Yesterday Crikey ran an expletive laden, bile imbued, highly articulate, poisonous piece of writing by Helen Razer. And boy, it felt good.

Razer was writing in response to Louis Nowra’s now much-maligned essay for The Monthly on the 40th anniversary of The Female Eunuch. The entrails have now been well and truly picked over, including by Greer herself, but Razer’s response stood out because it hummed with anger.

It gave voice to many womens’ reactions to the misguided arguments. But it also articulated an anger at the editor of The Monthly for commissioning the underdone work in the first place.

When asked by The Australian if he should’ve commissioned a woman to write on the subject, The Monthly editor Ben Naparstek replied: “I see political correctness as the enemy of intelligent debate.”

And it was that sniffy, dismissive, inflammatory, under-thought sound bite that was the most dismaying element of this storm in an Affogato cup.

As Crikey reader Boris put it on the website, “This isn’t about ‘political correctness’ Naparstek, it’s about “having a clue what you’re talking about.”

Because The Monthly, you’re it. If you’re not insightful, surprising, and intellectually rigorous, then who will be? Without The Bulletin, without, well, any other regular magazine on our depleted newsstands, you are the only glossy thing going around that devotes time, talent and money to regularly publishing original Australian thought.

Don’t fuck it up.