If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?
Our international reputation as a laggard on climate action.
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
I want daddy to read to me tonight, not you.
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
I did a summer internship at Kingsford Legal Centre and met my husband. I was trying to serve the vulnerable; he was trying to knock over his last law subject and get back on to the golf course. Have things changed, is the question…
Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia?
Three more years of Scott Morrison.
Which historical figure do you most admire and why?
Joan of Arc, the George Bernard Shaw version. Because she did things “not the old way, chaffering for ransoms; but the Maid’s way: staking life against death, with the heart high and humble and void of malice, and nothing counting under God but France free and French”.
What would your final meal be?
Beer and a steak. Haven’t had that combo for 30 years.
Read more from Crikey’s Elect Me! series here.
Beer and steak, sounds like the delicacy that an impoverished law student would have on a Friday night at the Roundhouse back in the day?
Dammit! I’m too late to move to North Sydney to vote for this woman!
Phew! Glad you explained why you admire Joan of Arc! For a minute there I thought “Oh no! Not another completely unrepresentative religious type! And this looks like Opus Dei !”
The worst thing ever said to you resonated. Good luck, Catherine ??
What garbage. France free?!! How about interests closer to home. Aren’t there any or enough Australian politicians to admire? Gough perhaps? Ben Chifley, John Curtin and Jack Lang? Instead a reactionary middle ages French lady who hated the British. A figure much disputed in History and about whom we know not much. Oh dear! Plays well with the romantic set I guess. I think it is just privileged self indulgent twaddle.
Tell us what you really think MG! The George Bernard Shaw version played well with this romantic self indulgent twaddler! Nice to see some kulcha creeping in!
The best reply to the perpetually aggrieved French (pardon the tautology) when they ask Brits “Why did you burn Jeanne d’ Arc?” is “We were cold.”
I like her.