The press are rolling around in what they’ve dubbed the imminent demise of Hillary Clinton. In fact, The Guardian is saying that she lost the democratic nomination two weeks ago…

Clinton’s no Tracy Flick: Clinton’s operation looked a lot more disciplined when she was the prohibitive front-runner. But explanations are not excuses, and it’s growing increasingly hard for Clinton to argue that her experience and electoral discipline set her apart when the largest organization she’s ever run—this campaign—is listing so badly and exhibiting a reality so far from the rhetoric. In her speech tonight, Clinton launched her broadside against Obama by saying that “while words matter, the best words in the world aren’t enough unless you match them with action.” The problem for her is that Obama has matched his words with actions, fulfilled his promises with votes. It’s her campaign that rests on an increasingly precarious foundation of words and that needs to demonstrate results to match its rhetoric. — The American Prospect

She lost it two weeks ago: We didn’t know it at the time, but February 6 was the day when there began a big blank gap on the Clinton campaign calendar. Because her team of battle-tested veterans failed to plan for much of anything after Super Tuesday. We now know that the Clinton campaign blew so much of its cash on the February 5 multi-state primary that it had little left in the tank for what was to follow, forcing the candidate to loan herself $5m and spend valuable time last night on television trying to raise more. — Richard Adams, The Guardian

The cheeseheads have spoken: There are fancier (or gentler) ways of interpreting it, but what the hearty souls who braved the subfreezing temperatures to cast their votes from Milwaukee to Menomonie announced was this: Virginia and Maryland weren’t anomalies; Barack Obama has the Big Mo; and Hillary Clinton is close to being forced from the stage by another lady — the fat one who likes to sing. — Heilemann, Daily Intelligencer, New York Magazine

Things are looking grim for Hillary: This marks the second straight week that Obama made inroads into Clinton’s base, powerful evidence of a national shift in mass opinion among Democrats. And Obama’s win came in spite of a concerted push by Clinton, who blitzed the state with negative ads and personal campaign appearances, against a backdrop of last-minute accusations of plagiarism against Obama. — New York Observer

The Obama delusion: Political candidates routinely indulge in exaggeration, pandering, inconsistency and self-serving obscurity. Clinton and McCain do. The reason for holding Obama to a higher standard is that it’s his standard and also his campaign’s central theme. He has run on the vague promise of “change,” but on issue after issue — immigration, the economy, global warming — he has offered boilerplate policies that evade the underlying causes of the stalemates. These issues remain contentious because they involve real conflicts or differences of opinion. — Robert Samuelson, The Washington Post

Old v new McCain: (McCain) now finds himself in a new and foreign role: party leader and peacemaker. For the former navy cadet who finished nearly last in his class and first in demerits, and the senator who delighted in declaring that he would never win a “Miss Congeniality” award from his colleagues, this is new turf indeed. The old John McCain might have told Mike Huckabee to get lost, and in no uncertain terms. The new John McCain professes “respect” for his foe and disclaims any intention to chase him out of the race. — The New York Observer

Don’t diss hope: The Clintonites say that Obama is peddling “false hopes.” They suggest that the fervor of the crowds at his rallies is somehow “creepy,” as though his followers are like a herd of sheep who would follow Obama off a cliff. But Obama is clearly touching a nerve in America’s body politic–a pent-up idealism that seeks not utopia but simply a more decent society. Obama can recite his list of policy prescriptions as well as, perhaps even better than, most politicians. But he also views this campaign as an opportunity to praise and promote the organizers and activists on the front lines of grassroots movements and to explain what it will take to bring about change. — The Nation

McCain’s perception problem: During his current campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. McCain has played down his attacks on the corrupting power of money in politics, aware that the stricter regulations he championed are unpopular in his party. When the Senate overhauled lobbying and ethics rules last year, Mr. McCain was not among the leaders in the debate. — The New York Times