(Image: Supplied/Private Media)
(Image: Supplied/Private Media)

If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?

To abolish the two-party-preferred system so we can have a fairer democracy.

What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?

I don’t remember negative comments.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? 

Being born.

Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia?

Globalism, external influences into Australian politics such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

Which historical figure do you most admire and why?

Nikola Tesla. Although not business savvy, the superiority of his mind is undeniable. It’s a shame he wasn’t funded adequately as his contributions could have changed life as we know for the better.

What would your final meal be?

I would choose to fast.