Liberal-turned-independent-turned-United-Australia-Party-rookie MP Craig Kelly spent more than $112,000 of taxpayer’s money on printing and trips to the Gold Coast in the first quarter after jumping ship from the Liberal Party to the crossbench earlier this year.
The Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority published this week the reported work expenses for federal politicians from April to June this year, including breakdowns of claims for expenditure on travel, office and employee costs.
Craig Kelly’s biggest expense by far was $111,654 on printing and communications. He had spent less than $40,000 for each of the three quarters prior to this.
This expenditure was second only to Labor NSW MP Justine Elliot, who spent $126,000 on printing and communications.
Kelly, member for Hughes — an electorate in Sydney’s south — also expensed two trips to the Gold Coast’s Coolangatta Airport for a total of $906.28 in fares. One was a same-day return trip on April 26, the second from the May 3 to May 5.
As part of his travel allowance, Kelly claimed $552 for two nights in Southport for “Parties Duties & Outside Electorate Duties”. He didn’t claim anything else for the April 26 trip.
Kelly quit the Liberals in February and last month announced he was joining the United Australia Party, a political vehicle run by Clive Palmer — who owns homes in and around the Gold Coast.
Kelly’s booming expenditure shows his efforts to fight for his political survival. No longer buoyed by a major political machine in a seat that has been held by the major parties for half a century, he’s turned to other means to get his word out.
Kelly has been contacted for comment.
Disgusting little man, but typical of what we’ve come to expect of yhose part of the present Liberal party, even when they’ve moved on, Cormann for example.
Fancy Craig Kelly joining the United Australa Party,the name that was used by the Tories many years ago before that old rogue Bob Menzies recreated his political career after the debacle of WW2 when his own mob kicked him out and he formed the Liberal party.The more things change the more they remain the same.
He then went on to be a big fan of the one you can’t write about without the IA getting fixated….Hi..er
Given (y)our distaste for pointless neologisms, I was surprised this abomination slid beneath your notice – “Kelly,…also expensed two trips to the Gold Coast…”.
Can anyone give the staff some learnings about English and how she is gewrote?
I’ve always had a soft-spot for Craig. But this ‘expenditure’ crapola is repugnant.
When I think of the oldies in the old folks homes having two minute noodles and mash
for dinner, I’d happily kick Craig (and the PM) in the balls to get them to wake up.
Fat chance Bubba!
Yeah nah. Craig is only in this for the resttlement allowance he’ll get for losing his seat before he decamps to Sky AfterDark. He will now be an endorsed party candidate, so he’s free of having to find 100 friends to nominate him as an independant. And spending all of Clive’s money will be fun.
as an aside, what is Justine Elliot printing? I’m in her electorate and we never hear from her. Not retired and too far south probably.