News Corp didn’t buyback shares in April, as reported in Crikey’s Tips & Murmurs column on May 11. The purchases referred to in the column were made in previous years. The mistake was the writer’s, who misread the following paragraph from the March quarter report:
No stock repurchases were made during the nine months ended March 31, 2020 and 2019. Through April 30, 2020, the Company cumulatively repurchased approximately 5.2 million shares of Class A Common Stock for an aggregate cost of approximately $71 million. The remaining authorized amount under the stock repurchase program as of April 30, 2020 was approximately $429 million.
The phrase, “Through April 30, 2020″, doesn’t refer to the month, but to the entire buyback program, which was approved by the board in May, 2013.
If the quoted paragraph of the March report was set as a reading comprehension test for, say, post-graduates with English as their first language, I’d be interested to learn how many would find the correct interpretation.