Crikey world exclusive. Alexander Downer nude?

The Curse of Bob Ellis. Even more tedious and shambolic than Bob Ellis himself is his latest film Run Rabbit Run , an account of the South Australian ALP’s 2006 election walkover. Association with Ellis has already claimed two victims. SA’s Deputy Premier and Treasurer is in the poo with gay groups for a scene where he asks a staffer “Is that one of your p-ofter beers? F-cking hell.” And even the residents of the shallow bush grave capital of Australia are raising their eyebrows when they hear Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith, a former pathologist, saying: “I pine for bodies quite often. There is a joy in the simplicity and short-term satisfaction of a dead body.”

Long range forecast. Is Tom Switzer suggesting my fellow Sunday pundit Peter van Onselen is inconsistent? Yesterday, Peter said “I tend to go with what Centrebet says. Centrebet’s the best predictor for elections rather than opinion polls, and Centrebet is showing that the Labor Party’s well ahead. If I had to walk through a door and my life depended on it, I’d say that Kevin Rudd’s going to win the election.” The Oz’s Cut & Paste column cites that and a piece by van Onselen in Quarterly Essay where he says: “Unless there is a clear move on, Rudd is more likely to fall just short of, than just over, the line.” Van Onselen made the first comments yesterday. And the copy for Quarterly Essay was due in, er, January – when Rudd had been in the job for a few weeks.

The Minister and Monash and an ethical issue. In the light of the revelations in today’s Fairfax broadsheets, is Monash University going to amend its Prominent Alumni pages? As they stand, they don’t reflect well on the credibility of the University or – its Ethics Department.

Watch where you put your posters. Spotted in Eastwood, in the heart of Bennelong, last weekend: