Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced his new cabinet, reshuffled in the wake of the National Party spill and Bridget McKenzie’s departure.
And it turns out that’s pretty much the only strict requirement of his job.
Crikey asked the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet for the prime minister’s formal job description. According to a spokesperson from the department:
[A] prime minister’s formal role includes advising the governor-general on the appointment of ministers (including the title and scope of each minister’s portfolio), determining which ministers will form the cabinet, and chairing the cabinet.
The prime minister also administers the department of PM&C. Nothing about dealing with bushfires then… Morrison could do very little, beyond appointing a cabinet, and still not be failing his KPIs.
Of course, in reality, running a country is an exhausting, complicated task. The only performance review that matters, as countless prime ministers have reminded us, is on election day.
You were at the PM&C Bacon Factory, and didn’t back the ute up and ask them for a lazy few grand’s worth of pork while you were there?
…. Next time knock three times and ask for “Phil the Gatekeeper”, tell him Scotty from Marketing sent ya?
Bloody hell. Yet more evidence of how Liberal this mob is with other people’s money – now we’ve got the “Female Facilities and Water Safety Stream Program”.
Scumbo’s in deep with this rorting, up to his shifty eye-brows – lucky for him he’s standing on Gaetjens’ head, we wouldn’t be able to see him otherwise.
That’s a quarter of a billion dollars we tax-payers have funded Scumbo’s Party to spend on buying votes.
…… “How good is this government at managing the economy?”
Isn’t it great to be P.M, isn’t it great to have friends like Briget and the treasurer, and it’s amazing what prayer can get you at a sing-song church, just a bit of chanting and speaking in tongues and your fiscal prayers are answered (especially for the wealthy ) its a miracle, bit sad about the poor tho, anyhow that`s the lords job looking after them, if they have a go he will give them ago its in the sing-song bible but not in the P.M guide book
Most Australians know that Scottie from marketing masquerading as Smoko the “why should I come back from holidays, I don’t drag a hose) and then the creepiest incarnation of all, Scott the empathic smirker does not even meet the standard KPI of responsibility of position.
Lobbing into a small fire ravaged town called Cobargo, plastic woolies bag of non perishables, surrounded by a security detail in white BMW series 5’s, attempting to find a point of communication with people who are dog tied, living in their cars because they have lost everything else to a massive fire and not sure if their loved ones are still alive, because they are still fighting the fire, forcibly shaking a pregnant woman’s hand whilst the camera rolled.
Yeah nah, gong! next!
A drovers dog could run the country under these guidelines and frankly in a choice between Scomo and the dog, the dog wins by a country mile on trust and loyalty alone..