Poor Sweden. The darling of anti-lockdown agitators is now facing a large surge in new coronavirus cases.
There was a time there in August in Melbourne where you couldn’t even whisper about lockdowns without the word Sweden echoing angrily off the walls. But theories of Swedish exceptionalism never really made much sense, and now the Scandinavian country is in the same position as most of Europe: tightening restrictions rather belatedly
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced a cap on the maximum number of people who could meet. Down to eight from its previous level of 300. It’s not quite a total lockdown, but it surely punctures the argument that social cohesion in the world’s favourite social democracy made it virus-proof.
“It’s going to get worse. Do your duty and take responsibility for stopping the spread of the virus,” Mr Löfven said.
“Don’t go to the gym, don’t go to the library, don’t have parties. Cancel.”
A familiar set of instructions for the rest of us. Let’s hope the Swedes can cope.
It ain’t over till the Fat Lady comes out of intubation.
Sweden did what they believed would work. However herd immunity has eluded them can lesson for the rest of the world
See Michael Yeadon’s article via Amber Schultz’s article via today’s Crikey 24-11-2020.
The media hysteria needs to stop.
Sweden has recorded the lowest annual mortality rate ever – even with 6000+ Covid related deaths.
The Covid-19 death rate is less than 0.2% (closer to 0.05% when the real infection rates are considered). The mortality rate in healthy under 65s is effectively zero.
For the average person this disease is literally no more dangerous than commuting to work.
And, after lauding Sweden’s response to the pandemic as an example for Australia to follow, Adam Creighton and the Australian have suddenly gone very quiet. Wonder why?
“Follow the money!”
No, follow SAGE!