He’s back. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, Crikey’s Clown of the Week, had a relatively quiet 2020, only occasionally bobbing to the surface to remind us of his staggering callousness, his contempt for democratic institutions, the incredible power he wields and his desire to constantly expand it.
This week, he reminded us all over again, somehow managing to distinguish himself during possibly the grubbiest and most dispiriting periods of the perpetually grubby and dispiriting Scott Morrison government.
Dutton is the latest in a long list of ministers and staffers who knew about the allegations of the rape of staffer Brittany Higgins without apparently feeling it was worth bringing to the prime minister’s notice.
The Australian Federal Police, under the obligation of “sensitive information” guidelines, had tipped him off on February 11, days after Higgins told them she was considering reopening the investigation into the incident. Why the AFP is obliged to tell the home affairs minister about any politically sensitive information it finds out is another question.
He then described the alleged rape as “she said, he said”. As Rachel Withers put it in The Monthly, while the allegations could scarcely have been handled worse, no one else in this whole sorry episode had thrown out that phrase, or anything like it. Apart from being a textbook example of the kind of dismissive, equivocal language that dissuades many victims from coming forward, one wonders what other serious crime could be committed in the halls of parliament which would illicit such an insouciant shrug from the “tough on crime” hard man.
Dutton has responded to the controversy with typical self reflection by saying arrests of rapists in his time as a policeman were “amongst his proudest achievements”, and threatening to sue Greens Senator Larissa Waters for calling him a “rape apologist”.
But it’s more than that. Earlier this month it was revealed that Dutton had slashed millions from recommended recipients of a community safety program and handed them to his own pet projects (including in a highly marginal seat leading up to a by-election and to a liberal donor). It should have been a scandal. It passed almost unnoticed.
As has always been the case, no matter the ongoing chaos, incompetence and unaccountability of his department, no matter the displays of willful ignorance on basic political matters, no matter the use of the office as a place to settle private scores or do favours for friends and supporters, Dutton’s influence remains seemingly undiminished.
However low the standards of politics may feel, Dutton has a supernatural ability to go lower. Given the standards of our era, that is quite an achievement.
Loathe as I am to be a pessimist, I’ve a sense that Mr Dutton can dive deeper yet. He has a natural aptitude for it.
With Morrison as his “boss” it’s a given that any of them can sink lower.
He may be a rape apologist (Larissa is closer to the action than I am to tell) but for sure he is a sorry apology for a human being.
If there’s one thing Trump has taught the Liberals, it’s that an escalating level of corruption, incompetence and bloody-mindedness will be ignored by the bulk of the populace as they desensitize to it. If Labor won the next election (howls of laughter, Bruce) Dutton could mount a coup, and no one would take any notice.
I agree, too many Australians are moved by existential non issues or perceived threats via our monopoly purveyors of political PR masquerading as news e.g. refugees/immigration, BigTech, unions/left, CCP/PRC etc..
However, why are Australians so mute on corruption and power by the ‘top people’ and corporate sector; willing subordination when society agrees with the political agitprop from the top….. quite a contrast from Australians’ self image individuality and rebelliousness?
Pessimist, pedant. ho hum. “Illicit” is Dutton’s take on “I like it” the word you need is ELICIT. Pity the decay of Old Media led to the extinction of proofreaders.
Good pick up Sutton. I don’t miss many, but that one sailed by me.
Apparently Spud’s “operational matters” supplant the need for his leader to be informed about something going on in Parliament House? And, going on the repercussions (lack), that’s all right :- “if you’re protecting Fearless Leader”?
In other, more responsible, circles you’d expect an embarrassing bollocking at the very least – but not this one.
…. That is if this isn’t just another act in “Scotty Knows Nothing” theatre.
In other, more responsible circles, even in normal and reasonable institutions, a wholesale broom through the lot of Ministers and Chiefs of Staff would be warranted.
I do not believe this Government is any different.
There should be mass sackings, at a minimum. As for the CEO, well he should be out on his arse.
Like a limbo dancer with no spine, there is no bar so low that Dutton can’t get under it.