(Image: Supplied/Private Media)
(Image: Supplied/Private Media)

If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?

I would change the term for sitting members of the House of Representatives to four years. This will give a newly elected member or government a greater opportunity to implement new policies and infrastructure, while lessening the frequency the Australian people need to go to the polls.

What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?

Being informed of the unexpected or imminent passing of a loved one. This has occurred twice in my life in the final hours of my late wife’s battle with a rare disease, and in the sudden passing of my step-father.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Giving a vocal performance of three songs, accompanied by the City of Adelaide Concert Band, at a Christmas concert in front of 5000 spectators.

Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia?

I see cyber attacks on Australia’s critical and strategic infrastructure as one of the biggest threats to Australia today. A quarter of cyber incidents reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre over the past year have targeted our critical infrastructure and essential services, including food distribution, energy and health services. Between 2020-21, there was a 13% increase in the number of cyberattacks than from the previous year. These attacks cost Australians millions of dollars every year and compromise our national security.

Which historical figure do you most admire and why?

Arthur Blackburn VC. Blackburn was a local Adelaide boy, slight in build and a law graduate when he enlisted to serve in World War I. He achieved considerable feats both at Gallipoli and later in France. He was awarded the Victoria Cross “for most conspicuous bravery”. He was called upon again in World War II, where he commanded the 2/3rd Machine Gun Battalion in Syria and Java, and was captured as a prisoner of war. Blackburn’s willingness to serve, and his bravery and resilience, are an inspiration.

Furthermore, my own great-great-grandfather served with him at Gallipoli and France, and later my grandfather was also a POW, serving under his command in the 2/3rd.

What would your final meal be?

Eye fillet steak cooked medium, with red-wine jus, green beans, carrots and mashed potato.