Crikey readers had a go yesterday at discussing the government’s controversial encryption legislation — given particular weight now that Labor is indicating it will support the bill. Meanwhile, there was debate around Julia Banks and the push for a women’s caucus in parliament, and that old reader favourite: the independence of the ABC.
On the government’s encryption bill
AR writes: Would it be too cynical to think that Labor is slavering at the prospect of getting its grubby hands on all these exciting new security toys when they stumble, clueless, into office? And we may be certain that they will not, absolutely categorically not, misuse them — it wouldn’t be in their DNA.
Sydney or the Bush writes: So Australia is the only Five Eyes country “without an effective parliamentary committee for overseeing the operations of our intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies”. I would be shocked, sir, shocked that the oversight of the USA and UK agencies was anywhere short of perfection.
BeenAround writes: I agree that Labor needs to come clean on its role in the Witness K & Bernard Collaery matter, and must also resist the faux urgency for the LNP’s ill-conceived encryption legislation, where the so-called “intelligence” community can trample individual rights, justified by paranoia without any structural oversight. I am fed up with the mindless fear of “terrorism” being the justification for massively corroding legitimate freedom.
On Julia Banks and the women’s caucus
Robin writes: You make the point that there’s not much point getting more women into parliament if the women who got in are duds, but I wonder. After all, there are more than a few male duds in there already, and if we’re always bound to have a lot of duds, isn’t there at least some point in having a fair proportion of females among them? A successful female barrister used to say that she’d know that equality of opportunity had been achieved when mediocre women got just as much work as mediocre men. Doesn’t the same principle apply in politics?
RoRo writes: Indeed, Helen. If only we had more diverse people legislating to gut our welfare system, imprison refugee children and privatise Medicare, that would solve all our problems.
On the need for a new ABC charter
ex-ABC writes: Crikey asks “Why is its board stocked with financiers and corporate types, not broadcasters or journalists?” Probably for the same reason that the Woolworths board is not checkout staff. Broadcasters and journalists all have their roles to play in the ABC, and if there were more of the former and less of the latter, it would probably be a better “broadcast” organisation (it’s what the B in ABC stands for, after all).
BeenAround writes: Any review of the ABC Charter and funding must be set up and funded by government, but must not involve government, like a royal commission. The citizens of Australia own the ABC, not the government. Too often governments have demonstrated that they are incapable of understanding the real value and role of the ABC.
Send your comments, corrections, clarifications and cock-ups to boss@crikey.com.au. We reserve the right to edit comments for length and clarity. Please include your full name.
AR – another day another partisan anti Labor rant. Labor has negotiated a tightening of the rules regarding the use of anti encryption ruies. Your sledge was both premature and grubby
Hyper partisan apologia is not only very unattractive, it is counter productive because it alerts observers not only to moral myopia but an inability to do think for oneself.
As the old typists exercise had it “Now is the time for all to come to the aid of the Party”.
Shorten can always legislate to amend these provisions into oblivion. Repeal is not a crime.
Can & could is not will & did – that would require (a)integrity (b) ethics and, least likely, (c) a clue. About anything not involving factional obedience and obedience to Mammon.
Bill Shorten has one clear advantage over Scott Morrison. He looks as if he can actually think. I mean really think.