
With the election looming, the factions of both parties are girding their loins, marshalling their forces and… preparing for the possibility of defeat, and the bitter internal struggle that will then ensue.
Labor’s lost loves don’t need much more elaborating, but in NSW the Liberal Party has been tearing itself apart in a struggle between the federal party and the state branch. With key lower house preselections still unresolved after weeks of conflict, the feds have once again stepped in to take control of candidate selection in about eight seats.
Five of these are crucial — Greenway and Parramatta in outer Sydney, Hughes in its south, inner-city Warringah and Eden-Monaro on the south coast. Eden-Monaro, Hughes and Parramatta were scheduled to have votes this week, so the sudden swoop back in by the feds has provoked widespread anger.
The official announcement is that the process of selection has become so dysfunctional at the branch level that there was no option but to step in. Branch members say it’s the exact opposite: that the branches were functional, and functionally about to select candidates that were either independents or from the moderates faction that opposes Scott Morrison’s centre-right faction.
An earlier intervention had been staged to protect Morrison allies Sussan Ley, Alex Hawke and, as part of the package, moderate Trent Zimmerman, all of whom were facing preselections from disgruntled branch members, critical of branches going for more than a decade without preselections.
The committee that did that (Morrison, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and former federal party president Chris McDiven, pretty much a right-shifted balance of forces) is now wrangling the marginal seat preselections (and those of a few unwinnable ones). The overall object is to keep control of the state party in the hands of the centre-right, as led by ScoMo and MP for Mitchell Alex Hawke, both from conservative Christian backgrounds.
Centre-right? Yes, because there’s a “right” or “hard right” around the Catholic right, such as Perrottet, including some hardcore non-religious economic dries, and people from some different evangelical/pentecostalist (and dispensationalist — don’t ask) groups.
These groups have all arisen and taken prominence in the party in the last 25 years, prior to which religion was not much of a pivot around which political difference moved. It’s a measure of the party’s hollowing out. Liberal Party branches were once both political and social hubs in middle-class suburbs, something people joined as much for the tennis club and dances as the politics.
But as society became more individualist, less “joiney”, the branches aged and withered. This was just as non-mainline churches began to grow, as an answer to atomisation — not a tombola dinner dance, but congregations bound tightly together in the love of God and bad rock music. Some of the MPs they’ve produced are genuine happy-clappies, and some just saw a ready-made faction there and committed themselves to 10 years of gibbering-in-tongues (not dissimilar to joining Labor’s Industrial Left, it must be said).
Across the country, state Liberal parties have been subject to this process and it has drawn them away from the secular middle of Australia where they should be. It’s the usual crowding-out effect — moderates want to win the election; the centre-right want to win control of the party.
This, several people have told me, is Scott Morrison’s real passion (apart from casual proselytising). Lord Halifax, who lost out to Churchill in 1940, said that his true ambition was always to be Master of Hounds; the premiership never motivated him. ScoMo, it seems, wants to be president of the NSW Liberal Party even when he’s not. Raised in the perfervid political atmosphere of a Christian sect, his repeated failure to step up to national challenges is because he can’t fully regard it as real.
But the struggle against moderates in his own party? Let him at it!
Many Crikey readers may find it hard to believe that ScoMo & Co can be described as the “centre” of anything, with the implication of an actual right beyond that. But it’s true. The “hard” right is a coalition of utterly different groups, with little in common but a feeling that the world is going to hell, either through fiscal irresponsibility or ungodliness. One of their precursor groups was the delightfully named “Uglies” — a faction largely composed of Polish and Baltic Catholic migrants in the 1970s and ’80s who chomped their way through the NSW party before being ejected (one of the leading culture-war journos at The Australian is a grandchild of a leading Ugly, so the war continues…).
The attachment of new evangelicals to this faction was responsible for the branch stack wars of 2010-2012 — Christian on Christian action, with punch-ups, rogue branch meetings, lockouts and the rest.
The centre-right prevailed, because they have a stronger social base in the NSW party than the happy-clappies in other states, because of one extraordinary historical event — evangelist Billy Graham’s 1959 visit to Australia, during which he stayed for several months in the Seven Hills region, then farmland outside of Sydney, and declared it blessed.
Followers — Graham’s events had gained 200,000 attendees — began to move there, and a whole swathe of evangelical Christians began to settle there. Today the area is the centre of Hillsong and was Alex Hawke’s original base. They see NSW as their branch now, and they’re not going to give it up without a fight, even if it means infuriating the branch footsoldiers they will be relying on in the upcoming poll.
It’s a situation as self-destructive as anything that’s going on in Labor — but you won’t read about any of it News Corp, not in any depth. Thank God they’ve decided to stay away from cheap political sensationalism at last!
If it increases the chances of the lunatics installing in-electable extremists, then I’m all for it.
That presupposes that the actual voters pay any attention to the candidate they’re presented with, rather than the party badge they’re wearing. Probably not all that likely. And then you end up with extremists in parliament. Sigh.
Like many others – not just here – I advocated Krudd calling a snap election when Abbott became LotO, certain as we were that he would win against so appalling a nutter whom no-one with two spare brain cells to rub together could take seriously.
Given the past, too many, years groaning beneath the tory yoke – not yet a decade but feels far more fin-de-siecle to me – I am no longer so confident in the functionality of the average punter’s B/S detector.
Horrible thought – maybe it’s working just fine and they LIKE the current shower!
The vast majority of voters just vote for whatever party they usually vote for. You could put Mickey Mouse up for election in Cook and the Liberals would still win it.
Instead of the mickey mouse member they’ve already elected?
More like Mucky Mouse – at least Mickey kept his pants clean.
And on!
Pentecostalism is about as shallow a belief system as one can manage without actually being stupid.
Spot on !
Probably worth reading
1) about Morrison’s backer and predecessor in the seat of Cook, Bruce Baird: //uatcdn.crikey.com.au/2021/10/12/bruce-baird-the-family-pms-christian-scaffolding/, which includes this quote from Baird: “Scott is not somebody who knifes people — he’s a decent person,” Baird told Christian radio station Hope in the days after Morrison became PM. “He is a person of faith and it is not a pretend faith. He’s a very strong family man. I know he’s concerned about religious freedom.”
2) compare and contrast that with the truth of how Morrison first won pre-selection in Cook: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/nasty-saga-you-nearly-missed-20091025-hem5.html in which Paul Sheehan describes how a smear campaign was organised against Michael Towke, who won the preselection ballot against Morrison 82 votes to 8.
Probably also worth noting that Bruce Baird’s son Mike jumped out of the NSW Premiership, leaving Gladys BErejiklian to explain that pork-barrelling is simply business as usual (https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/premier-says-pork-barrelling-not-illegal-as-she-defends-council-grants-program-20201126-p56i6d.html). We’re still waiting for the final ICAC report on Ms Berejiklian.
There’s a fair bit of actual stupidity in a lot of pentecostals.
Show me the money!
Why add the last four words?
But it does help …
Pentecostals don’t worship in churches, temples or tabernacles, they worship in cash registers.
Allowing party members to select the candidate to represent them in a democracy. How quaint.
But will it catch on?
Two chances: Buckley’s & none.
When parties treat electoral divisions as grace & favour fiefdoms to bestow upon toadies, chancers & carpetbaggers – Scummo in Cook but also KK in Fowler, ‘Boy’ Charlton in Parrmatta, RJL Hawke in Wills, Garrett in Kingsford etc etc ad nauseam – it is surely proof that the system is in urgent need of repair.
Member election would work if parties had thousands of members from all walks of life, not just those rounded up at a church or cultural club.
How many Crikey members are prepared to roll up sleeves and join the fray? I’m campaigning for Labor, but can’t bring myself to rejoin the party I left 30 years ago.
What’s wrong with the rest of us voting on the candidate favoured by those rounded up at a church or cultural club.
Scotty’ entire bloody candidate list was rounded up at Hillsong.
“By their works shall ye know them”?
All parties have proven themselves to utterly corrupt – their very existence is anathema to democracy when to be a candidate means toeing the party line, however illogical or abhorrent.
It should be recognised that they are nothing more than private clubs, which have NO more legal standing in parliament than one for pigeon fanciers.
On some well regarded readings of the Constitution they are actually prohibitted from exerting influence over MPs whose sole responsibility is to their electorate.
They are not only not essential to a functioning parliament – see Wilkie, Haines, Andren (Vale & RIP), Mack, Windsor, Oakeshott et al have demonstrated over & over
Any group that requires the abnegation of personal probity and individual freedom of thought & action is vulnerable to abuse by the 2nd & 3rd raters who abound, hiding behind those who do the hard work but ever ready to claim credit.
Such groups are always, by definition, less than the sum of their parts and demonstrate the truth of the great Marx’s comment about membership of clubs.
Would you vote for local candidate Barnaby Joyce or parachuted-in Andrew Charlton?
Bumbling crook or arid abacus?
It’s a false paradigm in assuming that any sane person would choose either.
Neither. An independent.
The big question for me is at what point will a Liberal Party hollowed out by religious zealots and spotty libertarian fanboys, be judged to have trashed its brand irrevocably? It’s a miracle they haven’t done so already, but still the myths of ‘superior economic management’ and ‘keeping you secure’ live on like cockroaches in a holocaust. In the meantime, friends outside Australia marvel at how a country that once seemed so blessed as a moderate, civil, practical and progressive democracy can have swung so far towards a Trumpian hell scape. In short, how did the political class here stray so far from the moderate, largely agnostic suburban multitudes they purport to govern? You would hope the impressive urban women independents will wipe the floor with the ‘Liberal’ Neanderthals this election and leave the shell of what’s left behind to destroy itself utterly. Certainly, if we had an effective media (absenting Crikey and the Guardian), this would seem a done deal. But we’re not there yet, unfortunately.
Ask John Howard. He can explain.
He has succeeded in spades, then. An incompetent and debased Federal Government, their Master’s apprentices, sycophantically and enthusiastically adopting an ethics-free persona. He isn’t “with” us now any more than he was “with” his Hillsong icon in 2019, apparently – just a blank, human canvas searching for his next reincarnation – failed advertising guru, failed political manipulator, religious patriarch, vice-regal appointee, international statesman – the world is but an oyster awaiting his aggravating grit to produce a pearl. Meanwhile, back at the ranch which is in foreclosure, …….