Crikey person of the year bernard collaery witness K
(Image: Getty)

Gentle readers, you have just two days left to vote in the 2019 Crikey Awards!

Ah, 2019. Another year, another step towards climate, social and spiritual breakdown, punctuated by bushfires, international tragedies and elections.

Who made the best of it? Young environmental champion Greta Thunberg? The PM who led New Zealand through the Christchurch shooting Jacinda Ardern? Soccer and refugee heroes Hakeem al-Araibi and Craig Foster? And who could forget dear Eggboy?

More to the point, who made the worst of it? Minister for Energy and scandal machine Angus Taylor? Paragon of the police state Attorney-General Christian Porter? Gladys “Now’s Not The Time To Talk About Climate Change” Berejiklian?

Time is running out fast and it’s still anyone’s game (although spoiler alert: Taylor is going to be hard to catch!).

To see more finalists for Person and Arsehat of the Year, check out Crikey’s guide. And to vote, click here!