Eggs have a strange and storied place in Australian political history, largely when deployed as a weapon against politicians — starting with then-prime minister Billy Hughes during the conscription debate, through Julia Gillard and Craig Kelly, and of course the Fraser Anning incident, which threw Egg Boy into the stratosphere.
Bob Katter threw eggs at the Beatles as a young man, and we’re frankly amazed Tony Abbott has gotten this far into public life without cracking a raw one directly into his gob to show support for chicken farmers. Elsewhere, burned forever into our brains is veteran journalist Phillip Adams’ praise in The Australian for “Googs. Cackleberries. Bum-fruit. Good egg, bad egg, nest egg, all your eggs in one basket, egg on your face. Overegged. Full as a goog. Eggsetera.”
Anyway, Labor Senator for Tasmania Helen Polley has now made her own contribution to Australia’s history of political eggcentricity (I’ll show myself out, thank you).
Via her TikTok account, Polley has announced her favourite #egghack, and just when you think the weirdest part will be that the subtitles appear to think she likes to eat eggs “in my ear” (not her EO, or “electoral office”), or even that the #egghack hashtag has as many videos as it does, we get to her method:
Yep, that’s an elected official advising us all, for a nice even cook, to wrap eggs in foil before submerging them in water and popping them in the microwave.
Can’t wait to see her performance at Senate Estimates.
Been cooking eggs this way for years, on the advice of an engineer friend. The foil stops the eggs from exploding, and the water stops the foil from arcing in the microwave. As long as the foil is fully submerged, it’s actually very safe. And I have never had an egg crack or explode.
The best thing about it is the absolute consistency of cooking – 5mins 30s gives us a perfectly soft-boiled egg every single time.
Wow, I am very surprised about this hack. I was ready to have a go at the stupidity of it but you have changed my outlook ‘Bellerive.’
I came here to say this too. You have to make sure they’re completely submerged in water but it works fine. Scrambled eggs are better in the microwave too.
I did wonder, with all the media pile on about how hilarious and dangerous this is, that nobody bothered to Google if it was a thing first!
That time will surely depend on the microwave oven you are using. They have a range of power.
Did you notice she has an electric office? I want to know why my local member doesn’t have one…clearly pork barrelling going on here!
And an ear she feeds boiled eggs to, apparently.
I cook my hard boiled eggs in my air fryer. No mess. Just deliciousness.
Not only in Australia: