The two Rwandan men allowed into Australia by the Morrison government — in exchange for the United States fixing the Turnbull government’s offshore-processing problem — commanded soldiers in the 1999 raid that led to the murder of eight Western tourists and the rape of several of them.
Yesterday, Politico reported that Australia had agreed to resettle the two men so that the US would accept 1200 refugees not permitted to resettle in Australia because they had arrived by boat. Leonidas Bimenyimana and Gregoire Nyaminani were both resettled in Australia in November, after spending years in limbo in the United States after a US District Court dismissed the prosecution of the men for the murder of eight tourists, including two New Zealanders, on the basis that their confessions had been extracted under duress.
The 1999 raid that kidnapped a tourist group in Uganda was conducted by the Liberation Army of Rwanda or ALIR, which had a formal goal of targeting “supporters of the government of Rwanda”, including Western countries. During the raid, a number of tourists were abducted and several raped and murdered, before the remainder were forced to move with the ALIR soldiers to another location, from where some were eventually released.
In a lengthy judgment exploring the circumstances of the raid, the subsequent capture of ALIR soldiers and their interrogation by Rwandan authorities and the FBI, the DC District Court found that Bimenyimana and Nyaminani, who both confessed to involvement in the murder of some of the tourists and, in the case of Nyaminani, the rape of one of the female tourists, had been subjected to torture after being captured by the Rwandan Army and that their confessions — which in some cases contradicted the confessions of other participants about who had carried out some of the murders — could not be relied upon.
However, the judgment also reveals a number of facts about Bimenyimana and Nyaminani that raise serious questions about how they could possibly have been allowed into Australia by Peter Dutton.
Both men were members of the ALIR, and knew of its goal of targeting Westerners perceived as supporting the Rwandan government. Nyaminani reached the rank of “first sergeant”. Bimenyimana, also known as “Zappy Gadi”, was a platoon commander in the ALIR’s “Irondelle Company”. The US court makes clear that both men were involved in the 1999 kidnapping raid.
[I]t is clear that the ALIR unit responsible for the attack that day was Irondelle Company, under the command of Ntabwoba. Irondelle Company consisted of three platoons, one of which was headed by Bimenyimana. Nyaminani was one of four section leaders within Bimenyimana’s platoon.
Nyaminani initially claimed he was only peripherally involved in the raid, but later confessed to FBI investigators, initially, that he had been ordered to take three female tourists away and kill them, found his men raping the women and ordered them to stop and kill them, though at least one of the women was still alive when they left hurriedly because of fear Ugandan military forces were coming.
Nyaminani later changed his confession to claim he also raped one of the women. The changes to Nyaminani’s story happened while he was held in brutal conditions and subjected to physical abuse by Rwandan soldiers; moreover, another soldier had already confessed to killing the women. Bimenyimana never disputed that he had led a platoon in the raid, but claimed that he had never killed any of the tourists and in fact knew nothing about the killings, only to change his story while being tortured by Rwandan troops, claiming he had watched the killing of an American tourist.
What remains undisputed is that both men led troops during the kidnapping raid; in Bimenyimana’s case as platoon leader.
New Zealanders are rightly outraged that Australia has given a sanctuary to two of the raid participants as part of a grubby deal to solve the Turnbull government’s embarrassment over refugees it refused to resettle here. What’s even more extraordinary is that while Scott Morrison earlier this year was spending over $100 million in a hysterical scare campaign over the “medevac” legislation demonising Labor (remember how it was going to be Morrison’s “Tampa moment”?) and warning that rapists and murderers would be allowed to come to Australia, it had secretly allowed two former soldiers who had participated in a murderous raid to settle here.
Alerted by questions from Politico, the government knew the story was coming yesterday. It had its response ready to go the moment outlets began following up. Within minutes of Crikey sending questions to the Coalition campaign, it responded “Australia does not and has not taken anyone who has failed character or security screening by our agencies under our refugee and humanitarian programme.” Of course, Bimenyimana and Nyaminani may not have been settled under humanitarian visas. In any event, the goal is to stonewall on the issue until the election is over.
They may be successful on that, but the cynicism and hypocrisy is extraordinary even by the grubby standards of contemporary politics.
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Thanks Bernard. This is why I read Crikey.
Exactly. Looking at face of the father of one of the Australian victims being inteviewed and the clear, white hot anger in his eyes was confronting. This has a way to go after the election.
There really needs to be an RC into DHA. All those failed audits, all those dodgy contracts, what’s the go with the au pairs? and now this.
Thought the same. RC into Border Force and Immigration.
So Labor’s plan to bring refugees from Nauru is scandalous because Labor would allow “rapists and murderers” into the country, but when the LNP authorises the access of men who are, credibly, charged with very, very serious acts, prize nincompoop Morrison swipes it away in his usual boofheaded and glib way and the mainstream media more or less leaves it alone.
If it were Labor who had made the decsion, it would have been a national disgrace and the confected outrage would have adorned every front page of every Murdoch and Stokes paper in this country. This is the lows to which politics, the LNP and the mainstream media have stooped. God help us if there are enough fools who vote for the LNP to return them to government for a further 3 years of scandal, incompetence and corruption.
When the NZ government is critical of the decision, it seems to me that this is a “where there is smoke, there’s a fire” scenario.
Interesting,…, it also reflects the type of deals that the American government is prepared to employ. Shocking on both sides.
Shocking indeed but, alas, not in the least surprising given the nature of that grubby deal from the get go.
People whom our own rigorous processes certified to be genuine refugees held in detention and traded like casino chips for political advantage.
Makes ya so… sick. And ashamed.
And afraid that this shower may yet scrape back into office – the mudorc has so decreed.
We are talking about Trump now.
Thought that bob hawke’s passing would perhaps boost labor, but maybe not as Morrison has dodged much scrutiny on this.