After hanging up the microphone, Alan Jones is returning to radio after agreeing to host a daily segment at a small community radio station.
Earlier this week, Central Coast radio station COAST FM 96.3 announced the radio shock jock would be joining the Gosford-based station to host an “Ask Alan” segment each weekday to be aired twice a day, at the invitation of Rich Lister and recently announced patron John Singleton.
“The story is very simple: John Singleton and I have been mates for 1000 years,” Jones told Crikey.
“And he, apparently, has become a patron of this Central Coast [radio station].
“He’s had a bee under his bonnet for years — I think legitimately — about the fact that the Central Coast is ignored. I mean, they get nothing. So, he asked, would I do something one day a week, obviously for free.”
Jones said the format of the show, which he’s so far done twice already, sees callers phone in with questions on a range of topics, and he answers them. The former talkback titan’s motivation, he said, is “simply to give a voice” to people on the Central Coast “who don’t have a voice”.
After a long, influential and controversial career in radio, Jones left 2GB in May 2020. Not long after, he was recruited by Sky News Australia to host a heavily promoted flagship nightly program.
But amid dismal ratings, Jones was dumped by Sky News Australia in 2021. After, he embarked on a new venture at Australian Digital Holdings (ADH), an online conservative video network that has slowly expanded since, partnering to livestream CPAC Australia and featuring videos from conservative figures such as Lyle Shelton and Daisy Cousens.
Jones said his pro bono work with COAST FM, as well as taking up another recent guest spot alongside former 2GB talk show host Chris Smith, won’t take away from his efforts with ADH, which he said still has his full focus.
TNT Radio announced in February that the controversial radio hosts would take up a shared slot on air every Monday from about 3pm. Smith, after being sacked from 2GB and Sky News for alleged “inappropriate” drunken behaviour towards women, has taken up a permanent slot on TNT on weekdays.
“I’m not one to dance on people’s graves. Chris was going through difficult times; he got this gig. To be honest with you, I don’t even know who they are. But he got this gig with them, and I do a slot with him — unpaid,” Jones said. “It was fun with him on Monday.”
Speaking on air about Jones’ arrival at COAST FM, Singleton said he hopes the broadcaster’s profile will help challenge local government.
“I think we’ve become so frustrated because after 20, 30 years, we’ve had a lot of success but we’ve had little successes up here changing the attitude of the government, opposition. In the end, it’s just politics. We just don’t count,” he told the station.
COAST FM station manager Sarah Warry said they’ve been receiving questions for Jones to answer from the station’s listeners.
“Donating his time to do this, volunteer, at a community radio station is a big get. It started on Monday and people are already emailing in,” she told Crikey.
Singleton praised Jones’ “vast intellect and talent” as making him the perfect person to draw national attention to the issues affecting the Central Coast.
“Who better to get the answer, know it or find it? There’s one thing Alan will do, he won’t let us down. He will turn up with the correct answer. And, yes, there are some difficulties with Alan Jones. He’s a super intellect. He has some eccentricities.”
If I were living on the central coast the last person I would want to be my voice would be Alan Jones. Incidently, I thought Jones left radio under threat of prosecution by ACMA. I wonder did he get a clearance from them to return.
All this demonstrates is that it is damn near impossible to kill a cane toad…………………..
Yes, for vile comments about wanting to shove a sock down Jacinda Adern’s throat.
He has such class when you consider his J.A. comments.
If the show is titled, ‘Ask Alan’, it’s about giving Alan a voice, not the Central Coast.
Not according to Jones himself. He said he is there to give the central coast a voice.
Ah the old character “truthful Jones”.
Is it just me or did others recall the late Jimmy Saville when they read the Ask Alan title/
The Central Coast Council, that is, the locally elected peoples representatives have been sidelined for near 3 years by the same ilk that supports Jones and Singleton. Singleton has done extremely well since our ELECTED COUNCIL was booted by Berejeklian/Perrotte for reasons that are plainly unreasonable – in-cogitable. Removing a Central Coast Council by creating a dung narrative, that being, the council was grossly financially negligent, has and is, enabling massive unchecked development in the area. Singleton and Jones would truely admire such audacity and success, after all, both are big supporters of Berejeklian and her protege Perrotte, and all these caricatures despise middle to left elected Government representatives, voters and Local interest Groups, all of which are PROBLEMS that get in the way of generating much more wealth for them and their corporate mates. According to local anecdotal information, since our local government was involuntarily euthanised, the amount of Development in this region has been unprecedented, and this will continue until ‘they’ allow us democracy again near the end of 2024 – don’t hold your breath. In the meantime, Singleton and Jones are now onboard to keep the dung narrative alive, after all, Mr Perrotte and Co. is and are the best person and persons for deciding the past, present and future of the NSW Central Coast, sorry, that is just a dung narrative.
The last thing Central Coast needs is someone that incites race riots
If you are referring to the Cronulla riots (and I think that you are!) then those who incited them were the Middle Eastern thugs and bullies who bashed the lifeguards on the beach. And who, I might add PS, were behaving offensively and aggressively toward (particularly female) beachgoers for years prior to the ‘riots’. Let’s clear up any misconceptions here PS.
This has already been adjudicated. He did not limit his comments to specific individuals, he incited violence against all Lebanese people, which resulted in many people who just weren’t White being assaulted on public transport. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-02/tribunal-rules-alan-jones-incited-hatred/4292052
I am not sure that those Lebanese thugs limited their behavior towards “specific individuals”. Rather, it was directed toward anyone who got in their way.
I think PS that the “Cronulla Riots” are exactly the sort of thing that you are going to get when those responsible for enforcing laws and protecting citizens from criminal behavior fail to discharge their responsibilities because they fear being labeled ‘racists’, or ‘xenophobes’ (I am sure PS that you are more than familiar with the usual epithets), or even worse, that they find themselves in the dock accused of criminality themselves. I could not have been more pleased when Alan Jones stood up for ordinary people after those lifeguards were bashed in 2005. I do not normally agree with Jones, but on that occasion, I thought “good on you. Someone has to stand up to these thugs”. And let’s face it PS, when we have to rely on Alan Jones, things have become pretty bad.
I am wondering just how long people are going to continue to put up with this current ‘youth crime spree’ that we seem to be witnessing in so many parts of Australia now, before people are left with no other alternative than to ‘take matters into their own hands because the loony ‘wokey lefties ‘ have the authorities too frightened to stop it. I invite you to think about that PS.
Yes we already know your views on White men randomly bashing any Brown men, now you’re advocating violence against children.
You’d be better advised to contemplate what might be the cause of the “youth crime spree” than advocate lynch mobs………..
………………like the Americans missed out on a unique opportunity on 9/11.
What they should have asked themselves is “Why do people hate us so much that they are prepared to suffer a horrendous death to prove a point?”
Instead we got the inevitable Dubya reaction…………………
……………We Will Find You And We Will Kill You.
Until the Americans learn a little introspection, they will continue exporting their Old Testament reactions around the world.
Try not to bring them here.
He’s incredibly privileged given his absurd view of how quickly Police investigate and charge people following a complaint.
Care to define what you mean by ‘woke’? Or is that just a word you throw around to describe things you don’t like, or understand?
Sorry mate that is nonsense. They were doubtless guilty of bad behaviour, but did not incite the riots.
He is completely misrepresenting the incident with lifeguards. He makes it sound like they were just randomly bashed, their was some verbal disagreement that escalated to violence. Not good, but hardly unique to Lebanese men.
Well the main problem for me is deciding in what order I should deal with the absurdities dished up here by PS, Thuc and ogbo (pardon the abbreviations but I get criticized for my lengthy ‘verbose’ posts, so I will try anything within reason to shorten them.
So, PS your posts never fail to amaze me. Were you the character that I recently suggested ought to have taken up writing fiction for a living? If not then let me add you to the list.
Oh, and look PS, apparently everyone else knows my views on White (don’t ask me why the capital “W”, but I am sure that you have a good reason) men bashing Brown men, I would be mightily pleased it you would kindly let me in on this too. You misrepresent (I would suggest willfully), my position on the treatment of children who commit serious crime. What do you suggest PS, that we should simply just let them get away with it as apparently happens in some places already? You (along with a few others here), seem to lack the cerebral wherewithal to comprehend the consequences of this politically inspired ‘do nothing’ response to teenage crime.
Now to Thuc, he seems to think that I am advocating a “lynch mob” response to the youth crime spree. A very colorful ‘turn of phrase’. Well, Thucy if the authorities keep allowing these kids to run riot you will get ‘lynch mobs’ alright and it won’t be me who will be part of them but I will understand why they form.
Just on that sentence you wrote;
“What they should have asked themselves is “Why do people hate us so much that they are prepared to suffer a horrendous death to prove a point?””
Let me make a couple of observations:
Firstly, your comment implicitly suggests that the 9/11 terrorists had some legitimate grievance. O.K. that may have been the case. But to kill 3000+ innocent people (as well as themselves) only reflects the fact that they were nothing more than murderous religious fanatics. I am not suggesting that the Americans are without blame. These issues here are complex, far too complex for the simple-minded ‘black and white’ or ‘totally good and totally bad’ approach which seems so typical in these responses. I will be the first to suggest that America has much to answer for.
Secondly, it almost sounds like you are making excuses for these murderers.
Now moving back to PS, I wish that I was as ‘incredibly privileged’ as you apparently think I am. Although I must admit that I am pretty happy with my life. I also guess that being ‘incredibly privileged’ will mean different things to different people. Surely PS even you must realize that some kids (talk about privilege?) get special (privileged’?) treatment by the police even when they are caught ‘red-handed’ committing a crime. Sometimes the hands of the police are tied because the kids are ‘underage’. Then if the kids are arrested then it is not uncommon for them to be bailed and then for them to be out committing more crimes on the same day. Then, if the kids are charged, it is likely some magistrate will find them ‘not guilty’, or sentence them to some token sentence (presumably on the assumption that ‘being nice’ to these kids will cause them to ‘think twice’ before re-offending.
O.K. Time to move on to ogbo. Let me address your remark:
“They were doubtless guilty of bad behaviour, but did not incite the riots.”
ogbo let me ask you, “Do you really think that those riots would have occurred if those thugs had not made such nuisances (now there is an understatement!) of themselves with their offensive and intimidating behavior in the years leading up to the riots on 11th December, 2005?
And finally, back to our old friend PS. PS try as you may, you cannot deny the fact that the Lebanese figure prominently in crime figures. Your attempts at obfuscation are almost embarrassing.
No wonder you lot use nom de guerres instead of your real names. Always a pleasure to deal with you ladies and gentlemen – hang-on I had better make that ‘people’ just to be on the safe side.
I cannot recall ever hearing/reading – since mid Dec 2005 – of the motorcade of menacing thugs that a couple of days later descended, at night (of course) on the Kingsway and smashed window and headlights of every parked car along the Kingsway, from Caringbah to Cronulla.
The police knew that the horde was coming from their Op Raptor informers and …hid.
Until they were safely gone, back to the Area whence they came.
Try looking up that, at the time, well reported event – it doesn’t fit the multi-kulti narrative so was deemed misreporting and disappeared down the memory hole.
I don’t recall anyone mentioning the Waverly College boys that vandalised Bondi in thr early 2000s, almost as if not everything is on repeat. But then again, not everything was amplified by a public figuring inciting violence against Brown people
Great riposte, comparing “Waverly College boys” with steroid sodden, gym junkies – when they can spare the time from other dubious activities.
PS is doing his/her best Munin. You have to make allowances for limited ability.
We do with you, rotten Robert.
You are absolutely correct to remind us of that violent rampage Munin. I recall it vividly. If I am not mistaken some of the offenders actually discharged firearms (at what I don’t quite remember). And as you so correctly say, the police did virtually nothing to stop it. But it must have been terrifying for the local residents of the area.
Of course, these dimwits that I am dealing with here would not ever acknowledge this. It seems that in their universe, only white people are capable of creating trouble. When they are confronted with irrefutable proof that some non-white people were responsible for criminal behavior, their response is to suggest that it was the prior behavior of white people that provoked/caused the non-whites to do this. Their thinking, (I will not use the word ‘logic’), is as bizarre as it is irresponsible. And of course Munin, we must not overlook the supreme irony and that is, that they are most probably white themselves. As a white person myself, (don’t expect me to apologize for the fact), I simply take people as they come, regardless of their skin color.
Then of course, when confronted with evidence that does not suit their weird narrative, the best argument that they are capable of mounting is to accuse those presenting that evidence of having race-based prejudices of wanting to bash brown people, etc. These baseless, (they certainly are in my case), accusations are supposed to somehow cause you to recoil in horror and embarrassment. That is the last response that they will get from me. You need to stand up to these people and not let them get away with their childish attempts to intimidate. They are pathetic. The more that I deal with these types, the more I am coming to the conclusion that they are of limited intellect.
Hi Munin, I have just posted a response to your excellent comments. However, it is ‘Awaiting approval’.
Just while I think of it, I forgot to mention in the post that is “Awaiting approval”, that that rampage you are talking about (which I remember well) was described by the ABC at the time, as a “Revenge Attack“. That was the beginning of a process whereby I started to see the ABC in a completely different light. I thought that such a politically correct response was as disgraceful as it was misleading.
The fourth word in your 2nd paragraph held up your cogent, well written piece.
When normal words, standard spelling and correct usage trip the madBot even the most cloistered tekhamster must concede that it needs tweeking, preferably with an axe.
Thanks for that tip Munin. I will try to keep it in mind.
Your race-based prejudices are just that – race-based.
Awww gee, are they PS? How terrible! Look, if you ever start up a political re-education camp for people like me, then I will make a point to be the first to enroll.
he seems to have a poblem with Lebanese. Maybe was scared by one when he was a kid.
Now that is what I call a deep and meaningful comment Dan. Keep them coming. Keep impressing us with your superior intellectual prowess.
Yes, I’m so glad we had those fine upstanding white Aussies wrapped in the flag, rampaging through the streets with VB stubbies in their hands, assaulting anyone who looked ‘ethnic’ – to save us from ‘those thugs’.
Dan you will be pleased to know that I do not possess one of those Australian flags that I sometimes see people wrapping around themselves on occasions such as Australia Day (or is that “Invasion Day”, these days?). And Danny Boy, as far as having a stubbie in my hand, well I haven’t touched alcohol in over 50 years. I hate the stuff. And finally, as far as assaulting anyone who looks ‘ethnic’, well that’s not my cup-of-tea either. So Danny Boy it seems like “Three Strikes and you are Out”!
But look my friend you are most welcome to keep making a fool of yourself even if your attempts are at my expense. Quite frankly, Danny, I find it more of an effort to brush a fly off my arm on a hot summer’s day than deal with your sort of nonsensical comments.
I want to write something about public toilets on the Central Coast, but that would be a bit naff.
Naffness can’t be avoided when AJ is the subject