Peter Gleeson on Sky News in 2022 (Image: Sky News/YouTube)
Peter Gleeson on Sky News in 2022 (Image: Sky News/YouTube)

Peter Gleeson, the former Sky News presenter and Courier-Mail columnist who was shown the door for a swarm of plagiarism incidents last November, has been tapped by Nine to host Brisbane’s 4BC Drive slot until it can find a permanent replacement for outgoing host Neil Breen.

The move was announced in a note from 4BC content manager Max Dudley on Thursday, which asked staffers to join him in welcoming Gleeson, a “seasoned journalist” who will fill the chair from June 26.

In a statement, Nine said Gleeson joins the company with “the understanding” of “Nine’s values” and “broadcasting expectations”. A spokesperson waved away questions put to them by Crikey about whether other candidates were considered for the role, or what assurances the broadcaster has made to staff that he won’t engage in future plagiarism. Gleeson said he has “had a lot of time to think about” his actions and has promised “to many people” that he wouldn’t “let them down again”.

“I am very grateful for this opportunity at 4BC and I hope to prove I’m worthy of a second chance,” he said.

The disgraced journalist was let go by The Courier-Mail on November 24 last year, after being found to have lifted the work of other journalists and commentators on various occasions.

In a statement issued at the time, The Courier-Mail said the decision followed “recent examples of material first written by others” appearing under Gleeson’s name.

“In a personal note to Courier-Mail editor Chris Jones … Mr Gleeson said: ‘I apologise for breaching News Corp’s code of conduct and instances where I have not met the standards required’,” the statement said.

“In his note Mr Gleeson said he had had extraordinary career opportunities during a 34-year career with News Corp and added that ‘it is a fantastic company for which I have the greatest respect’.”

The incidents included a story run less than one month before Gleeson was pushed out, where the columnist had taken published copy from an ABC regional journalist to fill his column, and another case earlier that month which saw Gleeson, according to Guardian Australia, fill “62% of his article” with copy from a Queensland Parliament factsheet.

Breen will wrap up as host on June 23, and currently holds a 5.8% share of the Brisbane radio market. Announcing his departure in early May, Breen said being away from his family home in Sydney was the main reason for leaving.  

“It’s very sad for me and I think it’s going to be quite upsetting for a lot of the listeners,” he said at the time.