
Note: this piece discusses sexual assault
Virginia Gordon, 60: ‘Why does no one care for our safety?’
Gordon told Crikey she saw Susan Ryan transform the workplace with the Sex Discrimination Act in 1984 and watched her own workplaces implement sexual harassment training sessions and appropriate processes to report sexual violence across the ’80s and ’90s.
I am shell-shocked by the lack of action on the lack of safety for women at work, women at home and women in the community.
How can it be 2021 and workplaces do not have in place the policies, mechanisms and practices to protect women as has been shown by the political horror stories which sicken me to the stomach. I spend a lot of time in Canberra and know well the “away from home” culture that “excuses” so much. It’s a workplace above everything and the total lack of leadership takes my breath away.
Where are the presidents of the ALP and the Liberal Party? Where are the donors saying enough is enough? Where are the leaders of business who are saying not in my time, not in my company, not with my staff, not with my daughters and sons, not with my mother, my sister, my brother, my aunt, my uncle.
Why is it left to women, largely, and to community activists to have to take to the streets again as if it is still the 1970s?
I walk for those women who cannot. I walk to tell those who have suffered you will be heard, you are not alone. I stand on the shoulders of the women who have gone before me — the second wave feminists who changed so much of the world and should not need to yet again in their later years be back out doing the heavy lifting alongside women and daughters of all ages.
I march to end the horror, to stop the abuse, to give comfort to those who need it.
I call for Australia to ensure being an Australian of the Year is not just a photo op for the country but a sign of the change we need to be — and a sign we will change as a country. A sign we will listen to the Australian of the Year. Listen, reflect, learn and act.
Margaret Jones, 64: ‘We want to roar’
I am 64 years old. My 58-year-old sister is marching too. Like Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins, we want our voices to be heard. We want to roar. I am fortunate enough to have never been sexually abused (more good luck than good management) but I work every day with children and young people who have been sexually abused — primarily by males.
There are so many wonderful men; but they are suffering from the men, our leaders in Canberra headed by Scott Morrison, who wilfully, misogynistically, and arrogantly will not acknowledge the shame, degradation, pain, and ongoing trauma of victims of sexual abuse.
Here is a man who could not even be bothered reading the statement of beautiful Kate from Adelaide; who tolerates a minister who uses the term “lying cow”; who protects the highest law officer in the country who has been accused of rape.
Scott Morrison is a role model but for whom: the rich, the powerful, the entitled, the born to rule. Not too many women in that group.
Freja Leonard, 49: ‘I’m too old for this shit’
I’ll be there as a survivor of multiple sexual assaults who, even at the age of seven was made to feel like the crime was my fault. And it didn’t stop there. I finally had the last assault taken to court and the perpetrator pleaded guilty a couple of years ago and honestly I’m too old for this shit.
I’ll be there because as I near 50 years of age I’m increasingly wondering how much has been squandered by women being suppressed. Not just the talk over in meetings, the ideas not heard, the belittling and demeaning nature of patriarchal self-aggrandisement, but the unspeakable volume of women who live daily with anxiety, with second-guessing, who have held themselves back through the poverty of self-belief. Or even just the deeply permeated expectation that it will be the woman who will put her life to one side to care for others.
So much capital has been lost and we see that nowhere more starkly today than in the nation’s capital.
So that’s why I’m marching. I’m marching for the women throughout history who were burned, the women who are burned even today, and in the hope that the women who are to follow me and my generation have the path cleared for them to make their own contribution in their own way on their own terms.
Kaye Beckwith, 90: ‘Hear me roar!’
I’ve nearly 90 years of things to say about the culture of rape in Australia. Sadly I’m too old and too frail to join you marching but you will HEAR ME ROAR.
Patricia Ware, 66: ‘Anxiety and sadness’
I have been disheartened by the leadership of Australia on many occasions. Never before have I suffered a sense of anxiety and sadness at the way the political leaders have acted. With the words and actions currently on show, I feel afraid for the future women of this country. If I can do something to fight this I am happy to do so.
Julie Davey, 61: ‘My list of demands’
I will be marching (albeit a bit wonkily with the aid of a walking stick — I am a 61-year-old former senior health executive, now stroke survivor, consumer advocate and disability pensioner).
I’m angry after a lifetime of experiencing sexism; subtle and obvious gender discrimination in employment, sexual harassment within workplaces and in everyday life, and sexual assault. I’m over it!
The changes I want to see?
- Immediately, the current government needs to apologise to all Australian women (and male victims) for any harm caused by their announcements, responses and statements over the last month
- They need to say that they had a mistaken awareness of the depth, breadth and prevalence of sexism, misogyny, discrimination, harassment and sexual assault of women of all ages and children in Australia and the huge task that is before them to change the status quo
- They need to acknowledge the rates of sexual assault of older women in Residential Aged Care, [reported at] 50 per week.
- They need to acknowledge the rate of child sexual abuse in Australia
- They need to back this up by initiating an independent inquiry into the rape allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter and acknowledging that this should have occurred two weeks ago
If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault or violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 1800RESPECT.org.au.
For anyone seeking help, Lifeline is on 13 11 14 and Beyond Blue is 1300 22 4636.
I suspect that the A G deciding to troll all those who are marching, by launching an action against the ABC, will only further the resolve of all those marching.
Even if so, where does it take anyone once the march is over? Ignoring protest is a misgovernmental speciality.
A slab sez he won’t proceed – at the last minute he’ll withdraw the action.
It’s just about shutting down comment, like this site, until the attention wanes.
I really don’t know enough about him, to work out whether to take that bet or not? But shutting down comment that he doesn’t like, would be typical behaviour for a right wing, free speech warrior.
Thank you for sharing these, Amber. The rage is palpable.
What is surprising is that so many seem to be surprised. Governmental contempt for the individual is on display every day, even more so with many covid19 decisions. Or did these people really delude themselves that a government brutal towards refugees would be nice to the locals?
Chin up, Ambrose. We’re vaccinating now… 10,000 a week in Victoria, so I’ve read. At that rate, the entire state will be done in only 11 years!
Apparently that’s good enough for some. I heard the prime minister this morning saying we are on target. But why should he be concerned. He and his “mates in the liberal party” have had their shots.
I still don’t get what people think they are being vaccinated for or against, it’s a cold virus, 99.6% of people get a cold. Maybe. And outside Australia the world knows that the only pandemic has been fake PCR tests, but then our media and pollies have made a dirty deal with the big pharma funded Australian Science media centre to peddle propaganda. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/09/google-partners-with-industry-lapdog-to-promote-vaccines.aspx Haven’t people noticed how every outlet in Australia, NZ and the UK peddle the same endless stream of nonsense.
-5, are you people still buying this covid nonsense.
Marilyn, if you’re that certain, go to a quarantine hotel and breathe deeply. I promise not to laugh too loudly when, a month later, you’re screaming feebly through the respirator like that fella in Wyoming, “This can’t be happening. It’s a hoax…”
Better still, volunteer in a covid hospital in PNG. You won’t get much in the way of resources or personal protection equipment, but that won’t bother you.
Excellent suggestion.
The proof of her belief would be in the pulmonary bubbles at the last gasp.
I suspected the advertised roll out would be a fizzer; yep sadly . 40 thousand Australian’s stuck in limbo offshore; but they get back in the cashed up student populace first? Why? Money; contracts; the moral malaise brigade. Meanwhile they got their heads in the troughs; contracts; data mining; outsourcing; our disability, aged care, child care, education and why is it that a full time mother is worth less to these nut jobs than a bloke with a shovel both in equity?
Janine Hendry caught Michael McCormack and didn’t let him get away:
Hendry: “To be clear, the Australian Human Rights Commission report landed on the Attorney-General’s desk over 12 months ago, and we have not seen any implementation of the recommendations that were in that report. And it was pretty scathing. When you tell me that you’re willing to look at it, I’m going to tell you, I want some action.”
McCormack: “OK.”
Hendry: “And the women of Australia want some action. We’re drawing a line in the sand right here, right now.”
McCormack: “OK, alright.”
Hendry: “Will you give me that assurance?”
McCormack: “I’m certain that we’ll absolutely look at it. I can’t give you the assurance that …”
Hendry: “You’ve been looking at this for years. I’m sorry, It’s time and it’s time now. We don’t want any more reports.”
McCormack: “Sure.”
Hendry: “We want change, and we want change now.”
McCormack: “I understand.”
Hendry: “You’ve had that report for 14 months. It’s time.”
You’ve had that report for 14 months. Exactly. And the Deaths in Custody Royal Commission was 30 years ago. It’s still not implemented. It’s not going to be. By either party. Because that’s not what reports and Royal Commissions are for. They exist to create the impression that the rulers care and that something is being, or will be, done. They don’t, it’s not and it won’t be. I wish it were otherwise.
Governments since 1997 have been given reports to end locking up innocent refugees, but we just keep getting worse.
All incredibly powerful and better articulated that what I could manage. Thank you for giving these voices a platform to be heard.