malcolm roberts
One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts (Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Import (culture war) ban Although it was lost, there was a One Nation motion yesterday — introduced by sovereign senator, the self-described Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts., the living soul — in the upper house calling for a rejection of “distorted language” (by which he meant gender-neutral terms like “chest-feeding” and “menstruators”) and for government agencies to not use the terms.

It’s classic nasty, imported culture war bullshit, attempting to take a non-issue blown out of proportion in the UK into an Australian context — despite being barely able to raise any ire here last year around a similar issue.

Of course the government backed it. It’s not the first time the government has voted in favour of imported rhetoric with extremely nasty overtones.

Best fool forward? Along similar lines: at the moment — when there is a cross-generational, potentially epochal movement dedicated to looking at the real dangers facing women — it is interesting to note what The Australian is using as its promoted content, and consider who it is trying to attract.

More than one tipster — one of whom happens to work in gender equality — has reported being bombarded on Facebook with a Janet Albrechtsen typically subdued and considered column from February in which she argues that the real “fight of our lives” facing women is the transgender movement’s “despicable” push to “expunge female biology”.

That’s news to me The Washington Post reported yesterday that Pope Francis has disappointed LGBTIQ Catholics by decreeing same-sex unions are “not ordered to the creator’s plan” and that God “cannot bless sin”.

Conservative theologian Chad Pecknold is quoted in the article saying the move was:

… shocking progressives by affirming the church’s teaching that sexual activity outside of the marriage of one man and one woman is contrary to the good of human dignity.

Another thing it reaffirms is that Francis has always got a great deal of credit for moves that are much more likely to be rhetorical and symbolic than concrete.

Apart from that, it’s rare you see a news story that literally amounts to “Pope a Catholic”. Perhaps today the paper can shed some light on where bears prefer to shit?

Fake Wilson While we’re all reeling at how expert — how surgically awful — the government’s response to the March4Justice — hats off to Mathias Cormann’s Senate replacement, Ben Small, for his masterpiece double act with Labor’s Kate Thwaites — it’s important to stick to the facts.

So while freedom boy Tim Wilson doesn’t have the best record on the freedom to protest, we are honour-bound to point out that a tweet circulating this morning in which he purportedly calls for water cannons to be turned on to Monday’s rally is a fake.

1800RESPECT responds 1800RESPECT has responded to our tip on Monday, particularly the assertion that there had been a “reduction in quality” since the service had been privatised:

Medibank has delivered the service since it was established in 2010, in conjunction with five not-for-profit organisations. Medibank takes its community role supporting people impacted by violence very seriously. It is important to be careful when making claims on the operation of 1800RESPECT, as they could have an impact on Australians who need to seek assistance through the service. We are incredibly proud of our answer rate, which is around 95%.

Through COVID, the service provided crucial support to those needing assistance while facing lockdowns and stressful situations.

1800RESPECT is a confidential service. Medibank takes the privacy of callers very seriously. When contacting 1800RESPECT people are advised that their contact is recorded for quality clinical care and training purposes, enabling 1800RESPECT to undertake quality assurance practices that ensure the consistency and quality of the service delivered and allow for continuous improvement. Contacts can ask that their call not be recorded and have the option to use a pseudonym or withhold identifying information such as their surname or date of birth, which many contacts choose to do. 1800RESPECT contact records are protected by privacy and health information legislation and information.

Medibank will use all powers and privileges legally available to refuse sharing information without the consent of the caller, including in the case of a subpoena being issued.

Domestic, family violence and sexual assault is incredibly prevalent in our community and is of national concern. All Australians should have confidence to call 1800RESPECT when they need counselling, information or support.