
Has Australia seen a less competent, thinner-skinned, more duplicitous and cowardly prime minister than Scott Morrison? Ever?
Half the country is in lockdown at a time when, according to the schedule released by Scott Morrison himself in March, around 25 million Australian vaccinations were supposed to have been given. Morrison denies any such schedule ever existed. The current number of vaccinations is a little over 10 million, leaving the bulk of the population without even a first shot as the delta variant generates hundreds of new cases a day.
Staggeringly — frighteningly — outside the Northern Territory, 75% of aged care workers are not fully vaccinated. More than half haven’t had their first jab. The entire rollout to aged care and residential disability care by the government was, we were promised by Morrison and Greg Hunt, going to be done and dusted by the end of March.
The quarantine failures that have caused the two most recent outbreaks are on both the state governments and Morrison. Both failed to use the success of our handling of the pandemic last year to prepare some insurance with quarantine facilities better than tourism facilities in city hotels.
So these lockdowns are primarily on Morrison, and his government’s failure to source sufficient vaccines, his government’s failure to prepare quarantine facilities along with the states, and his government’s failure to roll out its part of the vaccination program on anything like the timetable proposed.
But Morrison refuses to accept responsibility, and certainly refuses to apologise for such a badly bungled rollout. There’s always someone else to blame: the states — especially if they’re Labor — the Europeans, blood clots and, increasingly, his vaccine advisory group, ATAGI.
Yesterday, stung by criticism even from conservative commentators that he’s been in hiding while much of the east coast of Australia confronts a crisis — gee, where have we seen that before — he emerged at the Lodge in Canberra, with unvaccinated journalists having been told to stay away by the Chief Medical officer.
His media conference was to announce… nothing. He was there, he said, to provide “a bit of an update”, which involved insisting that everything was now going well with the rollout and that the Commonwealth was rushing to give financial assistance to people in lockdown.
“Now, let me run through how that’s running in each of the states, because it’s now exactly the same in all states,” Morrison said.
“In all states,” he continued, “people are, that are affected by the lockdowns, where there’s a Commonwealth hotspot definition put in place, the payments are being provided statewide through the partnership that I’ve been able to put in place with each of the state premiers, most recently last night with Premier Marshall. So, it’s the same right across all the states of the states affected…”
Reckon that Daniel Andrews jibe about “Prime Minister for NSW” hit the mark or what?
By the way, “all states need to lift their vaccination rates,” Morrison later added. They’re the ones letting Australia down, evidently. The spectacular, awful rollout failure in aged and residential disability care went unmentioned by the Prime Minister, oddly. He doesn’t, as so many have said so aptly, hold a syringe, mate. Or much else.
Which brings us to the problem vexing Morrison — that he wants people to take up AstraZeneca when his own vaccine advisory body insists Pfizer is preferred for under-60s. As plenty of others have already noted since yesterday’s proceedings, Morrison wants it both ways.
Mustering high dudgeon, he insisted to one journalist that it was outrageous to suggest he might override the advice of ATAGI on AstraZeneca — after all, right through the pandemic, Morrison has insisted he is a humble politician following the advice of the health experts. The climate experts, the integrity experts, the workplace harassment experts, the energy experts, the economic experts, they can sod off. But health experts? Well, just tell us how high to jump.
But he also made a point of saying he is constantly bombarding ATAGI with demands that it change its advice. “It’s a constant appeal,” he assured us. In other words, how dare you suggest I not follow the health advice I am constantly demanding be changed by those who issue it.
Even if you were happy to overlook Morrison’s constant lying, even if you thought pork-barrelling and soft corruption was a constant in politics, even if you think climate change is a hoax created by the financial wolves of international markets, Morrison’s catastrophic bungling of the vaccination rollout and quarantine — things he had ample time to plan and get right once closed borders enabled us got on top of the virus — is a low point in modern Australian government, with an economic and health toll arguably even worse than the last great policy failure, the Iraq war.
Incompetent, thin-skinned, deceitful and cowardly — other prime ministers might have exceeded him in one of those characteristics. But Morrison combines them all, the complete package of non-leadership. His faults as a politician — a simple inability to lead, a staggering lack of vision beyond retaining power, an obsession with surface over substance — have combined with his glaring faults as a person: the lies, the refusal to accept responsibility, the inner moral and intellectual vacuum.
The result leaves Australia in terrible hands at a point when the virus threatens to break out and the country teeters on the brink of recession again.
“Now, let me run through how that’s running in each of the states, because it’s now exactly the same in all states,” Morrison said…
Morrison is “lying in state”
It’s a disease with Morrisin. He’s been scamming his way through life since conception.
November 3, 2012, Jane Cadzow wrote about his Sydney return (ignominious but lucrative sacking that resulted in him getting over $300,000 to go away before the end of his contract)
“Back in Sydney, where few knew or cared about the drama across the Tasman, he landed the job of director of the Liberal Party’s NSW division. He was at the helm for the federal election campaign of 2001, fought in the jittery aftermath of the September 11 attacks when fear of terrorists heightened suspicion of asylum seekers.
Lawyer Irfan Yusuf, who stood for the Liberals in the western Sydney electorate of Reid, says he wrote a sympathetic article about a refugee whose two nieces had drowned en route to this country, but that Morrison denied him permission to publish it, saying,
“If you, as a Liberal candidate, talk about refugees in that way, it compromises our stand on security and terrorism.”
As Yusuf remembers it, “He was basically saying, ‘Look, if you want to have a future in the party, you shut up on this one.’ And, you know, I took it seriously, because he was the state director.”
Morrison denies this conversation took place.
Now who would you believe!
his is well worth reading, for a pretty complete picture of Morrison. https://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/the-public-life-of-scott-morrison/
Yes I put that link up a while back, I hope many read it.
I read it, it’s excellent. When is the next instalment?
Google Kangaroo Court of Australia Morrison fraud theft; nothing gets pas Shane Dowling he’s fearless
And if not already done so, check out Michael West investigative journalist website.
This is a very alarming read. The type of man we have in this position goes back a long way.
Online petition reads:
Scott Morrison, you are an utter failure as Prime Minister of Australia.
A PM is a leader, and you are not. It is a fact that you are the most incompetent PM since Billy McMahon over fifty years ago – even Abbott was marginally more competent (he CAN hold a hose).
We are completely fed up with your litany of policy failures and lies and spin, and we call on you to resign NOW so someone less incompetent can run this country – Josh Frydenberg is probably the least dangerous. By May 2022 we can pass judgement on your successor’s performance.
We reject your spin, and we have not forgotten:
Scott Morrison, we do NOT want another apology and another promise to do better because you suddenly “get” it. We want no more late apologies for inaction or ineffective action.
ScoMo – Scotty From Marketing – Smoko – Smirko – ProMo – NoMo – NoMore
The link is:
“even Abbott was marginally more competent (he CAN hold a hose).” Brilliant. You had me already!
The most concise run down of the ‘fool in the baseball cap’ I have seen so far. However, I think you focus on the wrong aspect of the low life who is our current PM. I find his total lack of any moral standards the most concerning. A leader who lacks any sort of moral compass, who lacks the ability to walk in the shoes of others of less fortunate circumstances and a complete lack of ability to encourage all to set Australia up as a model of the best aspects of humanity where care, compassion and the furthering of equality and equitable treatment in all areas of life is promoted. .
Nah Lionheart, he had it there in the “inner moral and intellectual vacuum” for mine.
I still agree with all the rest of course.
Moron-son should change his a nickname from Scomo to Gunna, he`s always gunna do something but never does.
He could lead the artillery corps perhaps.
Well that was illuminating.
Morrison seems sociopathic. An example being the unsettling calm composure he displays when clearly lying or distorting facts, which even rivals Trump. Any emotion displayed seems calculated based on how he ought to be feeling, rather than how he actually feels. Reporting and stories indicates he has a gigantic ego (not sure if Malcolm or him take the cake); the bushfire handshake being a perfect example, demonstrating the entitlement he feels, because after all, “He is the PRIME MINISTER”.
He has the characteristics of someone who’s been incredibly sheltered, who really hasn’t been exposed to other cultures. I’d imagine his vision for a greater Australian society is some sort of return to a more homogeneous Anglo society where Christian community plays a greater role; and a stronger emphasis on social cohesion, at the expense of individual rights. I don’t really see any Christian virtue in him – how’s he helped / treated the vulnerable, the poor, and the asylum seeker. It seemed the machinations of his father greatly influenced him, an example being, the brazen pork barrelling thats occurred under his leadership.
In summary, a dangerous man to be PM – a shape-shifter with a strong desire to stay PM to maintain power for it’s own sake, with very little emotional intelligence or empathy, and a parochial vision that look back more (with incredible fondness) than forward. I don’t quite have a read on Josh – but I’d put him ahead of Scomo any day of the week.
Morrisin IS a sociopath/psychopath…Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders DSM
Medically, sociopathy is termed as antisocial personality disorder. It is defined as “a mental health condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others.”
The exact cause of sociopathy is not known. However, it is believed to result from complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors (e.g. child abuse, alcoholic parents). Sociopathy is much more common in men as compared to women.
I rang his office some while back and told them he was worse than Trump because at least Trump was honest.
Frydenberg is the Speer of the LNP.
He’s a Joyce on a lesser imbibing scale but getting there.
I thought that you meant William Joyce.
Perhaps you did?
I see Frydenberg more as Eva Braun but it was Adolf doing the ‘imbibing’.
Staggeringly — frighteningly — outside the Northern Territory, 75% of aged care workers are not fully vaccinated. More than half haven’t had their first jab. The entire rollout to aged care and residential disability care by the government was, we were promised by Morrison and Greg Hunt, going to be done and dusted by the end of March.
Surely Scum and his lot are criminally negligent.
His lot are not negligent about anything apparently, take Susan Ley for two examples…
SUSSAN! She has an “S” for each example!
Criminally negligent about this, they certainly are – but even worse, they are just criminal about the rorts issues and abuses of “entitlements”.
I think the “criminally negligent award” went to the Morrison government’s handling of aged care facilities during the first wave which killed 880 people or so.
The Victorian state run facilities had no Covid19 fatalities during the same outbreak.
I actually suspect that this current Smirko government has deliberately gone slow on aged and disability care workers hoping for another outbreak to reduce the number of people in care.
According to Murdoch sky news after dark muppets, the deaths in Victorian aged care centres was Dictator Dan’s fault.
I wish people wouldn’t hold up the Muppets as a bad example… they were charming, funny, and successful, unlike… you know…
Ok next time I’ll go with sky News maggots.
Maggots have their good points, eating diseased necrotic flesh.
Cannibals they are not, unlike this lot.
Yeah Kerry Stokes thought so too, his private age care death houses had plenty of deaths
No act of bastardry and evil from the smirking vacuum would surprise me, he is the Satan’s Spawn….hahaha, if you believe in that tripe.
Hartcher in the SMH Feb 19,2011 called Morrison.
“The greatest grub in Federal Parliament. A cheap populist with form. For him it’s just about clever lines. Consequences for himself and his party are all that matters.”
So why has Hartcher gone over to the dark side? He’s one of those who seldom mentions the Morrison / LNP transgressions. is it his owners who have pushed him to the dark side?
Money I suggest.
He was always highly suspect.
Yes Hateful slagging and bagging Gillard Worse promoting T Abbott Have never read his stuff since.It was vile!
Small penis that one for sure
I now regard The Age as being in the NeoCon camp along with the associated shockjock cabal.
Nothing out of Sydney is even worth the cold stale fish n chips.
Never forget that Nine Media not only issues SMH and Age, but also owns 2GB, home of Ray Hadley and Ben Fordham (brother-in-law of David Speers!)
Oh yes. I don’t know if Peter Costello is still the chairman of the board and it can’t be described as liberal in the true sense ………not the long dead East Malvern town hall sense either.
He just sacked Hewson see above link
Costello the boiled lollies ‘man’ for Dollar Sweets; another one hit wonder.
‘Twas Abbott and Costello from recollection……….Rupert loves a little bit union bashing still.
Its papers are very much conforming now to the neo liberal line. It’s now quite difficult to get a comment about government ministers or religious fanatics published there. I guess you can’t expect much different when the board is headed by a hard right liberal politician.
You most certainly can not choose your brother in law.
I have more sympathy for David Speers knowing that.
Over the last year on Insiders, he has slowed down and begun to understand that the Insiders is not about the “gotcha” moment and we need more of the yin and yang back (Gerrard Henderson and David Marr bickering like an old married couple, for instance).
Scott Morrison’s mate, political advisor and Nine Chairman Peter Costello sacks John Hewson at the SMH – The Age. Is an election close?
SMH not much better sacking Hewson
The Age has its own journalists and contacts commenting on their blogs while censoring any retort. The ferocious amount of fake news last year was appalling. After the fall of the golden standard suddenly it has gotten very quiet.
Probably needs the job at the moment.
Every man has his price, I suppose. Is the same true for a woman?
Morrisin’s CV and life was there for all to examine, but due to Murdoch, Stokes et al, that was hushed up. All of Morrisin’s character and personality and morality defects were recorded, but no one seemed to care. And that includes all media operations.
FFS Morrisin came from a family where the frenzied evangelical copper of a father was promoted to Chief Inspector and deputy mayor and mayor of the Municipality of Waverley.
NSW police were not permitted to stand for local government election until 1964. When Inspector Morrison was elected to the Waverly Council in 1968 he was one of the first two policemen in the State to be elected to local government.
April 24, 1986 The SMH reported reported that “The Police Appeals Tribunal has relieved the Mayor of Waverley, Alderman John Morrison, of his position as chief inspector in the Waverley and Woollahra areas after an appeal by a senior police officer.
Anecdotally we are told that Morrisin Senior used to make MP Ernie Page, a previous mayor, mad by never telling him the time of meetings. Morrison JR is doing the same thing to the media with his weekly briefings.
John Morrison appears to have been an ambitious man, willing to twist situations to his own advantage and with questionable racist attitudes. At least that is the impression I have of him from what I have been able to read on the internet. I stand to be corrected.
Google The Public Life of Scott Morrison Posted on December 19, 2013.
‘Son of Plod’!
Apple tree serpent sins of father, clap clap, twist tongue again.
Devious duplicitous bullying manipulative religious cult member. Father or son?
In fact it explains the love affair between the NSW police and the Prime Minister for NSW with Berjiklian in the caretaker role under tutelage from Scovid.
Thank you Allan. I ‘almost’ feel a tiny bit sorry for Gladys. There she is each day attempting to do a few postive things for our Sydney and NSW friends .. and then ScoMo turns up to ‘assist her’.!!
Yeah, Morrison, Johnson and Trump, the virus trifecta each deadly for the world and the residents of the countries over which they rule like a syphilitic royal..substitute Boris for Scovid or Pussy Grabber and they’re all the same killer virus strain.
”Boris Johnson is an ex-journalist who wants to send working journalists to prison. Boris Johnson is an opponent of the “nanny state” who will give the courts the ability to jail anyone who reveals the abuse of state power. Judge him by the standards that are meant to have guided his life, and you find that Boris Johnson is a monumental fraud.”
“These people are single issue crusaders and don’t support the Liberal Party,” said one source, who declined to be named.
“What could be more undemocratic than using a minority religious group to influence a major party – it needs to be called out or what it is,” they said.
“This takeover has been planned for a long time – discussions were being had with the Victorians and WA hard-right three years ago… our party is on the line here.
“Anybody who thinks the hard-Right knows what they are doing needs to think again… [the party] lost control in Victoria and that will happen in SA too.
“This is an ugly sectarian takeover – people need to wise up fast.”
We’ve always been somewhat lucky as a nation that when crisis strikes the nation, we’ve had upstanding (mostly Labor) Governments. It’s been interesting watching the incompetent fop that is Morrison try and muddle his way through something that is just too big for him to handle. It’s breaking him, because he has never been someone who has been capable of rising to any challenge.
I hope the best for our nation but I hope the worst for Morrison.
Rapture should capture him sooner rather than later
Unfortunately, he and his merry band of delusion happy-clappies are determined to take the rest of us down with him.
State Liberal powerbrokers have moved to avert “mutual assured destruction” amid an escalating factional war with a stunning backdown on a bid to exclude more than 100 new members from largely Pentecostal Christian communities – but tensions remain high as insiders warn “our party is on the line” amid an “ugly sectarian takeover”. Look up Tom Richardson InDaily June 18 2021
Sounds familiar, think of the American Republican Party. Q Anon anyway and anywhere permeating in happy Chappy minds.
I think his rapture will turn out to be just a rupture…
We’ve always been somewhat lucky as a nation.. Yep. Donald Horne captured it back in 1964: Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. Except now those people are much lower than second rate … tenth maybe?
And it appears that most actually did miss or didn’t care to read
Again Bernard Keane leads while most prefer to baa baa like sheep including the ABC stacked as they are with Howard, Turnbull Morrison fellow nasty sagas.
Yes, Morrison has a long history of stuffing things up and then landing a better job. This is largely because of his obsession with building his own image, coupled with a disregard for successfully performing the tasks that he’s supposed to do. Because he concentrates on image, rather than substance, he tends to create toxic workplaces, divided between those who believe his spin and those who don’t. Another aspect of his image obsession, that puts people offside, is his tendency to blame others for his own failings, while taking personal credit other people’s achievements. And because there’s little substance to his spin, he has a deep seated aversion to accountability and scrutiny.
Which is why I suspect that he might be moving on soon. More and more people are demanding accountability. More people are treating his claims with scepticism. And if insider accounts are to be believed, the LNP has had a pretty toxic culture, since he’s taken the reins. So, I reckon there’s a fairly good chance, that he’s already plotting his next move. A cushy ambassadorship somewhere?
Although, now that I think of it, that might be why he was so keen for Cormann to get the OECD president role? Cormann returning the favour, by appointing Morrison to an OECD role, where he can strut the world stage, while doing bugger all?
OMG that’s a shocking thought, bad enough to know this cult follower will be forever on the public teat.
Unless in the end after a thorough investigation the man is charged for wilful neglect and improper administration of public funds
Section 54 of the Crimes Act 1900 makes it an offence punishable by a maximum penalty of two years in prison to engage in negligence which causes grievous bodily harm.
To establish the offence, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant:
The terms ‘unlawful’ and ‘negligent’ are not defined by the legislation, but the courts have found that an unlawful act must be ‘dangerous’ in order to amount to a crime.
The courts have further found that a negligent act must exhibit ‘such a high degree of disregard for the life and safety of others as to be regarded as a crime against the community generally’ in order to be criminal. This is a higher test than that which applies to civil liability.
‘Grievous bodily harm’ has been generically defined by the courts as ‘really serious harm’.
However, section 4 of the Crimes Act states that such harm includes:
In the case of COVID-19, the prosecution would need to establish that the virus amounts to a ‘really serious’ disease in addition to attaching liability to any defendant/s and proving that their actions caused the condition.
Defences to the charge of criminal negligence include duress, necessity and self-defence.
Would Morrison’s negligence constitute a ‘crime against humanity’?
Always looking for more money for nothing and his jet set jaunts/ digs for free (Apologies to the songwriters for mangling their lyrics).
Honestly has this man actually ever done anything which could be construed as an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay?
I think that we all know the answer to that
His gig in this job is just about up and really, I don’t think Mattias Cormann would give him the time of day, now.
We can now probably guess what the price for swinging the WA votes to Morrison was and I await Michaela Cash’s elevation out of the political sphere.
When Smirko the clown furiously reacted to a standard question from a female journalist, and let his mask slip whilst crying croc tears about “the women at the center of his life” including his ( badly acted, breaking voice/ sob) widowed mother, he completely destroyed his attempt at a re-set and any sympathy any woman had been harbouring for the “daggy dad”..
The face behind the Smirko mask was really ugly.
Finger pointing, raised, angry voiced bully, rising to his full height seeking to intimidate, came instantaneously to the fore, making false accusations regarding News-corpse and a sexual harassment case all carried on a live press conference.
It certainly made me wonder what he is like at home when there is no one else around.
The piss weak apology came out on Face Book late that night.
Does Australia still have an embassy in Pakistan or any of the “stan’s” or Moscow? I think we can find a gig for him.
Very well said and summed up the man is a coward and a bully and a woman hater. HIs use of his wife and daughters as a media prop is despicable.
Psychopath or Sociopath??
What Are the Traits of Sociopath?
Some people consider psychopathy synonymous with sociopathy. However, psychopathy is a more severe form of sociopathy. Psychopathy is not a defined diagnosis in the widely used DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of mental disorders. Most of psychopaths will meet the diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder, however vice versa is not true and only 1/3rd of the sociopaths will meet the criteria for psychopathy.
Do I dare ask who you are talking about? Certainly fits that fruit cake in the USA Donald ‘quack’ Trump. By the way it may interest some to know that some of Trump’s prehistoric followers believe that Trump will rise from the dead next month and assume his rightful place as US President again. Sort of like the second coming. Stay tuned…
Wilkinson & Pickett a well respected pair of sociological researchers capture the essence of Trump – and I dare say ‘the fool in the baseball cap’ aka Dud Morrison very well in their book “The Inner Level” (2018). They refer to Trump as a narcissist largely driven by pathological tendencies. Narcissistic characteristics tend to revolve around: self-obsession, the need for constant attention and flattery from others, and having unrealistic fantasies of success. The pathological narcissist is often characterized as lacking in empathy, reacting badly to criticism and are excessively preoccupied with themselves, with success and their image.
Furthermore Wilkinson & Pickett contend that narcissists ‘tend to be regarded as effective leaders probably because of the confidence they exude’. However, they argue that narcissists become increasingly unpopular as their ‘arrogance and aggression come to the fore’. These two sentences tend to capture Morrison to this point in time- his surprising win in 2019 and his current decline.
How about ‘in the dock’ at The Hague.
Jostling for space with Rodent Howard, Mark Vaile and Alexander Downer.
Doing bugger all now
“Which is why I suspect that he might be moving on soon.”
My initial reaction to this (before seeing where you were heading) was, ‘Where could he possibly go next?’ Surely it could only be to sit on the right hand of God the Father Almighty? I think to end up as a clerical officer for Cormann would be too much of a comedown for Scottie. I mean, apart from the fact that he would stuff it up.
As Gore Vidal remarked of Truman Capote’s death, “It was a good career move.”
Then we will get Dutton who is even more dangerous. Oberfuhrer Dutton really is a brown shirt.
The hypocrisy
Dutton has pushed back against calls to shut Australia’s international border as coronavirus outbreaks sweep three states. The Defence Minister has built his entire political career on a hardline border stance….
that being his war on asylum seekers!
I reckon they wont take him, he’s not bi-lingual, let alone multi-lingual.
I reckon they wont take him, he’s not bi-lingual, let alone multi-lingual.
But he can speak in tongues
His English ain’t so hot, either. Opaque is the best description of his almost-sentances
Yes he is bi-lingual, or almost because he speaks with a forked tongue.
He is like the Barber’s cat, full of piss and wind!
And the cats are on the prowl.
Morrison’s fellow cult members are intent on taking over the SA Liberal Party
What could be more undemocratic than using a minority religious group to influence a major party
Some of us were around in the days when an evil archbishop drove a scheme to take over the labor party. Such thing are very disruptive and sometimes short-term effective, but eventually the people see through them.
And most of here know about the Cardinal of Sin
Happens in America all the time.
Or a Pox Doctors clerk!
The reason Smirko the clown keeps getting promoted is because he is a psychopath and as such has no conscience.
The sheer desperation demonstrated today was obvious while at the same time it was duplicitous.
“I fully support ATAGI until I don’t and now I want to persuade you to ignore their advice and put at risk your health”.
“That is why the GP’s require me to indemnify them, if they start injecting a vaccine against the best advice.”
That sounds rather like a political thriller scenario. I don’t think Scott Morrison is imaginative enough and perhaps his religion would keep him here in Oz.
I would prefer his religion kept him in a sealed container. That way, if he doesn’t stop squawking they can shoot him off into space.
Conspiracy theory has never been my bag – yet, from Morrison’s constant, compulsive, pathological lying, a vague poorly defined but troubling figure is emerging from the murk and gloom:
Quotes from Morrison: we have a vaccine administration target (end of March), we never had a target; we have ordered 50 million doses, we didn’t order Pfizer vaccine; (again) we placed orders, the manufacturer has not delivered; the problem is Pfizer cannot supply, (and 2-3 days later) we have updated our Pfizer order, are releasing 750,000 doses next week and a million doses per week thereafter; and so it goes on, relating to every aspect of the COVID crisis.
I am beginning to suspect that, in fact, there IS a very large number of doses already received in Australia, held in deep freezers to be released strategically for the Cavalry, a.k.a Scott Morrison to arrive with, just in the nick of time to save his subjects from a disaster – of his invention. This is Morrison the Saviour – appointed by God, no less – Master Manipulator, Prince of Lies. Yes, the stuff of conspiracy theory. But look how Morrison is “saving” workers, small and medium businesses across NSW, Victoria and SA with payments (handouts) starting at $750 million and ending …. where? But all that will not stop untold hardship, suffering and some closures of businesses, all TOTALLY AND DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE to Morrison’s comprehensive failure to implement a prompt, robust vaccination program and an effective quarantine system fit for the21st Century.
Can someone – anyone – through Freedom of Information laws, obtain documents for all orders placed by Australia with all vaccine manufacturers, dates of arrival of all/any orders delivered and where any such vaccines are stored?
I long ago stopped counting Morrison’s almost-daily lies but I don’t forget them and, as with all liars, his feet are increasingly tangled in them, tripping him up. Conspiracy theory quite possibly, but the general idea is consistent with the devious, deceitful, scheming and manipulative ways of this dishonest, hypocritical man.
A believable thesis,David, but there is a fault in it. I think you impute too much imagination and planning ability to Our Glorious Leader. There is much too much detail involved here for Scott’s tiny mind to encompass.
I assumed that Scummo’s inexorable rise (in defiance of gravity as well as talent) was mostly due to discreet leg ups from his co-religionists in the Evangelical mafia.