Following the recent cancellation of ‘Hadley’, Sky News is launching the weekly political chat show ‘Richo’, featuring Graham Richardson. This was reported in The Australian on Tuesday, but I must have been distracted by something shiny after the first paragraph and missed the announcement.

Depending on the tone of the show, this may well turn out to be one of the more engaging shows on either of the news channels.  Of course, this depends heavily on ones tolerance level of Graham Richardson.


Former ALP powerbroker Graham Richardson talks politics, business and the latest news in RICHO – a brand new live weekly talk program that demonstrates it IS all about who you know.
Premieres Wednesday, February 23 at 8pm  only on SKY NEWS

SKY NEWS, Australia’s News Channel, today announced that former Labor senator and minister, Graham “Richo” Richardson will give viewers a weekly view inside the corridors of power and dissect the country’s biggest issues in Richo – premiering Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm (Qld time).

Not one to shy away from commentating on either side of politics, Richo plans to enlist all manners of political and media friends and foes to help explore what is really occurring behind our countries political promises, falters and fiascoes.

“Politics doesn’t have to be boring. There will definitely be serious issues that will need to be addressed but this show will be about informing and entertaining. It will be a mix of light-hearted commentary but with all the facts.” said Richardson.

The hour long show, Richo’s first, will also examine upcoming events including what he believes is one of our country’s most dramatic state elections, when New South Wales residents head to the polls on March 26.

RICHO will premiere on SKY News on Wednesday, February 23 at 8pm.