Bet somebody feels pretty silly with their new “Winner” tattoo. Unless, of course, said person does remarkably well out of the inevitable lawsuit that is set to follow.

Deadline report that Charlie Sheen has now officially been fired from Two & A Half Men. Last week Warner Bros began lawyering up with the hire of attorneys Ron Olson and John Spiegel, which indicates that Warners have been looking for a way out throughout most of this PR mess.

With Sheen being fired and no mention of a show cancellation, Two & A Half Men looks like it will continue. It’ll be interesting how they write Charlie Sheen out of the show. I doubt they’ll kill the character off, with an out of town job or shotgun wedding likely. There are many shows in which the lead actor has been written out of the show. Comparisons to Spin City aren’t quite valid as there was a handover period in which the Michael J Fox character somewhat gave his blessing to Charlie Sheens character. Charlie Sheen certainly won’t be making an appearance on the new-look show to hand over to the new series lead.

An injection of new blood into Two & A Half Men will either invigorate the show, keeping it on the air for several years to come. Or the show will crash as an epic failure. With Sheens dead-eye, soulless performance being a key part of that shows success (no, really), his replacement will be one of the more interesting TV moves in 2011.