Yes he did. After 20 years of failure, Barack Obama has pulled off what so many of his forebears could not: major health care reform in America.

Across the globe, the media has applauded this historic moment:

The Guardian, Michael Tomasky: Healthcare reform: political gap widens

The Times, Giles Whittell: This time change really is coming to America

Times of India, editorial: Obama scores politically

Globe and Mail, Konrad Yakabuski: Obama staked it all on health care – now he’s assured of his legacy

But in America itself, not everyone is breaking out the bubbly. Here’s how some of the big US dailies saw it today:

New York Times

Editorial: Health care reform, at last

Over time the reforms could bring about sweeping changes in the way medical care is delivered and paid for. They could ultimately rival Social Security and Medicare in historic importance.

Paul Krugman: Fear strikes out

… it is also a victory for America’s soul. In the end, a vicious, unprincipled fear offensive failed to block reform.

Washington Post

E. J. Dionne Jr: Yes, they made history

The passage of health-care reform provided the first piece of incontestable evidence that Washington has changed

Eugene Robinson: A glorious mess

Needed change must not be thwarted, even if some people find it hard to accept.

George F. Will: A battle won, but a victory?

The bill is a museum of hoary artifacts from liberalism’s attic.

Wall Street Journal

Editorial: The doctors of the house

This week’s votes don’t end our health-care debates. By making medical care a subsidiary of Washington, they guarantee such debates will never end.

La Times

Editorial: A historic first step

The path to a sustainable healthcare system is long and complex; Sunday’s vote was a good start.

USA Today

Editorial: Landmark health vote aids millions, leaves tough choices

Many lives will be saved. Many more will be improved.

Jim deMint: It must be repealed

I, and other Republicans, will work to repeal this monstrosity, and give Americans freedom to make their own health care choice

NY Post

Editorial: Bam’s big moment

Whether Obama and Pelosi can buy the American people as cheaply as they bought the House remains to be seen.