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Crikey readers responded over the weekend to the government’s latest Closing the Gap address, which Bernard Keane called another indictment of a country failing Indigenous people. Elsewhere, readers continued to write in with yet more examples of Australian politics’ lowest moments

On closing the gap

Wayne Robinson writes: Of course Indigenous Australians should have representation in Australian parliament. New Zealand Māoris have had representation since 1867, currently electing 10% of MPs in seven electorates and representing the 18% of New Zealanders who are Māori (many Māoris choose to register on the general roll). If New Zealand can do it, why can’t Australia?

Gail Artley writes: Morrison may have delivered a “heartfelt” speech, but that does not get the job done. He appointed Tony Abbot as indigenous affairs envoy, the same man who told Indigenous Australians who were living in remote communities that it was a “lifestyle choice”. Turnbull, Morrison and Barnaby Joyce, were completely opposed to receiving the Uluru Statement From The Heart.

On the parliament’s low points

Helen Esmond writes: For me, the lowest point was Tony Abbott’s words in federal parliament when Julia Gillard’s father had just died, implying he had died of shame. What a vicious blow that showed his vile nastiness. When I heard it, I naively thought that that would be even too great a departure from basic human decency for his Liberal colleagues and followers to stomach. I thought he’d be dumped in disgrace. Not a chance. How come he wasn’t chucked out of parliament for that? Roll on the election. My only hope for succour.

Jock Webb writes: I think the lowest moment in 50 ears of watching politics was the appointment of Abbott. He is unfit to hold high office and all the evils came as a consequence. I am not a Gillard fan, but I’m disgusted by Jones, and Abbott and their mates and I will never, ever vote Coalition again, as I have in years gone by.

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