(Image: Eric Lobbecke)

Read part one of Australia’s worst individual climate culprits here, part two here, part three here, and the full list of corporate culprits here.

Crikey’s list of criteria for determining Australia’s worst climate culprits encompasses their role in setting climate policy, the level of emissions they’re responsible for, how much political influence their companies wield to undermine climate action, and how they can influence public debate and political reactions. Today, we round out a dirty dozen of climate culprits:

Jennifer Westacott

Read the publications of the Business Council of Australia (BCA) — where Westacott has been in charge for a decade — and you’d think it enthusiastically supports climate action. But the reality is it has actively sabotaged and campaigned against every significant climate initiative in Australia, cheering on Abbott’s repeal of the carbon price and declaring Labor’s 2019 election emissions target “economy-wrecking”, all while insisting it supports climate action “in principle”. Why? A quick look at the membership of the BCA — about 40% of which are foreign companies — will show: AGL, Ampol, BlueScope, BP, Energy Australia, Origin, Shell,

Matt Canavan

The coal-addicted National backbencher lacks direct power but is the hard-charging mascot of the denialist rump of the Liberal National Party, which wags the dog of the National Party, which in turn can dictate climate policy to the Liberals. Canavan is convinced he can realign regional politics in Queensland and switch blue collar votes in dying industries into lifelong LNP supporters — if he can secure enough taxpayer funding to support his coal-fired vision.

Nev Power

Once head of Fortescue Metals, now a WA fossil fuel industry executive, Power is the architect of Morrison’s “gas-led recovery” plan, a policy crafted not within the public service but by hand-picked industry figures like Power, who insists massive government spending to prop up and expand the gas industry isn’t a “subsidy”.