Nannas” will protest outside Parliament House to draw attention to the Santos Narrabri coal seam gas project in the Pilliga Forest.


  • Minister for Human Services and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Digital Transformation Michael Keenan will deliver “Our Vision for Australia’s Digital Future” at the National Press Club.

  • Dean of the University of Tasmania Law School Tim McCormack will present “The Notion of Humanity as a Constraint on the Waging of War” for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Sir Elihu Lauterpacht International Law Lecture 2018.


  • Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy will speak at a Sky/Herald Sun People’s Forum.

  • Reason Party leader Fiona Patten will give a press conference discussing, amongst other topics, plans to legalise recreational cannabis, the party’s policy costings from Parliamentary Budget Office, and a Victoria Police investigation into preference dealings at the state election.

  • Director of Climate Change Policy in the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Michael Wheelahan will discuss implementing The Climate Change Act 2017 at an Energy Transition Hub event

  • The Conversation journalist Michelle Grattan will hold a Melbourne launch event for the website’s Yearbook 2018.


  • A hearing will be held into the City of Perth after the council was suspended in March due to infighting and reports of a toxic culture.

  • WA Nationals leader Mia Davies will visit Grainking’s manufacturing site to celebrate National Agriculture Day 2018.


  • Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will address an annual Queensland Resources Council event.

  • Queensland Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner will open the 2018 AgFutures Innovation and Investment Forum.

  • Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel will speak on the emerging role of hydrogen at an Australian Institute of Energy event.


  • People with a disability, their families, carers and service providers will hold a forum calling for urgent changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

  • A museum dedicated to poo will open at Richmond, north of Hobart.

Queanbeyan, NSW

  • Former Liberal leader Dr John Hewson will speak at a Monaro Renewable Energy Forum.


  • Woolworths will holds it AGM.

Bali, Indonesia

  • Bali Nine drug smuggler Renae Lawrence is expected to be released from jail today and return to Australia tomorrow.