The ethics of ageing. Joy Sezer is soon to turn seventy and in excellent health. But, she writes to Spiked Online, she doesn’t want to be part of “that horrible-sounding ‘ageing time bomb’”. Ethan Greenhart ponders “the monstrous enormity of the monstrous carbuncle that is an ever longer-living human population.”
It’s Ladybird, but know as you knew it. At a loss for ways to explain the modern policeman to young children? The Ladybird Book of the Policeman (as adapted by SEO Rant) could be the answer. From mounted police to terrorist threats, police procedures are demystified: Whenever there is an accident or a fire, policemen are there. This is just a coincidence – it is not because the policemen are responsible. Police officers only cause the same number of accidents and fires as everyday people.
What a rack! The Rosenbach Museum & Library in the US, according to Humanities, is “strange and sprawling, weird and wondrous, an adjective-exhausting collection,” from Thomas Jefferson’s handwritten lists of his slaves and William Blake’s original prints to Maurice Sendak’s original sketches of Where the Wild Things Are. The museum will soon host the largest exhibition ever held of Sendak’s work.
Wanted – the new Fight Club? Jim Ridley at The Village Voice writes, “Of the summer’s many revenge-of-the-nerd fulfillment fantasies—from The Incredible Hulk all the way down the megaplex food chain to The Foot Fist Way—Wanted stands the best chance of dislodging Fight Club from fanboys’ Facebook pages.”
That Sendak exhibition at the Rosenbach Museum is amazing! They have a great Sendak interview on YouTube too: