BBC World Service have been conducting street interviews with Cairenes: it is thrilling to hear them speak; youthful voices totally at home in English.

Mina Mustafa: “I was blank, I was blank for a little bit, and then I started screaming, the ground beneath me was shaking. It went insane.”

A young man: “… they killed our ambitions and our dreams … It’s like we’ve found our old identity back.”

Right: This remarkable photo from Al Jazeera, mulched on the previous post.

Tugani: “It was a day out of our logic, we were all filled. Like you say in England, we were chuffed to bits. Huge! And then we heard a rumour that the army has … dissolved the parliament and to appoint the head of the supreme constitutional court as the president of the republic. Until now there has been no official declaration  … but if that’s true that would make us really really chuffed to bits.”

Kareem: “I’m feeling awesome … we’ve been having party all night, all day, I couldn’t sleep because I was so happy … it is amazing … I just go back to the house to do some stuff and I heard Suleiman say that the President had stepped down and we went crazy, and we opened the windows and started screaming … and we went running back to Tahrir and we started dancing … the police, they were happy, singing … everyone is dancing, singing. We went back to the house and had our own party, a revolution party.”

Mohammed in the square with his two young daughters: “They were dancing, everyone is dancing, it was like in soccer, woowoowoo, everyone is singing ‘Liberation!’, the girls were singing ‘We’re free, we’re free!’ … Today, well, today the first thing I wanted to do was set an example. Egyptians are very good at…we always blame the corrupt regime. But the ball is in our court right now. We have to work, we have to produce. So at nine o’clock I was at the office working.”

Also raised were questions about the military takeover; and in an antidote to the full-out euphoria, the interviewer connects several people to have an argument about the rights and wrongs of removing Mubarak. Besam: “I’m not happy, I’m not sad, I have mixed feelings … I respect President Mubarak … for me he is a leader, he did many good things, he did many bad things, he is a human being … I’m worried about the military situation … he is now gone, we must face reality.”