
The Beetrooter is back! For lo we hath seen his redness rise in the north, like a shepherd’s warning at morning, and the prophecy has been fulfilled: that a child will come to lead them, and he will be as a shouting bag of blood hooked up on a drip cradle, a rural engorgement.
And it didn’t take him too long to give his supporters what they want, taking the fight back to Labor and progressives in a way that Michael McCrom- McMorc- Mc — that guy never could. McSomething showed why he had been edged out of the leadership, giving a farewell speech that sounded like a dog about to be shot heaping praise on the farmer, and then retiring gracefully into the shadows, as Labor enthusiastically applauded the man who had earlier hoped that a mice plague would invade the cities and bite children in their beds. Gnawing resentment, much?
Leadership change in the National Party doesn’t really have to be explained in factional terms — more ‘Yeah I reckon you’re right’ sort of thing from one quasi-aristocratic grassland lord to another. In switching from Macca (which no one has ever called him) to Barnaby, the party has just chosen one extractionist for another, and one likely to be more effective in channelling not just culture war stuff, but a deeper sense of rural populism and anti-politics. Though various people on the progressive side have tried to portray Scotty and others as Trumpian, that’s always been a mischaracterisation.
But Barnaby’s the only one in Australia with a real touch of that raw, about-to-explode look, scorning all experts, science or even common sense and judgment in the management of his own life. There’s a touch of the old Kingfish there, Huey Long, Louisiana governor in the ’30s, who had run on the principle that he was a rube like all the other rubes.
The Kingfish, yes. But also a touch of Princess Diana. When Barnaby’s affair with Vikki Campion, the worst-kept secret in the world, was revealed by a news org big enough to withstand libel threats and smoke it out, he could have gone the whole “man is a man, man’s got needs” route. He would not be the first National/Country Party leader to do some agisting in the bottom paddock.
Barnaby, or whoever was advising him, went the other way, and it was a stroke of genius. By playing up the emotionality stuff, the depression, angst, guilt blah blah, as told to The Australian Women’s Weekly, he managed to keep that part of the rural vote who don’t care who he roots, but also leapfrog mainstream politics to become the very modern man, vulnerable, pulled off course by love, following his heart. In other words, classically feminine. He has essentially become our modern Tiresias, swapping back and forth across the line as suits.
Those positions may look like polar opposites, but they ain’t. Barnaby’s masculine take — orrrrr I don’t reckon there’s much to this climate science, the Murray-Darling’s doing all right, them fancy city blokes etc etc — is an anti-metropolitan, anti-technocratic one, and so too is the lerrvvv stuff, that one can be blown this way and that by love. The fact that Barnaby had to go because of entirely sexual harassment allegations has been quietly forgotten.
The widespread bewilderment and condemnation of the Nats that has come from the press gallery and mainstream commentators show that they either don’t get the degree to which various forms of populism, anti-elitism, anti-politics are a winning ticket these days, or they just don’t care about actually reading the country. They would prefer to enforce a knowledge-class view of the world, in which Barnaby’s spinning penis pinyata act is simply incomprehensible politics, mad stuff. It got a stern lecture from professional political photobomber Troy Bramston, that this was not how we do things (and you wonder why Labor’s losing), and the 87th article from Katharine Murphy, the Lucille Ball of Australian political commentary, perpetually wide-eyed and agape that everything’s gone crazy and she can’t find the words for it.
Well, yes, there are some rural voters in the larger regional cities who may be finally detached from the Nats on climate change and personal conduct grounds, but there are others who will be persuaded to abandon any dalliance with tell-it-like-it-is rural independents, and that the Nats are speaking for them again. The Nats’ big competition is the new Voices movement, and they know it. Maybe Voices candidates won’t break through this time, but they’re not going away. The non-party structure as a network grounded in community is long-term viable in a way that start-up upstart parties, or isolated independents, aren’t.
The only remaining question is whether Barnaby’s return will have an effect in the cities, in divisions like Higgins, Boothby and others. But I believe people really don’t factor that in much in the ballot box. When the election starts, Nat politicians disappear down the wombat electoral trail and aren’t heard from for weeks in the cities. Barnaby would have to shoot an escort’s pimp in the head to get in the news then –something which he has presumably timetabled for early 2022.
The response to his return is not to put one’s hands up in the air and shriek. It’s to respond to politics with politics. In Labor’s case to tell the truth to country Australia and thereby gain support in the cities. Country Australia was a state-sponsored project, created by government monopsonies. Those days are over. If it’s going to survive as anything other than a vast FIFO zone it’s going to have to stop whining about getting no love, and make real and big changes — the imagination of which is entirely beyond the scope of the National Party.
To presume that everyone voting, or thinking of, for something like a Voices candidate is a rural soft progressive or centrist is to misunderstand both populism and the country. Populism doesn’t work on the left-right spectrum, since it is not per se about one economic system or the other. It’s about a relationship to elite power, which is how things like Brexit, or the National Front in France, or the election of Pedro Castillo in Peru happen. The Nats know that if they can’t keep their increasingly complex rural voting coalition together, they’re finished. They become subject to the (Tony) Windsor rule: if you run headlong against an existing Nat with a big majority and split the vote down the middle, the preferences will swamp them. By contrast, marginal seats will be harder, since the prospect of a Labor get-in will reestablish rural solidarity.
We are about five years away from global exclusion from trade due to our profligate emissions policy. When it happens, it’ll happen fast. Deep down, a lot of country people know that country, in its inherited form, is over. The appeal of Barnaby, the perpetually enraged personification of the left-behind, is that it means you don’t have to think about that for a while, and in technocratic hypermodernity that is all a lot of people vote for.
Go Barnaby, you big hen’s night prop, purplish and forever reinflatable.
Guy notes “Though various people on the progressive side have tried to portray Scotty and others as Trumpian, that’s always been a mischaracterisation”. Indeed, Morrison is actually channelling Kim Jong Il. Look at Australia under him, a virtual Hermit Kingdom cut off from the real world, fed on cult of personality tropes of Morrison – can do man, sports fan man, warm and cuddly man, faith-healer man, decisive man, world stage man. And all powered electorally by the greatest rort in Australia’s long history of rorts – the “4WD ute for free-rort” available for all people submitting a “business” tax return, worth over $4 billion last year and even more next year, paid for by all you other working stiffs who can’t claim it on their taxes
Hermit kingdom? You do realise that Scomo generously, with his characteristic self-sacrifice, acted as a guinea pig for the rest of us by travelling the highways and byways of Britain, testing whether it would be safe for us lesser beings? Have you no gratitude?
Thanks for the jibe at Murphy, who must hold the world’s record for the number of mixed metaphors in a given piece.
And as for Barney Rubble, we now have to spend the next few years staring at at a man who appears unaquainted with the toothbrush.
That was mean, but fair!
We are about five years away from global exclusion from trade due to our profligate emissions policy. When it happens, it’ll happen fast. Deep down, a lot of country people know that country, in its inherited form, is over.
And yet, once again, despite The Nat’s being a pro-coal/pro-CSG party, the bush will (most likely) continue to vote for them, and continue to vote against their own interests.
And then continue to wonder why the (overwhelming majority) – the city voters, are annoyed/frustrated.
Fkg amazing.
Seems the bush has latched onto Sky News so what would you expect.
Not just Sky News but also note that one of the propped up regional TV networks has also rented a channel to the Swaggart grifters for 24 hour Praise the Lord and send us money programming.
Well I thought they would have preferred Benny Hinn. I can see why they would reject Ted (I’m not gay) Haggard.
Have they? Sky “News” has latched onto them.
Same outcome.
It’s been foisied upon them, you mean.
Perhaps we rural people could also be annoyed that rich city people overwhelmingly vote conservative/reactionary?
I wouldn’t consider voting for either the rural or urban branch of the LNP in a million years, but Labor and even the Greens don’t come from the same planet.
Radical politics in Australia came from the bush, where the Labor party was formed, where openly Communist and anarchist movements were strong and even got elected to parliament – there’s nothing inherently conservative about the bush, but the left of far-right parties might as well be aliens.
So who’s left? PHON? Clive?
Interested in your answer to this
The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party is making inroads in the bush. Just look at last NSW elections. They could also effectively move into federal politics. My family is from western NSW and I can tell you the Shooters win out there in the NSW election was about wholesale defection from the Nationals – verging on hatred from some of their previous supporters – due to the perception of being sold out. This was particularly about the handling of the Murray-Darling, which featured Barnaby big time.
The Shooters may look right wing, but they are a little more comple than that. Perhaps it could be described as rural populism.
I hope that you are correct about FSF being a draw for disaffected rural voters who cannot brig themselves to go to ”Labor” no matter how disgusted they are with the decades of treachery from the gNats.
Phil Donato (ex Orange cop) is immensely popular having bounced a former gNat leader and since secured the seat, seemingly in perpetuity.
That’s a non-question, as easily applicable to urban electorates. The range of candidates says more about the current hopeless state of our political system than the voters.
Radical politics kept its grip in the inner cities in the 70’s/80’s with community health centres/bulk billing/collective social services…Regional towns with their rugged individualistic rational national autonomies (lol) let it slide..In my middling 10,000 pop town the most affordable dental care for *us ‘gubbas’* is at the local Aboriginal co-op ..And now currently it’s the best place to issue vaccines (Pfizer & Astra ) for the towns white population..Go figure 😉
Pity about the mice invading the gaol, the biggest employer in Wellington.
Nothing inherently conservative about the bush? Than who the hell’s voting for the ultra conservative numbnuts in the Nat party?
Ultra conservative people and people who can’t see anyone better. I think they’re idiots, but naivety doesn’t make a fascist. And just because those people get in, doesn’t mean there isn’t a sizeable chunk that don’t vote for them.
They’re not ultra conservative. Ultra right wing if you like but they’re quite destructive of a lot that we used to think valuable in society. That’s not conservatism. It’s not for nothing that the WA daily paper’s one-word headline on the return of Barnaby Joyce was BONKERS.
Well Joyce increased his vote after his dual citizenship was outed, and that’s New England voters.
Im not saying the country is inherently conservative – i was saying those left/right frameworks dont work easily in populist situations. But there certainly wont be radical left revivals in the country, even if they once sprouted there
Nor in the city I fear.
One day somewhere though …
I live in rural Qld. The people here would elect a backwoods ape if it had an LNP banner hanging off it’s dags.
I wish I’d thought of this, but a beautiful, minor headline read…Michael McCormack spent too much time worrying about the mouse plague and not enough time worrying about the rats in his own Party……..
And now they’re rehomed in his party, eating what was left of their credibility, nibbling away at any vestige of ethics, scratching, crapping all over the furniture and trying to gnaw their way back into that pork barrel?
…and as one of those unfortunates living in Barnabys electorate currently suffering from the mouse plague…an aspect you overlooked to mention is the absolutely horrendous STENCH
“The appeal of Barnaby, the perpetually enraged personification of the left-behind, is that it means you don’t have to think about that for a while, and in technocratic hypermodernity that is all a lot of people vote for.” This is terrifying.
Also a symptom of how the modern political system has left a lot of people behind.