Jordan Peterson (Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)
Jordan Peterson (Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)

Jordan Peterson has again proved there is simply no easier job in the world than being a right-wing public intellectual in 2022, particularly if you ply your trade down under.

You too can write a best-selling book, gain a wide following, and have an audience with Australia’s conservative politicians. All it takes is a little life advice so common and basic that “it’s the kind of thing my grandparents used to say” is a compliment, applying the alpha-beta hierarchies among lobster society to human interaction, and from there you can pretty coast along on increasingly furious reaction to anything dimly progressive.

It doesn’t matter whether you are able to live by your own rules, or even if you have any particularly coherent answers to the questions you’re asked, just push on to the video which allows you to deadname trans people and say amazing things like “up yours, woke moralists, we’ll see who cancels who”.

So it was with his recent outburst at Qantas for the acknowledgment of country it plays on each flight.

“I could really do without the land acknowledgment propaganda delivered to me by a corporate behemoth [Qantas],” he tweeted. “I‘m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way. Stick to (1) flying and (2) making money. I don’t want or need moral lessons from you or any other corporation.”

Sterling stuff — we’re amazed he didn’t point out the absurdity and imprecise language of acknowledging “land” when planes go in the “sky”.

Just wait until he lands in Perth and customs won’t let him through on account of all the raw meat in his pockets. Perhaps Crikey will be there as we were last week when we crossed paths with Peterson at Canberra Airport after his private conversation with Scott Morrison.