Let’s pick on Labor leader Kevin Rudd.

We all know the Kevster likes rhetorical questions. Here he is interviewing himself.

Had you noticed that Rudd’s tongue moves like a lizard’s?

Then of course there was the toffee-voiced Chaser take on Kev a few months back.

Ok, it’s a stretch. How about we let Tim Blair do the work for us. From his eponymous blog:

Latest in the Great Debate Debate: Rudd demands debate referee

Does he think John Howard will hit him? Will he ask for “debate security” next? Debate Kevlar? Cheerful Kevin, the circlefaced self-interviewing car-dweller who only a few weeks ago was “happy to debate Mr Howard whenever he wants to debate me”, now imagines himself to be in charge of debate rules: The Labor leader is demanding that three debates be held over the six weeks of the campaign.

I can’t recall any Australian election that has featured three debates. Rudd is calling for the replication of recent US practice, drooling slave to America that he is.

Coming soon – campaign bite-sized meaty chunks that are blatantly unfair to John Howard.