I can’t help feeling that Danny Katz lasted about eight years too long, pushing the same Dave Barry-esque pablum week after week. And as for his wearying use of the capital letter as a “humorous” device, the less said the better. What should truly be a source of great sadness for humour writing fans in both Melbourne and Sydney is that my place in the Good Weekend magazine ends on 9 April – after five extremely non-repetitive, wildly inventive, boundary-pushing and unproariously hyperbolic years as Australia’s most side-splittingly funny columnist and occasional self-promoter. (Editor Judith Whelan told me that they’re re-designing the back page and the new version won’t include me or Jonathan Biggins.)

I can only hope that the outpouring of grief when the news reaches the p-at-l (public-at-large) will be such that readers will have the good sense to demand my reinstatement over Mr Katz’s. But I’m sure they won’t – the fools!