Policy Watch: Labor 2010 Election Promises


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Here’s Crikey’s detailed composition of Labor’s 2010 federal election campaign policies. The table immediately below shows the policies and the costings, including the total cost. Beneath the table is a more detailed measure of each individual policy.

Date Commitment Value over 4
years $m
Cost to budget
over 4 years $m
18-Jul Building Better Regional Cities 200 0
20-Jul National Trade Cadetship 3.1 3.1
21-Jul National Trade Cadetship work
experience places
25 25
23-Jul Community consensus on climate
9 0
23-Jul Connecting renewables initiative 100 0
23-Jul Renewable Energy Venture Capital
100 0
23-Jul Tourism 46 46
24-Jul Cleaner car rebate 394 394
25-Jul Cuts to renewables program 0 -520
25-Jul Tax Breaks for Green Buildings 180 0
25-Jul Fair Entitlements Guarantee 60.8 60.8
26-Jul Emergency department funding 96 0
27-Jul Moreton Bay rail link 742 0
27-Jul Action on suicide 277 277
27-Jul Perth water recycling 2.46 2.46
28-Jul Adelaide storn water harvesting 100 0
28-Jul Legal and family services 2 2
29-Jul Better Start for Children with
122 122
1-Aug MySuper 21.1 0
2-Aug Empowering Local Schools 71.9 71.9
2-Aug Supporting families with
668 668
2-Aug Savings 0 -60
2-Aug Savings 0 -300
3-Aug Mariners Sports Campus 10 10
4-Aug Better Access to Family Payments 54.4 54.4
5-Aug Townsville Ring Road 160 0
5-Aug High-speed rail feasibility study 20 20
5-Aug Inland rail route 4900 0
5-Aug Mary McKillop canonisation 1.5 1.5
6-Aug Essendon Football Club 6 6
7-Aug Delivering for seniors package 100 100
8-Aug School chaplains 222 222
8-Aug No school no play initiative 2 0
9-Aug Victorian College of Arts 20 20
9-Aug Better schools funding 482.1 482.1
9-Aug Non-profit sector 0 0
9-Aug Domestic violence campaign 44.5 44.5
10-Aug Teach Next 16.1 16.1
10-Aug MDBA 0 0
10-Aug Science for Australia’s Future
21 21
10-Aug Princes Highway duplication 257.5 0
11-Aug Connecting people with jobs 14.8 0
11-Aug Healthier start for school 0 0
11-Aug Snowy River flows 13.7 13.7
11-Aug Gladstone Port upgrade 50 50
11-Aug Parramatta-Epping rail link 2100 0
13-Aug Improved translation services for
the aged
5 5
13-Aug Apprenticeship bonus scheme 354 354
14-Aug Carbon farming initiative 45.6 45.6
14-Aug Green corridors plan 10 0
14-Aug Additional savings 0 -200
14-Aug Additional savings 0 -49.7
14-Aug Additional savings 0 -79.5
14-Aug Additional savings 0 -37.6
15-Aug Consumer credit reforms 0 0
15-Aug Investing in a creative Australia 10 5
16-Aug Connecting health services 392.3 392.3
18-Aug Financial literacy 10 10
18-Aug Additional savings -95 -95
19-Aug Emerging renewables 40 0
19-Aug Tasmanian forestry 20 20
19-Aug Paid paternity leave 146 146
Total 12,110.56 2304.06

Commitment: Paid paternity leave
Date: 19 August
Value $m over 4 years: $146m
Cost to budget: $146m
: Two weeks’ paid paternity leave
Further information: This funding will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Tasmanian forestry
Date: 19 August
Value $m over 4 years: $20m
Cost to budget: $20m
: “To help Tasmanian contractors and their employees respond to the challenges facing the Tasmanian forest industry”
Further information: This commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Emerging renewables
Date: 19 August
Value $m over 4 years: $40m
Cost to budget: $0
: Will “target the prototype and earlier demonstration stages of the innovation lifecycle” of renewables technologies
Further information: Funding already allocated

Commitment: Additional savings
Date: 18 August
Value $m over 4 years: -$95m
Cost to budget: -$95m
: Cuts to Carbon Capture and Storage Institute and desalination
Further information:

Commitment: Financial literacy
Date: 18 August
Value $m over 4 years: $10m
Cost to budget: $10m
: Maths curriculum to address financial literacy
Further information: Funding for this initiative will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Connecting health services
Date: 16 August
Value $m over 4 years: $392.3m
Cost to budget: $392.3m
: New Medicare item and capacity building for online consultations
Further information: This funding will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Investing in a creative Australia
Date: 15 August
Value $m over 4 years: $10m
Cost to budget: $5m
: New funding to Australia Council
Further information: This funding will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Consumer credit reforms
Date: 15 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: $0
: Range of measures affecting consumer credit
Further information: No cost ot Budget

Commitment: Additional savings
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: -$37.6m
: Reduce funding for “Retooling for Climate Change program
Further information:

Commitment: Additional savings
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: -$79.5m
: Ending duplication of funding sources to job services providers
Further information:

Commitment: Additional savings
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: -$49.7m
: Greater revenue through internal grant reporting
Further information:

Commitment: Additional savings
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: -$200m
: Green car innovation fund cut
Further information:

Commitment: Green corridors plan
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $10m
Cost to budget: $0
: Linking up national parks and reserves with well-managed private land
Further information: “Funding over the forward estimates has already been provided for in the Budget through the Renewable Energy Future Fund”

Commitment: Carbon farming initiative
Date: 14 August
Value $m over 4 years: $45.6m
Cost to budget: $0
: Facilitate accredited carbon offsets in agriculture
Further information: “Already included in the Budget, through the Renewable Energy Future Fund”

Commitment: Apprenticeship bonus scheme
Date: 13 August
Value $m over 4 years: $334m
Cost to budget: $334m
: Incentives for apprentices to complete apprenticeships
Further information: Funding unclear

Commitment: Improved translation services for the aged
Date: 13 August
Value $m over 4 years: $5m
Cost to budget: $5m
: Greater interpreter services in aged care
Further information: Funding not mentioned

Commitment: Parramatta-Epping rail link
Date: 11 August
Value $m over 4 years: $2.1b
Cost to budget: $0
: Construction to commence in 2014-15
Further information:

Commitment: Gladstone Port upgrade
Date: 11 August
Value $m over 4 years: $50m
Cost to budget: $50m
Further information: Funded via Regional Infrastructure Fund (MRRT)

Commitment: Snowy River flows
Date: 11 August
Value $m over 4 years: $13.7m
Cost to budget: $13.7m
: Repayment of Mowamba Viaduct “debt” to NSW
Further information: Funding for this project is already included in the Budget through the Sustainable Water Use and Infrastructure Program.

Commitment: Healthier start for school
Date: 11 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: $0
: Linking Family Tax Benefit A to health checks for children
Further information: No funding implications

Commitment: Connecting people with jobs
Date: 11 August
Value $m over 4 years: $14.8m
Cost to budget: $0
: Assistance for jobseekers to mrelocate to employment opportunities
Further information: These costs will be fully offset from unused quarantined funding under the Employment Pathway Fund that is already provided for in the Budget.

Commitment: Princes Highway duplication
Date: 10 August
Value $m over 4 years: $257.5m
Cost to budget: $0
: Project to start in 2014
Further information: Federal funding for planning of the project, up to $7 million, will come from cost savings from other projects in Victoria

Commitment: Science for Australia’s Future policy
Date: 10 August
Value $m over 4 years: $21m
Cost to budget: $21m
: Funding for “Inspiring Australia” program
Further information: Funding for this commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Teach Next
Date: 10 August
Value $m over 4 years: $16.1m
Cost to budget: $16.1m
: Attract professionals to education
Further information: Fully offset over Forward Estimates

Commitment: Domestic violence campaign
Date: 9 August
Value $m over 4 years: $44.5m
Cost to budget: $44.5m
: Range of new and expanded programs addressing domestic violence
Further information: Funding for this commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Non-profit sector
Date: 9 August
Value $m over 4 years: $0
Cost to budget: $0
: Range of measures to improve interaction between NGOs and Government
Further information: New commitments including Office within PM&C to be offset within Public Service

Commitment: Better schools funding
Date: 9 August
Value $m over 4 years: $482.1m
Cost to budget: $482.1m
: Funding for performance bonuses for schools and teachers and a new Baccalaureate curriculum
Further information: Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Victorian College of Arts
Date: 9 August
Value $m over 4 years: $20m
Cost to budget: $20m
: Increase in funding for VCA
Further information: Funding for this commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: No school no play initiative
Date: 8 August
Value $m over 4 years: $2m
Cost to budget: $0
: Implementation of anti-truancy initative
Further information: Funding allocated in the Budget

Commitment: School chaplains
Date: 8 August
Value $m over 4 years: $222m
Cost to budget: $222m
: Continuation of school chaplains program
Further information: Funding for this commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Delivering for seniors package
Date: 7 August
Value $m over 4 years: $100m
Cost to budget: $100m
: Measures relating to work income-pension interaction
Further information: Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Essendon Football Club
Date: 6 August
Value $m over 4 years: $6m
Cost to budget: $6m
: Contribution to funding for sporting and community Hub
Further information: Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Mary McKillop canonisation
Date: 5 August
Value $m over 4 years: $1.5m
Cost to budget: $1.5m
: Supporting the celebration of the canonisation of Mary McKillop
Further information: Funding not mentioned

Commitment: Inland rail route
Date: 5 August
Value $m over 4 years: $4.9b
Cost to budget: $0
: Construction of inland rail route to commence in 2014-15 over 8 years
Further information: Federal funding towards the construction works on this project will come from the next rounds of the Nation Building Program, commencing in 2014-15, beyond the forward estimates.

Commitment: High-speed rail feasibility study
Date: 5 August
Value $m over 4 years: $20m
Cost to budget: $20m
: Scoping study for feasibility and route of HSR network
Further information: Funding for this contribution will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Townsville Ring Road
Date: 5 August
Value $m over 4 years: $160m
Cost to budget: $160m
: Next stage of Townsville Ring Road
Further information: Funded via Regional Infrastructure Fund (MRRT)

Commitment: Better Access To Family Payments
Date: 3 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $54.4m
Cost to budget: $54.4m
: Advance payments for Family Tax Benefit A recipients
Further information: “Will be fully offset.”

Commitment: Mariners Sports Complex
Date: 3 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $10m
Cost to budget: $10m
: Sports complex on Central Coast
Further information:“Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates”

Commitment: Savings initiatives
Date: 2 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $0m
Cost to budget: -$360m
: Cuts to Government advertising and special dividend from Medibank Private
Further information:

Commitment: Supporting families with teenagers
Date: 2 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $668m
Cost to budget: $668m
: Changes to Family Tax Benefit A for older teenagers
Further information: “Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates”

Commitment: Empowering local schools
Date: 2 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $71.9m
Cost to budget: $71.9m
: Funding first tranche of schools principals of which will have greater management control
Further information: “Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates”

Commitment: My Super
Date: 1 Aug
Value $m over 4 years: $21.1m
Cost to budget: $0
Funding for APRA and ASIC for introduction of MySuper default super account
Further information: Cost to be met through industry levy

Commitment: Better start for children with disability
Date: 29 July
Value $m over 4 years: $122m
Cost to budget: $122m
Range of measures for children with disabilities and carers
Further information: Funding for this commitment will be fully offset over the forward estimates

Commitment: Legal and family services
Date: 28 July
Value $m over 4 years: $2m
Cost to budget: $2m
Extra funding for legal and family services in Melbourne
Further information: No funding source specified

Commitment: Adelaide stormwater harvesting projects
Date: 28 July
Value $m over 4 years: $100m
Cost to budget: $0m
Expansion of stormwater harvesting and reuse program
Further information: Funding “is drawn from the National Urban Water and Desalination Plan, already included in the Budget.”

Commitment: Perth Water recycling
Date: 27 July
Value $m over 4 years: $2.46m
Cost to budget: $2.46m
Co-funded recycling project with WA Government
Further information: Only funding information is “Funding will be provided under the Federal Labor Government’s National Urban Water and Desalination Plan.”

Commitment: Action on suicide
Date: 27 July
Value $m over 4 years: $277m
Cost to budget: $277m
4-part package to o tackle suicide and promote better mental health
Further information: “Funding for these investments will be fully offset over the forward estimates”

Commitment: Moreton Bay rail link
Date: 27 July
Value $m over 4 years: Funding will be $742m beyond Forward Estimates
Cost to budget:
Commonwealth to partner with state and local governments building a 12.6km rail link
Further information: Funding “to be made available from Nation Building Program 2, commencing in 2014-15, beyond the forward estimates.”

Commitment: Emergency department funding
Date: 26 July
Value $m over 4 years: 96
Cost to budget:
Funding for more doctors and nurses in emergency departments.
Further information: Funding allocated but not announced in budget.

Commitment: Fair Entitlements Guarantee
Date: 25 July
Value $m over 4 years: 60.8
Cost to budget:
Protection for workers’ entitlements beyond GEERS.
Further information: This funding will be fully offset over the forward estimates.

Commitment: Tax Breaks for Green Buildings
Date: 25 July
Value $m over 4 years:
Cost to budget:
Businesses that undertake capital works to improve the energy efficiency of their existing buildings will be able to apply for a one-off bonus tax deduction.
Further information:
Funding over the forward estimates has already been provided for in the Budget through the Renewable Energy Future Fund.
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: Cuts to renewable programs
Date: 25 July
Value $m over 4 years: 0
Cost to budget: -520
Cuts to Solar and CCS Flagships program and Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme.

Commitment: Cleaner car rebate
Date: 24 July
Value $m over 4 years: 394
Cost to budget:
$2000 rebate for trading in pre-1995 vehicle for new car.
Further information: This initiative will be funded from redirections across the forward estimates from the Solar and CCS Flagship programs and Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme.
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: Tourism
Date: 23 July
Value $m over 4 years: 46
Cost to budget: 46
A $40 million injection into the TQUAL Grants program and $6 million for the National Long Term Tourism Strategy
Further information: This funding will be fully offset over the forward estimates.
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund
Date: 23 July
Value $m over 4 years: 100
Cost to budget: 0
: Venture capital for renewable energy projects
Further information: $100m provided through Renewable Energy Future Fund

Commitment: Connecting renewables initiative
Date: 23 July
Value $m over 4 years: 100
Cost to budget: 0
: Connect renewable energy sources to electricity grid
Further information: $100m provided through Renewable Energy Future Fund
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: Community consensus on climate change
Date: 23 July
Value $m over 4 years: 9
Cost to budget: 0
Citizens’ assembly and climate commission
Further information: $9m provided through Renewable Energy Future Fund.
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: National Trade Cadetship work experience places
21 July
Value $m over 4 years:
Cost to budget: 25
Description: 50,000 work experience places as part of National Trade Cadetship.

Commitment: National Trade Cadetship
20 July
Value $m over 4 years:
Cost to budget:
Description: Pre-trade work readiness skills available via trades training centres.
Comments from stakeholders

Commitment: Building Better Regional Cities
18 July
Value $m over 4 years:
Cost to budget:
15 councils to receive $15m for housing infrastructure
Further information: $200m “reprioritised from existing housing funding”
Comments from stakeholders