Look, anyone who heard the tapes that had piled up in the 60 Minutes office midyear would get the impression that disgraced former Labor power broker Adem Somyurek had a pretty sturdy brass neck. But this is ridiculous.
Somyurek has penned an op-ed for The Australian slamming his former boss for stripping Victorians of their civil liberties and circumventing the party room, Daniel Andrews is “power-hungry”, according to the apparently unironic headline.
The expansion of police state powers in Victoria does require serious interrogation. But Somyurek offering advice while his scandal is still so fresh in the mind is fairly rich, and adds to the impression that the Oz would publish an op-ed by Billy McFarland as long he was willing to question whether we’re spending too much money per head to keep the elderly alive.
Adem Somyurek given room in The Oz? I wonder why ….. Is there any gutter too far below?
…. Who’ll be left washing those cohabitated sheets?
I can’t unsee that metaphor.
Take a look at the article by Margot Saville. JK, flushed the knee jerkers out and Sultan has done the same.
The Sultan is not claiming constantly (given the article) but it may well be the case, depending upon the evidence, as to what the Sultan claims for Andrews.
Motes in eyes tend to miss such things Charlie or the head line is intended as another item of click bait.
Think the words ‘brass neck’ come to mind…which sums up most the opinionistas used by the Australian
Soiled by association – what is the currrent exchange rate for 30 pieces of silver?